• jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 06:58 PM
    :rolleyes: That's got nothing to do with race. My kids went to an all black school K-4 and an overwhelmingly white school 5 - 12 and had good teachers both times. I think sometimes you forget I'm actually black and know what I'm talking about but okay. The black school didn't have any male teachers at all except the band teacher and the basketball coach / P.E. teacher. There are also black transgenders so it's possible to get a black transgender teacher, though not at the sort of private Christian schools I we sent our children to so your whole "tranny" argument has no relevance. Edit: And for the record the white school my kids went to did a better job at nipping bullying in the bud than the black school, though it did improve after they left with a different principal. In reality having a good principal is a necessary and sufficient condition for having a good school. Edit 2: But I have to ask. If the ONLY choice that YOU were given for a principal for your child's school was a black conservative Christian or a white liberal, would you still pick the white liberal? To be fair I won't say a white transgender because you already said you want segregation by sexual orientation too. Thomas Sowell verses George Stephanopolus or Bill Clinton. Those are your only options.
    83 replies | 1814 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 06:10 PM
    I thought you were trying to stop school shooting? But I guess that's just a smokescreen. :rolleyes: Got it.
    83 replies | 1814 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 04:50 PM
    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Brian4Liberty again.
    83 replies | 1814 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 04:48 PM
    The freshmen kids at the "Christian" school I went to who put a stop to the bullying by threatening to fight back were white so your "solution" of segregation is BS. I have a better idea. Segregate the bullies. (As in kick them out of school). Problem solved.
    83 replies | 1814 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 06:18 AM
    Didn't we just recently have the biggest drop in the stock market since 2008?
    12 replies | 319 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 06:17 AM
    Politics is like the weather. The best you can hope for is a 5 day forecast. I didn't know Hillary was in trouble until election day when Barack Obama said "No matter what happens, the sun is going to come up tomorrow." I was like "What the hell?" Hillary had a $1 million victory clelebration planned with fireworks and everything.
    12 replies | 319 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 06:15 AM
    I just found out that Israel has also killed Americans living in the West Bank. But of course that isn't being talked about. Here's the latest of an American protestor being shot dead by Israeli soldires in the West Bank. https://apnews.com/article/american-shot-killed-west-bank-israel-palestinians-b2f1c741cea3d56eb1a339240dbf036e
    12 replies | 319 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 06:11 AM
    Okay. Let's assume for a minute he's gay. And? He didn't shoot people because he's gay. He shot people because he was bullied. I recently posted a story of parents suing the Chelsae Alabama high school because their son committed suicide because he was buillied. The parents asked prior to the suicide to allow remote education and were denied. Someone should have at least told them that free homeschooling was an option. Anyway, being bullied seems to be a pattern in a lot of these school shootings. I was bullied at the private Christian boarding acadaemy I went to. You couldn't put a Van Halen poster on your dorm wall because "rock music is of the devil", but one kid had a KKK cartoon on the wall. I still remember it. I could probably sktech it out and that's over 30 years ago. And no that's nto all that happened but I don't feel like reliving that crap. The bullying only stopped several years later when some freshmen, the normal targets of the bullying, decided to fight back and let it be known that the would. So finally the boys dean, who had before say this as all "fun and games" made it clear that it would no longer be tollerated and just like that it stopped. Of course you can't stop everything. The bullying I experienced was physical. Kids are now deleting themselves, and others, over words. In some cases the words are posted online. I'm not sure what the answer to that is. The private academy I went to was small. Maybe 120 to 160 kids max. The boys dean could stop the physical bullying with just a word. I'm not sure what you do with the modern mini-city high schools with thousands of students jammed in them.
    83 replies | 1814 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 05:48 AM
    You are, of course, 100% correct. But I keep running into people who reflexively think "More guns in the school equals more crime." I seriously heard someone I know say that. I had a elderly cousin who back in the 1950s when she taught high school would put her pistol on her desk every day. I have another cousin who recently retired as a principal who got the FBI civilian training and took a gun to school and hired military vets to work as janitors or cooks and secretly double as school security. And when I bring this up with members of my family who can't see the "arm the teachers" argument, they say "But that's differnt. I trust so and so." Okay. So you trust random strangers to have access to your children were, if they're really evil, they could molest them or stab them to death with a school kitchen knife, but heaven forbid they actually have a means to stop a mass shooting because you don't trust them? SMH.
