I doubt that this shat-show moved the needle one way or the other.
Half of 'murika want to make America an Izraeli owned Zimbabwe.......
The other half want a police state and total fealty to Izrael.
Reminds of one of the final scenes in Camp of the Saints.
The setting is a meat packing plant, on the night that million Indian invaders beached their fleet on the French Rivera.
All of France is in an uproar as browns of every stripe rise up against the white ruling class.
The scene here is at a meat packing plant, where previously the owners had hailed immigrant workers over the native Frenchmen.
The first such crime was a model of the genre.
Reminds of one of the final scenes in Camp of the Saints.
The setting is a meat packing plant, on the night that million Indian invaders beached their fleet on the French Riveria.
All of France internally is in an uprising, as browns of every sort rise up against the white ruling class.
The owner of this plant was quoted earlier as being fond of the cheap labor and work ethic of the invaders over the native Frenchmen.
We join the them at the abattoir...
Yes, it's called a fait accompli.
Deny such and such is happening.
Discredit you with names and slurs if you notice it's happening.
Announce "it has happened" once it is done.
NY Times/Sienna came out with a poll yesterday that showed Trump was up 2% in the popular vote and winning all the swing states.
Kamala needs about a 3% lead in the popular vote to comfortably win the electoral college. 2% in her favor would be neck and neck electorally, so with Trump in the lead that signals a pretty good pounding in the electoral college.
Prediction: Trump will win all 3 debates but the MSM will say the opposite and continue to show she’s winning in every poll no matter how horrible her debate performance is.
Not sure why you’re laughing. By no metric should this even be a close race. You probably think this is some elaborate 3D chess plan by Trump. Make the election close so that it puts the Democrats in a false sense of security that they’ll win, then unleash the October surprise and take all tension out of the election cycle. If Trump was in procession of something that guarantees him a victory, he’d show it immediately. The fact that he doesn’t shows he literally has nothing.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Occam's Banana again.
I don't feel any rush however...I realize that either way, it's of little significance.
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