Great video. Entirely agree with everything she said. Especially liked her ending tagline.
My older brothers and I all spent some years of our young lives in the Boy Scouts. We started in Cub Scouts, then Webelos, and on to Boy Scouts. The troop was always sponsored by a church or a neighborhood school, and we met there or at member's homes. Good times.
Add one more to the list of things we need to Make Great Again.
I think we're saying the same thing.
Ford paid them $1560 per year. They could take $1560 and buy 75 oz of gold.
Today, Google is telling me an ounce of gold costs me $2717.
75 ounces at that price is $203,775.00 per year, so the meme is saying if you are an unskilled factory worker and you're not making $200K, you're getting robbed.
I agree with the sentiment, but I'm not getting the math.
How did we get from $1,560 per year to $142,500 per year?
In the phrase "That was worth 75 oz. of gold", what does the word "That" refer to?
Send your farts and prayers to the guy bringing the lawsuit against CNN.
It's about the military contractors that assisted with the pullout from Afghanistan. They showed the guy's face over a caption that read "Black Markets" and "Exhorbitant Fees"
Not to say it's not true :p but I can't help but cheer for the plaintiff. It would be fun to watch CNN get sued into oblivion.
Thanks, that's interesting (and sad).
I would be interested to know how they worded the question.... "Do you believe in God or any kind of Higher Power/Creator of the Universe?" would probably yield different results from "Do you believe in the God of the Bible?"
Yeah... that's messed up for sure. That's not the only thing though:
Instead of 'Wear your Sunday Best' on Sunday mornings everybody is going to church service wearing t-shirts, shorts and flip-flops
Embracing kweer sex
Letting women be ordained and become pastors
Abandoning committment to the traditional family
Rock-n-roll church services. OMG i hate that sh*t LOL
Thought it might be fun to add/substract to this list over the coming days....
Found it here:
Says who? My bottom line is stay out of my business and I'll stay out of yours.
I meant no public displays on government or community property. You want to put a nativity scene in your front yard I'm Ok with that. If you want to put a satanic temple display in your front yard I wouldn't like it, but I gotta be Ok with that as well.
Turnabout is fair play.
If the Nativity scene gets vandalized is anybody going to throw a fit?
If your country is founded on freedom of religion, you can't play favorites.
I lean toward no public displays of religion, period. I won't shove mine down your throat as long as you agree to do the same.
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