• Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 07:17 AM
    Italy was a communist country after being fascist (ideological brothers), only the CIA and the Mafia kept it from officially having a communist government. It hasn't gotten any better as Europe has rejected Christianity.
    304 replies | 5972 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 07:15 AM
    LEARN TO READ: Europeans turned from GOD and embraced statism far more than Americans did, and secular Jews in America and Europe did the same or worse. Of course we have a few here who can trace their roots back to the Revolution (probably Tory roots), but no group will ever have or maintain a perfect record, that's why we have to be rid of the bad ones from time to time. You know why people of European origin are doing the most damage? because Europeans built the most successful and powerful civilizations that some are now using to promote their agendas. But it is because we have civilization that we can fight back, let the people from hellholes like Haiti destroy civilization and the oligarchs will have no resistance at all while they hide in their compounds and rule over the peasants living in the dirt, that's why they are flooding western civilization with them. And I already addressed the former commie block eastern european countries just above your reply.
    304 replies | 5972 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 07:07 AM
    If a culture is currently in the dirt, or never got out of it without being uplifted by one that did get out of it, you don't want to bring people from it into your country. They didn't make their culture great and they will drag yours down. Christianity is the greatest civilizing force in history, and any culture without it or that is turning from it starts with two strikes against it in the civilization game.
    304 replies | 5972 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 07:03 AM
    Current and former communist countries are always full of corruption, that's because communism is decivilizational and drags cultures down into the dirt along with all the other countries that never rose out of it.
    304 replies | 5972 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 07:00 AM
    We're not talking about people who stay in strictly authoritarian Singapore, we're talking about the ones who come here from all over. It's possible that we could allow low numbers of immigrants from Singapore, but maybe not because of other cultural issues. Cherry picking Russia and Ukraine will do you no good, I don't want them here either. And I already said the Euros bring Jacobinism/Bolshevism.
    304 replies | 5972 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 06:55 AM
    LOL Of course you want to keep the enemies of the Constitution and the BoR, but we don't have to and won't. Civilization is about exclusion, not inclusion. It always has been, and always will be. Heaven (and civilization is the closest we can get here on earth as mortals) has a narrow path to a gate in a wall that enforces a strict immigration policy. Hell has open borders.
    304 replies | 5972 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 06:42 AM
    I've been calling for people like him to be expelled all along, I've even just been repeating that right here in this conversation. But the fact is that the rates of civilizational destruction tendencies are much higher among foreigners of all types than among heritage Americans, and that was even truer generations ago before so many foreigners got added to the native stock starting in the mid 1800s. Civilization is by definition a collective issue, and you have to play the collective odds in order to build and maintain it.
    304 replies | 5972 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 06:31 AM
    They cause different kinds of civilizational destruction, they are more into white collar crimes like embezzlement, corruption, nepotism, fraud, etc. Sure, less of them commit open violence, at least while they are still the minority, but they drag your (and their own back home) civilization down into the dirt that Europeans uplifted them from just as surely as the others. And the Euro unamericans drag you into Jacobin/Bolshevik communism while also committing less violence etc.
    304 replies | 5972 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 06:30 AM
    They cause different kinds of civilizational destruction, they are more into white collar crimes like embezzlement, corruption, nepotism, fraud, etc. Sure, less of them commit open violence, at least while they are still the minority, but they drag your (and their own back home) civilization down into the dirt that Europeans uplifted them from just as surely as the others. And the Euro unamericans drag you into Jacobin/Bolshevik communism while also committing less violence etc.
    304 replies | 5972 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 06:15 AM
    Bunk. They cause less trouble, but they still degrade western civilization. That's immigrationist propaganda you are spouting and it's false.
    304 replies | 5972 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 06:13 AM
    This you say in a thread full of many facts on the side of "they're eating the cats" that you refuse to admit exist.
    304 replies | 5972 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 06:05 AM
    Yes it does, it has to do with every aspect of civilization, and that includes respect for private property, hunting laws, and pets, along with plumbing, the rule of law, and everything else they are destroying.
    304 replies | 5972 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 06:02 AM
    You came into the thread and have been attacking the entire issue and using that one case as your blunt instrument. And you didn't refer to just that one case, you referred to "the cat story" which is the entire "they're eating the cats" issue.
