Here is my take on healthcare:
A person goes to the doctor and doctor says, "you are borderline diabetic and obese. If you don't change your diet you will be a diabetic. Medication to treat diabetes costs around $3,000 per month and your insurance will not cover it because they will consider this a preventable disease by simply changing your diet. Same goes for your high blood pressure and high cholesterol."
I would not agree with anyone that thinks cutting waste is a bad idea. Thus Government operating efficiently is a good idea. I would be pleased if Government cut Spending!
The thing about Libertarians is nothing is ever good. I think cutting spending was Ron Pauls message since forever. Now we have high profile people, the American people, and Congress all getting slammed with Government waste. Anybody that thought cutting spending was a good idea before should be hopeful now.
I read a comment yesterday that I thought was interesting.
If Trump investigates 2020 and it is proven that the election was rigged/stolen and Biden was an illegitimate President, would the pardons stand?
Imagine they will probably have to unlock all of them and move them where they belong and then lock them again. There were several of those trains of carts scattered around the lot. Actually smart idea for the guy to get his quarter back. Just stick it into the closest cart you can find.
I went to Aldi today and noted that they have a problem. People decided to leave their cart in the parking lot. Then other people hitched their carts to the ones left out there and now there are trains of hitched carts all over the parking lot.
The reality is that for thousands of years opiates were not a problem and neither were those that used them. It wasn't the drugs that were the problem but society that made them illegal. The world would be a different place if people could grow their own poppies and harvest their own opium.
I think it is less complicated than all that.
People don't work because they have no need to work. They can live relatively comfortably without working. They are supported by someone else.
Obviously he left and was not happy. The guy was a constant for a long time. I am confident that he didn't leave without expressing his issue with the powers that be.
So you are degrading half the population.
I have no issues with women. Getting laid was never a problem and I think honesty and integrity works with any real relationship.
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