• Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 04:39 AM
    Judicial watch obtained records of 911 calls about missing pets from Springfield, OH. DeWine lied. The mayor lied. The media lied.https://t.co/ejIW04XM4G pic.twitter.com/uz3CiCgGLf — Insurrection Barbie (@DefiyantlyFree) September 18, 2024 https://twitter.com/DefiyantlyFree/status/1836222175248027981 1836222175248027981
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  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 03:49 AM
    One typo and you are unable to comprehend it. LOL
    8 replies | 186 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 03:48 AM
    Falklands war 2 coming soon to a theater of war near you.
    2 replies | 158 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 03:46 AM
    One typo and you are confounded, that figures.
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  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 03:31 AM
    And that is what many people, including right here, want. All are equal in the dirt, how dare America crawl up out of the dirt.
    456 replies | 9744 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 03:26 AM
    False, that is the lie that they have used to only ever compromise one way over and over again. Then don't repeat DNC talking points about it.
    456 replies | 9744 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 03:22 AM
    No, I said they weren't spared. Not even the mixed race people were spared. It's not genocide, the people who will be expelled are committing genocide and they brag about it.
    456 replies | 9744 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 03:20 AM
    You are better able to express your nonsense, I'll give you that.
    8 replies | 186 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 03:20 AM
    Ron was wrong, and the results under O'Bummer/Biden vs. under Trump speak for themselves. They don't want peace and will take everything you give them and use it to attack you and to spread war and terrorism. When they change peace might be possible, and then Trump might visit like he did in N. Korea and try to make a lasting peace.
    138 replies | 5206 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 03:17 AM
    Let them pay to defend themselves instead of having an excuse to get us involved.
    138 replies | 5206 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 03:15 AM
    Yes, the intent was to give aid and comfort to the enemy and fund terrorism and war in the middle east. Trump put a stop to it.
    138 replies | 5206 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:43 AM
    You make less and less sense all the time.
    8 replies | 186 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:42 AM
    JCOPA was an illegal and unconstitutional payola to enemies who have been at war with us by a treasonous muslim usurper.
    138 replies | 5206 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:40 AM
    A column of US military trucks reportedly leaving Syria is shown in a video that Turkey’s Anadolu news agency posted on Thursday, showed. The agency specified that the vehicles in the video had previously been involved in delivering weapons to the Kurdish-led militia operating in the country. On Wednesday, US President Donald Trump announced that the United States would withdraw its troops from Syria as the Daesh* terrorist group, which was the only reason for the American presence in the Arab country, had been defeated in Syria. ABD tırları Suriye'den çıkmaya başladı#ABD'nin #Suriye'den çekilme kararının ardından terör örgütü YPG/PKK'ya #Irak üzerinden silah ve mühimmat taşıyan tırlar, gece saatlerinde Suriye'den çıkmaya başladı https://t.co/UAYsRg6msR pic.twitter.com/mjUIbNdlCX — ANADOLU AJANSI (@anadoluajansi) December 20, 2018 https://twitter.com/anadoluajansi/st...68775318548480 More at: https://www.infowars.com/watch-video-shows-alleged-column-of-us-military-trucks-leaving-syria/
    49 replies | 842 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:38 AM
    WSJ: U.S. Military Preparing for a Full Withdrawal of Its Forces From Northeastern Syria
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  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:32 AM
    Yes, the governor is a RINO member of the Uniparty and part of their human trafficking scheme. Vance just didn't find all the other proof that's been posted here and made a minor mistake.
    456 replies | 9744 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:27 AM
    Vice President Pence said Tuesday that President Trump is following through on his promise to bring U.S. troops home from Syria and talked up the prospect of a permanent ceasefire in the region. Pence insisted that a ceasefire the administration helped broker between Turkey and Syria last week “has held” and claimed Trump’s own moves had paved the way for the possibility of a permanent ceasefire. “Earlier today, we received word from the Syrian defense forces commander that all of their military forces have withdrawn from the safe zone under Turkish military control and before I came here, our team was continuing in communicating with both sides in hope that a permanent ceasefire could soon take hold,” Pence said in remarks at the Heritage Foundation’s Honors Gala in Washington, D.C. “Those discussions are ongoing.” “Thanks to the strong leadership from President Donald Trump, we have an opportunity for a permanent ceasefire,” Pence continued, adding, “our troops are coming home.” “Now that our military and our allies have achieved our objectives against ISIS, President Trump is keeping his word to the American people and our troops are starting to come home,” he said. More at: https://thehill.com/homenews/adminis...re-coming-home
    49 replies | 842 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:24 AM
    https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/...72457811697664 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/...72459325800448 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/...72462291243008 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/...72465772482563 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/...72467676565505 The United States was supposed to be in Syria for 30 days, that was many years ago. We stayed and got deeper and deeper into battle with no aim in sight. When I arrived in Washington, ISIS was running rampant in the area. We quickly defeated 100% of the ISIS Caliphate,..... ....including capturing thousands of ISIS fighters, mostly from Europe. But Europe did not want them back, they said you keep them USA! I said “NO, we did you a great favor and now you want us to hold them in U.S. prisons at tremendous cost. They are yours for trials.” They.....
