02-09-2025, 06:24 PM
Well..considering that the pistol brace ban didn't not get passed after the ATF rule got struck down by the courts it seems the answer is no.
The administrative state clown car drives much faster.
Agencies regulate through a combination of the legislative, executive, and judicial functions by issuing rules with the force of law, policing those rules, and adjudicating their enforcement. In 2021, for example, the Biden administration issued 3,257 regulations with the force and effect of law, whereas Congress passed 81 laws during that time. The last available year for comprehensive data about administrative adjudications is 2013, when the five busiest agencies convened 1,351,342 executive branch tribunals; that same year, there were 57,777 total cases (civil and criminal) filed in the U.S. district and appellate courts.
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