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  • Cleaner44's Avatar
    Today, 01:10 PM
    I don't want any credit for anything having to do with RFK. He doesn't really matter to me. I appreciate that he is opposing the establishment and I hope he can gather up the non crazy liberals to oppose Biden and the gang. Ultimately I see Democrat voters as being to weak to stand up to the corruption in their party. Voting isn't my point anymore. Working with voters is what I am interested in. Voting for politicians is kabuki theater. Living with real citizens in real life is what matters to me.
    101 replies | 2494 view(s)
  • Cleaner44's Avatar
    Today, 10:13 AM
    Oh my dude you are hilarious. You assign all of these thoughts and beliefs to me that are not at all based in reality. I don't really think RFK is a double agent. I was just throwing out the same stupid argument you always use with Trump. You know, the moronic theory that Trump is really in cahoots with the deep state and controlled opposition and all of that. I just stated in my my previous post to you that I like some things about RFK. Somehow you are so gullible that you fall for the first outlandish thing I say about RFK being a double agent. Seriously, you do you and vote for the Democrat Kennedy. I can understand that. Seems like a pretty good guy to me. I just don't agree with most of his positions. I on the other hand prefer to join Republican voters in causing trouble for establishment Republican politicians as much as possible, for what it is worth.
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  • Cleaner44's Avatar
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  • Cleaner44's Avatar
    Today, 09:21 AM
    Would RFK sign the ridiculous spending bills that Congress sends over? I imagine he would. I also imagine RFK would be better than every other Democrat president over the last 50 years. I appreciate what RFK is doing but I also think Trump will be more effective if given the chance. I don't expect the deep state will allow either of them to reach the White House though. I would never claim that Trump was good at being fiscally conservative. I think he his pros and cons. My biggest hope is that Trump now understands how massive the swamp problem is and would be serious about smashing it. Realistically I don't expect anyone to change things, but given Trump's experiences over the last 9 years I think he is the most prepared. I live in AZ where our elections are rigged so how I vote doesn't matter. Currently my preference is: Trump
    101 replies | 2494 view(s)
  • Cleaner44's Avatar
    Today, 09:01 AM
    Obviously RFK is a double agent working a 3D chess game for the D.C. establishment to get you to vote for tyranny. I am amazed you can't see that. You think he is some outsider that wants to break the system, but he is their greatest tool. He will promise you all of these things and then break your heart and then we will have to listen to you make excuses for him for the next 4 years. You go ahead and fall for the illusion. I won't be joining you.
    101 replies | 2494 view(s)
  • Cleaner44's Avatar
    Today, 07:50 AM
    I have considered voting for Kennedy... I contemplated the integrity he seems to have, I considered how he knows and will publicly talk about corruption in the federal government and I pondered his stupid liberal positions which I abandoned 20+ years ago. I appreciate that Kennedy is an old school liberal and not a modern lefty, but he is still a liberal Democrat. I no longer hold the opinion that liberal Democrat policies are good for our country. I would on the other hand love to see Kennedy appointed as Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, where he would oversee the FDA, CDC, NIH and divisions. I would tell him to take any steps necessary to clean that mess up and fire 25% of the staff, starting at the top of each division. Personally I think we need actual libertarian/conservative solutions and my hope is that the Republican voters can continue to drive out the neocons and reduce the corruption within the ranks of Republican politicians. I have no hope for the Democrat party. You do you and vote for the Democrat Kennedy. I won't be joining you.
    101 replies | 2494 view(s)
  • Cleaner44's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:45 PM
    Is it really that hard for you to understand? People have a choice to vote or not vote. On occasion someone good like Ron Paul gets in but usually it is someone worthless. Does that make voting for Ron Paul a mistake? Not in my book. If nothing else it is fun to screw with the criminals in D.C. by electing Thomas Massie. Sure it doesn't stop the generations of corruption that have infected our government but it is still worth doing. I think electing Trump was a much better option that Hillary, maybe you disagree. There were some good things that came from it, even though the swamp is still as strong as ever. Ultimately the deep state has a strangle hold that won't be broken anytime soon so elections don't have much more significance than throwing a wrench into a small set of gears. It is what it is.
    101 replies | 2494 view(s)
  • Cleaner44's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:43 PM
    I agree. What is most needed is a legal mechanism that allows for the current government to be dissolved in a way that the general population can stomach. I think most people would rather live with this uncomfortable status quo rather than see a violent revolution. If there was a simple way for We The People to fire all off the current Congress and ban them from holding further office, people might be down with that. When you have nothing, you have nothing to lose. A "Saved by Zero" situation. Currently as bad as things are, most people are still far from zero. They have things to lose, and so they are risk averse. Without a violence-free solution, the people will hold until that are forced to take action. These are dangerous actions that the politicians are taking as we just don't know which straw will break the camel's back. We are sitting on a powder keg and politicians are flicking lit matches. The long train of abuses and usurpations is undeniable. Clearly it is our right and duty to throw off such government.
    101 replies | 2494 view(s)
  • Cleaner44's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:24 PM
    I don't know what you are talking about and it isn't my job to excuse Trump for anything. Worse than that, to me, it just seems wildly inappropriate to be throwing pardons around to people just in case they ever get charged with a crime in the future. Now that we all see the abuse of power coming from the Biden DOJ, it is very appropriate for any future president to issue pardons and apologies... and pay reparations to the people that have had their civil rights violated.
    135 replies | 3252 view(s)
  • Cleaner44's Avatar
    Yesterday, 01:00 PM
    Pardoning people for charges that haven't been filed, and for convictions that haven't happened is highly unusual I believe. I would even say that would seem like an abuse of power to just hand out pardons to people just in case that get charged with a crime in the future. I think it would be appropriate for the next president to pardon the Jan 6th protesters now that their Sixth Amendment and other rights have been violated. Pardon nearly all of them, except those working for the FBI, CIA, etc. Then tell them all to file a class action law suit and direct the DOJ to not fight it and pay up!
    135 replies | 3252 view(s)
  • Cleaner44's Avatar
    Yesterday, 12:29 PM
    When was the first conviction of a Jan 6th protestor?
    135 replies | 3252 view(s)
  • Cleaner44's Avatar
    Yesterday, 12:11 PM
    The government in DC doesn't represent American citizens and they don't care that we know it.
    101 replies | 2494 view(s)
  • Cleaner44's Avatar
    Yesterday, 12:04 PM
    How can Trump pardon people when he isn't in office? I don't think former presidents have that power do they?
    135 replies | 3252 view(s)
  • Cleaner44's Avatar
    04-16-2024, 02:33 PM
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  • Cleaner44's Avatar
    04-16-2024, 02:18 PM
    All ballots should included NONE OF THE ABOVE! We would all be immediately better off with no government than this crap.
    6 replies | 983 view(s)
  • Cleaner44's Avatar
    04-16-2024, 02:12 PM
    +1 for: Kung Fu Rockford Files Anyone else remember this one?
    113 replies | 2150 view(s)
  • Cleaner44's Avatar
    04-16-2024, 10:51 AM
    I remember loving the Night Stalker as a kid. I don't remember Movin On... I do remember Valerie Bertinelli in One Day at a Time!
    113 replies | 2150 view(s)
  • Cleaner44's Avatar
    04-16-2024, 09:57 AM
    Mike Johnson is as bad as all the rest.
    13 replies | 1157 view(s)
  • Cleaner44's Avatar
    04-05-2024, 06:03 PM
    I will fight Mitch McConnell any time, any place. I am so glad he is taking up challengers!
    11 replies | 858 view(s)
  • Cleaner44's Avatar
    04-05-2024, 12:39 PM
    Are they starting WWIII?
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  • Cleaner44's Avatar
    03-28-2024, 03:06 PM
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  • Cleaner44's Avatar
    03-26-2024, 09:37 AM
    Stock pile your own medicine. Get Ivermectin for sure.
    11 replies | 502 view(s)
  • Cleaner44's Avatar
    03-25-2024, 12:26 PM
    I notice that there are only 2 men on this court...
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    I am honored to be a part of a movement who seeks the truth no matter what the costs are. God Bless you and yours.
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    LOL That was really good! Very good! LOL
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    Could be why she hasn't popped in to pester me.
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    Whatever. You aren't worth an argument.