    83 replies | 1814 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 05:41 AM
    Yeah. Who would believe that was anything but a political assassination? No subtlety there. Guaranteed hot civil war as opposed to the current cold civil war. The U.S. Secret Service would by law have to be in prison with him. Your reasonging for why the assassination plot wasn't better done is plausible deniability. An actual Navy SEAL or Delta Force sniper wouldn't have missed the second shot after only grazing the ear with the first. So why not put one of your best on the job? Plausible deniability in case he gets caught? I can see that. ANd they kind of sort of shifted the blame to Iran. What plausibie deniability would there be to Trump being suicided in prison with the Secret Service? And yeah I know one Democrat tried to strip his Secret Service but that wouldn't have passed.
    267 replies | 22586 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:34 PM
    Mental exercise. Can you imagine a single voter who's planning to vote for Trump post conviction that would be discouraged from voting for him if he got sentenced and/or imprisoned prior to the election? Because I can't.
    267 replies | 22586 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:47 PM
    Why are you bringing up reperations when that isn't the topic? And I'm not a Democrat so you're just being ridiculous. How many liberal democrats support arming teachers? Back on reaprations since you brought that up. Nazi companies Ford and GM got reprations as a reward for their treason in Wolrd War 2. Japanese Americans got reperations for internment camps that actually had some justification considering that there were Japanese civilian spies who scouted out Pearl Harbor. And yet black people who survived the Tusla massacre can't get reparations when they are still alive?. So no. Reparations aren't simply about money for slavery for people who weren't slaves. That's a red herring. Back to the topic at hand. What is your actual plan? Do you have one? Or is this just a talking point? Are you planning on screening every potential mass shooter and locking them up ahead of time pre-crime style? Make sure they're all properly medicated? Which medicane? Some meidcations can cause some people (young men in particular) to become suicidal and/or homicidal. Hey, I know. We'll just take their guns away once the government has property screened them. Oh wait. That's going to cover a lot of vets with PTSD. Like the PTSD vet that Chris Kyle took to the gun range for "shooting therapy" only to be shot and killed by him. (That vet killed only killed two people so it wasn't a mass shooting). Really, while making sure mental health available is a good thing in general, it's got nothing to do with stopping mass shootings unless you're willing to actually start violating the civil rights of the people that you think might do a mass shooting. No amount of counseling or thearpy or meds can guarantee that someone who really has mental health issues won't turn violent. I know. I have a sibling that works as a mental health nurse and a relative with mental health problems. People with violent mental health issues are like people with cancer. The best you can say is "They're in remission." What can stop mass shootings at the places people actually care about? Hardening tragets and shortening response times. The Uvalde shooter was given 4 hours to kill as many kids as he wanted to. The Nashville shooter was dead 7 minutes from the time the 911 call was placed. The Ulvalde shooter was able to get into a side door that had been propped open for reasons I don't know. The Nashville shooter shot her way in through the glass front doors. Simply putting shatter resistant film on the doors would have slowed her down long enough that the police might have gotten there before she made her way inside.
    83 replies | 1814 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:57 AM
    What's there to guess? This gets talked about on the news like all the time? If you can't figure out that New York, California and New Jersey are going to go blue and Albama, Tennessee and Missisppi are going to go red then I don't know what to say. I sincerely doubt that anybody who took the time to actually consider a third party candidate like RFK Jr. didn't know whether or not they were in a swing state before he even started running for office.
    6 replies | 203 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:52 AM
    I'm not a fan of her intro either but Anti Federalist is right. Recently she's been on fire with unassailable facts that strike at the heart of the people really running things. I'd love to see Candace Owens interview Whitney Webb.