    49 replies | 842 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:19 AM
    The Trump administration is reportedly pulling assistance from northwest Syria as it seeks to set the U.S. up for a swift withdrawal from the country once the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is defeated. CBS News reported Friday that the U.S. will stop providing tens of millions of dollars to stabilize areas of northwest Syria that have been cleared of ISIS control, a decision made following an interagency process in recent weeks. More at: http://thehill.com/policy/internatio...t-syria-report
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  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:13 AM
    Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said Friday that the military is talking with Kurdish partners and others in Syria to resolve questions over US support once the United States eventually withdraws from the war-torn country.President Donald Trump last week said he wants the US presence in Syria to end "very soon." On Wednesday the White House vowed the US mission would come to a "rapid end," without actually setting a timeline. A key issue is the fate of the thousands of Syrian Kurds that for years have been fighting the Islamic State group with US training, equipment and air support. "We are in consultation with our allies and partners right now, so we'll work all this out," Mattis said when asked whether the US military is committed to supporting Syria's Kurdish fighters. More at: https://www.yahoo.com/news/mattis-sy...190517009.html
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  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:11 AM
    Perhaps to be expected, the weekend editorials and cable news pundit shows reacted in disbelief and horror - with charges of "chaos" at the Trump White House over Syria policy, and claims that "ISIS will come back" if America leaves. Nevermind the fact that Trump himself while on the campaign trail in 2016 stated in public speeches and in a tweet (and linking to a declassified intelligence memo) that US support to jihadists in Syria under President Obama is precisely what fueled the rise of ISIS in the first place. CNN, for example, painted a picture of mass revolt among the ranks of military officers and career State Department officials, asserting that, "Any decision by Trump to pull out of Syria would also go against the current military assessment, a fact that left some national security officials concerned about the impact of a withdrawal, another senior administration official told CNN." No, there's no "chaos" when it comes to Syria policy at the White House - Trump is doing exactly what he pledged to do while previously on the campaign trail, and he's further continuing what he started when he nixed the CIA's regime change program last summer. CNN has been running this chyron for days. It’s intended to suggest that presidents should never question the national security state apparatchiks who demand a permanent US military president in the Middle East, and that America’s invasion of Syria is just. pic.twitter.com/c7fRNYNBzZ — Max Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal) April 1, 2018 But it's funny and very telling how brazenly honest interventionistas and deep state bureaucrats suddenly become in their motives whenever Trump speaks truth on Syria. Consider prominent Washington Post columnist Josh Rogin, who the day after Trump's announcement of leaving Syria lamented while quoting a pro-regime change activist, “We took the oil. We’ve got to keep the oil.” That's right, the mask of pseudo-humanitarian high-minded noble ideals comes off (the Josh Rogins of the world care nothing about actual Syrians), and we learn that it's actually all about... Oil! Oil! Oil! Iran! Iran! Iran!
    49 replies | 842 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:10 AM
    U.S. President Donald Trump has told advisers that he wants U.S. troops to withdraw from Syria and hand over security to countries in the region, Reuters reported March 30. More at: https://worldview.stratfor.com/situa...rly-exit-syria
    49 replies | 842 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:09 AM
    It was posted here at the time and you know it: Trump: "We're Coming Out Of Syria Very Soon; Others Can Take Care Of It Now" I don't know why you think we all have no memory.
    49 replies | 842 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:06 AM
    No, you are victim blaming in the true prog style.
    10 replies | 171 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:04 AM
    LOL Trump is the only hope to prevent WWIII. He brought up the pets because it connects on an emotional level with undecided voters. We've been in one for generations now, and they will take it hot, when we win we have to clean house.
    456 replies | 9744 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:01 AM
    No, they killed all the whites, and the French did not invade the blacks in Haiti, they brought them from Africa after buying them from the other Africans. The left and their invader pets are responsible for most of our problems, and we have policy solutions for any they aren't the cause or the accelerator of. You don't want America to be American, you want it to turn into a communist country and be absorbed by the global government, that's why you want to keep the left and the invaders, and bring in even more. Those that do get killed will be because they have been committing death penalty crimes or because they violently resist. Your spin is weak.
    456 replies | 9744 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:56 AM
    No, because it was a Trojan horse filled with garbage and because they were using it to pretend they couldn't solve the problems they caused without it.
    456 replies | 9744 view(s)
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