11-10-2024, 04:44 PM
It comes down to a single word. Fear. I have a friend who went from pro choice when we were in our 20s even though she believed abortion at conception was murder, to pro-life when we were in or 40s to back to pro choice in our 50s. Her reason for going back to pro choice? Serena Williams almost died having her first child. So, in my friend's mind, women need an off ramp. It's not just imminent death from a pregnancy gone wrong but possible death later on. That doesn't make sense to me, but I'm not a woman. Remember some years ago when Angelina Jolie cut off her breasts to prevent the possibility of breast cancer? Yeah....that doesn't make sense to me either. I do think more needs to be done to prevent maternal mortality, especially among black women. (It's like at third world levels and it even affects wealthy black women like Serena Williams). Ultimately the only way to have zero risk of maternal mortality is to go the Walter Block "evictionism" route, so that women who are totally parnoid about death by childbirth can remove all of their eggs early on, freeze them and then grow the children they want later in artificial wombs.
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