    12 replies | 355 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:50 AM
    Sure. Rabbi Schmuley has been attacking Candace Owens for 2 years now. He finally debated her on Piers Morgan. The highlights of that debate are: 1) Schmuley got busted lying about what Candace said about Hitler. At 4:12 in he lies about what she said, Piers Morgan offers to play the clip, RS tries to talk over Piers on Piers own show and then Piers insists on playing the clip and RS drops his head in shame. Candace then goes on to explain what she was really saying, RS tries to interject his lies again and she shuts him down. 2) At 10:52 Candace introduces the next clip where she talks about a CBS News report about Israel giving safe harbor to pedophiles. RS tries to claim she's lying. She starts reading from the actual report. RS tries to talk over her and claim she can't name "the padophile." She goes on to name multiple pedophiles from the article and then RS tries to attack her for reading from the article! Mind = blown at how easily RS can lie. 3) At 19:45 Candace starts discussing RFK Jr. First she thanks him for his great work on vaccines and health freedom. But then she goes on with the problems with RFK JR, starting with him departing from his antiwar stance, which his has with Ukraine, to his full throated support of Israel's war in Gaza. 21:15 is the clip of the intereview with lbiertarian podcaster Dave Smith where RFK Jr. not ony backs everything that Israel is doing, but refuses to acknowledge the corrupting influence of AIPAC in politics. 4) At 27:45 Candace talks about RFK Jr's attack on her. At the beginning of her debate with RS, Candace quoted from a book, written by a Jewish holocaust survior who happened to also care about Palestinian rights, regarding radical JUdaism. Apperently there was a rabbi who pawned himself off as the messiah and went around saying that non Jews had a demonic soul and Jews and a heavenly soul and Jews created everything in the world because they are one with God and everything should thank them for its existence. RS didn't address this in the debate with Piers Morgan but RFK JR. attacked her statements as "antisemeitic" and said his father knew this "messianic Rabbi" and was basically arguing that he was beyond criticism.
    12 replies | 355 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:26 AM
    Well I quit supporting RFK Jr when he went all in on Israel and couldn't bring himself to criticize AIPAC. Still I'm curious as what's the piont of a RFK Jr. supporter voting for Trump in very red states like Alabama and Tennessee where Trump is absolutely going to win anyway. Unless the hope is to make sure Trump wins the popular vote too this time for symbolic reasons.
    6 replies | 203 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:20 AM
    Well at least she's against one big government (the U.S.) funding another big government (Israel) while the latter is committing geoncide and protecting pedophiles from extradiction. Which, unfortunately, is more than I can say for RFK Jr. at this point. I had forgotten about that cringe interview where RFK Jr paused to make up a lame response to the question about AIPAC's influsence over the government.
    12 replies | 355 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:18 AM
    Except you're 100% ignoring the fact that the people being helped were already reliant on welfare and then they and their children are reaching a point where they aren't reliant on anybody. Everyone gets help from somebody at somepoint. The "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" nonsense is just that, nonsense. How many lives have you changed with your "help?" How many people graduated high school who wouldn't have without your "help?" Yeah you may have given a homeless person a sandwich. Good for you! But I'm not impressed.
    83 replies | 1814 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:03 AM
    Putin was willing to negotiate back in 2022.
    5 replies | 254 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:57 AM
    Trucks? You call this ugly monstrosity a truck?
    48 replies | 846 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:54 AM
    Those that finish high school, go on to college, avoid getting a criminal record etc are set on a path of self reliance. Sorry but your argument makes absolutely no sense. It sounds like you don't ever want anyone to help anybody. That's not libertarian. I don't know what you call it but it's not libertarion or agorist or whatever. The people in Tangelo Park Florida were reliant on the welfare state and many were headed to prison. That's been turned around for a lot of people. There is no negative here.
    83 replies | 1814 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:51 AM
    Like Candace, I in general like RFK Jr for his work on health freedom and seeming antiwar stance but was shocked over his rabid support of Israel. But seeing him come to bat for Rabbi Schumley this all kind of makes sense.
    12 replies | 355 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:48 AM
    Okay. The strings attached in this case is for the teachers to get the bonuses their students needed to show improvement and for the students to get college scholarships they had to actually a) graduate and b) apply for college. There may have been some other "strings" like don't get arrested and maintain a certain GPA. There doesn't seem to be any strings to the free childcare he gave away. So......what's the corruption you're concerned about?