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    You honestly care about something as insignificant as reputation?

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by Cleaner44 on 09-01-2016 at 08:41 AM
Quote Originally Posted by Cleaner44 View Post
Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post
To all of those who are pretending to believe that Trump can actually beat the Democrat in the general election: Here's your golden opportunity to put your money where your mouth is! The only catch is you have to actually put your money up!

Come on, fools. Shell it out!

For those of you not stupid enough to take this bet, please bookmark this thread and bring those who run around blathering how Trump is going to skunk Clinton right here! Thank you so much!

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After Speech, Trump Loses Key Texas Hispanic Backer

by Cleaner44 on 09-01-2016 at 08:34 AM
Quote Originally Posted by juleswin View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Cleaner44 View Post
I will bet you, but not that amount. I just am not into gambling but I will put my money where my mouth is.

No odds needed. How about $10 straight up? My money is on Trump.
I will take it, maybe loser donates the money to RPF?

Foreign Aid to Israel puts the U.S. deeper in debt and is bad Foreign Policy

by Cleaner44 on 07-12-2011 at 11:47 PM
When the United States government gives foreign aid to any nation, it throws the concept of Fiscal Responsibility completely out the window.

The U.S. is deeply in debt and must continually borrow money from nations such as China just to operate on a daily basis. Borrowing money to give away to foreign nations that do not pay into our national treasury is fiscally irresponsible. Borrowing money to give to Israel is a heavy burden on the American taxpayer and we simply can not afford

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Fiscal Responsibility: Ron Paul vs. Mitt Romney

by Cleaner44 on 06-25-2011 at 04:00 PM
When it comes to the issue of fiscal responsibility both Ron Paul and Mitt Romney understand that the spending of the U.S. federal government is out of control. The annual budget deficits are leading to an ever increasing national debt that is unsustainable. The federal spending must be cut massively in order to balance the budget and that means massive cuts to the size of the federal government.

There are three steps that must be taken in order to get to a point of fiscal responsibility.

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