Yesterday, 09:47 AM
What the hell does that have to do with school shootings? Answer, absolutely positively nothing. That said, HBCUs don't have to deal with teacher's unions. I remember when Don Seigalman was running for governer of Alabama at the time. He actually showed up at my HBCU and nobody was there but me. So he asked me what I would like to see happen for our state. I told him "Do something about K-12 education." He was like "I hadn't thought about that. That's a good idea." He ended up running on an education platform, got elected, and tried to do statewide education reform. The teachers union, which was run by white Paul Hubbard, killed the plan. Mr. Hubbard later ran for governor himself and (thankfully) lost. Most of the Birmingham city K-12 schools are black with an almost completely black student body and almost completely black staff. Why is that? Because the white people broke off from Birmiingham, have their own schools, mayors, police force etc. They thought they were being smart, but they were really being stupid. Matt Collins posted a video recently about the differnces economically between Nashville and Memphis and one of the key differences is Nashville, like Atlanta, has a countywide metropolitian government where as Memphis is a city with a lot of surrounding smaller cities split mostly among racial lines that duplicate all of the services and siphon off the tax base. So Birmingham all black city schools suck and Memphis all black city schools suck. My cousin was a principal at one of those all black schools, ironically named "Robert E. Lee middle school", and through a series of innovations she managed to have her school lbe the only Birmingham school on grade level that was not a magnet school or a charter school. And she had to deal with the teacher's union crap too. So, your question simply isn't intelligent. What you crave so badly, segregated schools, already exists in much of the south. If a black family happens to move into a neighborhood with a mostly white public school, by law their children can't be kept out, but you don't have a lot of white families moving in to the inner city. Even poor whites typically go for trailers in rural areas, though I have met poor whites in the projects at least in Nashville. When I drove the church van at one point I was picking up a members of a poor white family in the projects and them to a black church and yet I noticed they had a confederate flag in their living room. It takes all kinds I guess. Some chick in HS who wanted to date me didn'r realize how much she turned me off with her confedate flag waving. I guess you can be thankful I don't have some mixed race kids like Clarence Thomas. Oh wait. He only had a child with his black wife. I guess he's okay.
I haven't had time to go through all of those records but the vast majority of them don't have race. But again that has nothing to do with school shootings. But I get it. You're being defensive over the fact that most school shooters are white people and you're wanting to fall back on black gang bangers killing each other as if that's somehow equivalent. Okay. White gang leaders Vladimir Putin and Vladimir Zelensky have killed an estimated 500,000 white people comibined in their stupid war. And Adolf Hitler killed millions of white people. World War 1 was started by white people. World War 2 was started by white people, though Asians dragged America in. And yes the black Hutus killed hundreds of thousands of black Tutsis but they were armed by the white French. People suck. But some people shoot up schools more than others.
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