    83 replies | 1814 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:44 AM
    Meh. Democrats will counter that Republicans don't want to spend the money to fully fund government mental health and......they're right. Besides, there have always been crazy people willing to kill someone for no particular reason going back to Cain killing Able (or caveman Og killing caveman Zog). What mades the difference when the actual shooting occurs is if there is someone on site who can actually respond to the threat.
    83 replies | 1814 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:34 AM
    It's Elon Musk's money to do with it as he sees fit. The only problem that I have is to the extent that he got it from goverment "billionaire welfare" like EV subsidies. I feel a little less bothered about SpaceX because the gubmint was going to pay someone to launch it's sattlelites and his company so far is doing it cheaper and better than NASA and Boeing. And I don't give a rats ass who donates what to who. People have a right to do that. Seriously you're confusing. But initiially I wasn't even talking about billionaire Elon Musk. I was talking about a millionaire who put his own money where his mouth is and got good results. Do you have anything to say about that positive or negative?
    83 replies | 1814 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:46 AM
    Yeah....let's talk about all of our pet social issues. Everything except what really matters which is how to prevent these tragedies. Colin Noir has a good handle on that. They want gun confiscation when the real answer is good guys with guns in schools. Nobody is talking about this, but school resource officers stopped the shooter before he could kill more than 4 people. Not all schools can afford resource officers. That's why Tennessee initially passed a teacher's carry bill specifically for districts that couldn't afford it. The one passed this year extends to all schools. But both bills require the local sherriff, principal and school board to sign off and getting all of them to agree has in the past proven to be difficult.
    83 replies | 1814 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 07:40 PM
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 03:18 PM
    Here's an interesting use case. Apperently the blood of birds who take Ivermectin may be fatal to the moquito that carries West Nile Virus. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37348378/ Predicted reduction in transmission from deployment of ivermectin-treated birdfeeders for local control of West Nile virus Karen M Holcomb 1, Chilinh Nguyen 2, Nicholas Komar 3, Brian D Foy 4, Nicholas A Panella 3, Marissa L Baskett 5, Christopher M Barker 6 Affiliations Expand PMID: 37348378 PMCID: PMC10529638 DOI: 10.1016/j.epidem.2023.100697 Abstract Ivermectin (IVM)-treated birds provide the potential for targeted control of Culex mosquitoes to reduce West Nile virus (WNV) transmission. Ingestion of IVM increases mosquito mortality, which could reduce WNV transmission from birds to humans and in enzootic maintenance cycles affecting predominantly bird-feeding mosquitoes and from birds to humans. This strategy might also provide an alternative method for WNV control that is less hampered by insecticide resistance and the logistics of large-scale pesticide applications. Through a combination of field studies and modeling, we assessed the feasibility and impact of deploying IVM-treated birdfeed in residential neighborhoods to reduce WNV transmission. We first tracked 105 birds using radio telemetry and radio frequency identification to monitor their feeder usage and locations of nocturnal roosts in relation to five feeder sites in a neighborhood in Fort Collins, Colorado. Using these results, we then modified a compartmental model of WNV transmission to account for the impact of IVM on mosquito mortality and spatial movement of birds and mosquitoes on the neighborhood level. We found that, while the number of treated lots in a neighborhood strongly influenced the total transmission potential, the arrangement of treated lots in a neighborhood had little effect. Increasing the proportion of treated birds, regardless of the WNV competency status, resulted in a larger reduction in infection dynamics than only treating competent birds. Taken together, model results indicate that deployment of IVM-treated feeders could reduce local transmission throughout the WNV season, including reducing the enzootic transmission prior to the onset of human infections, with high spatial coverage and rates of IVM-induced mortality in mosquitoes. To improve predictions, more work is needed to refine estimates of daily mosquito movement in urban areas and rates of IVM-induced mortality. Our results can guide future field trials of this control strategy.
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 03:15 PM
    And horse paste comes in apple flavor.
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