09-05-2024, 09:20 AM
He doesn't know. He refuses to believe that this is all one long, elaborate psyop.
In 2020, George Floyd was the perfect thing to blow out of proportion because it was obvious that anyone rallying around the deviant was only doing it out of racial solidarity. So, Floyd was the perfect cover for their engineered riots and pallets of bricks, covering for a rather obvious and ham-handed steal.
Now that the Thievous Party has imported foreign criminals, and made themselves unelectable by doing all the damage it can to society, the economy and the children (the whole population, in fact) and even made itself unsalvageable by forcing its nomination on a hyena, the next obvious steal will certainly trigger bloodshed.
Which they're doing on purpose because they're 100% certain they can sell one of their tools as "our savior". In fact, they already have. AF is still harping about the way things were covered in 2020, and doesn't notice it has changed. Those who do notice the coverage has changed are like those who used to argue in 2016 that Trump was " too famous" to be made He Who Must Not Be Named (never mind who kept such a dumb show as The Apprentice on the air). They say, "The MSM has to tell libs about this stuff now because we exposed it." As if.
You see, Bill Gates is a white supremacist, so white supremacists are slated to win. The only reason the press villifies them is because if they think a eugenicist like Bill Gates is on their side, they won't fight. They'll finally smell a rat.
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