    304 replies | 5972 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 06:00 AM
    It's worse than that, they drive down GDP and all other economic indicators as well. They are a weapon to destroy western civilization.
    304 replies | 5972 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 05:52 AM
    You are conflating the entire cats and dogs issue with one case and trying to say the whole issue is debunked, right along with the MSM.
    304 replies | 5972 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 05:51 AM
    LOL I have a long history of calling for mass deportations of all foreigners. I'm not wasting my time on some stupid petition that will not do anything, I'll spend my time working to get Trump elected so he can start the mass deportations, while you try to stop it.
    304 replies | 5972 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 05:49 AM
    LOL You made an issue out of race and I pointed out one case that spoke specifically to the Ukrainian issue. We've been opposed to all of the foreign unamericans all along, and we want all of them gone along with the native unamericans I don't have to dance to the tune you call when I've been singing a much stronger song for many years.
    304 replies | 5972 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 05:46 AM
    It hasn't been debunked, whether Vance was wrong about one case or not, but that's the talking point you have to repeat. It is well supported by lots of things posted in this thread and even more that hasn't been.
    304 replies | 5972 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 05:44 AM
    You clearly were saying we only cared because they weren't European, that's why you attempted to lie and claim we don't care about the European Ukrainians. You are totally desperate and can't find anything so you are dragging in the stupid Free State of Jones idiocy. My record is clear for years, I complain about the massive influx of European immigrants in the mid 1800s and about all the invaders from everywhere, I want all of them deported including American leftists whose roots go back to before the Revolution. And it's not just me, others have been very clear they oppose the unamericans no matter what their race is as well. You are the one who tries to turn everything even remotely involving minorities into a racism issue, just like you did here
    304 replies | 5972 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 04:33 AM
    LOL You are the one who dragged race into this and claimed people didn't care about Ukrainians when we have been complaining about them and all the others from everywhere else for many years.
    304 replies | 5972 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 04:32 AM
    Total MSM nonsense. Trump is gaining in the polls ever since the debate and nobody cares about Vance or one specific case he may have been wrong about. The fact is that the invaders are poaching wildlife, eating strays, and stealing pets to eat, as part of black magic rituals, and people who aren't reading talking points are learning about it and being horrified.
    304 replies | 5972 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    2 replies | 122 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 02:37 AM
    Feds, city to crack down on animal sacrifices in NYC’s Jamaica Bay after dog-carcass with snapped neck, wounded pigs found https://nypost.com/2024/09/14/us-news/agencies-to-increase-enforcement-in-jamaica-bay-over-animal-sacrifices/ Now, a sickening and horrifying story has emerged in Houston, Texas, that possibly lends credibility to the claims in Springfield. KPRC 2 reported Thursday that several cats have been found dead and cut in half in Houston’s East End neighborhood. The Houston Police Department (HPD) is investigating and asking for the public’s help to determine whether a demented person is responsible or whether it’s another animal.
    304 replies | 5972 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 02:28 AM
    It's well known and admitted that they eat cats and dogs in Haiti, and there's plenty of evidence of them doing it here, as well as poaching the wildlife.
    304 replies | 5972 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 02:27 AM
    LOL Keep it up, you are shredding your credibility. The Hatians are causing so much mayhem that insurance companies are jacking up rates in the area. They don't have licenses to expire and they don't have insurance, and they get soft or no punishment because they are the pets of the cabal trying to destroy America. Haitians made Haiti a living hell so bad that the Dominicans built a wall and patrol it with drones to keep them out, and they make everywhere they go in numbers a living hell as well, just like the invaders from all the other hellholes around the world.
    304 replies | 5972 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 02:23 AM
    LOL You make race an issue every chance you get, and everyone knows almost all the Hatians are black, people are opposing them because of their crimes and other misbehavior, just like we oppose invaders from anywhere else, and you come in and do your usual thing of claiming it's because of who they are and that we don't care about the people from other places.
    304 replies | 5972 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 02:19 AM
    Trump did try to cut the money. (see above) And Congress would have overridden every veto and Trump would have had no input at all in future bills.
    110 replies | 8308 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 02:18 AM
    Trump did expose and oppose the NGO money: Trump claimed, without any supporting evidence, that Democrats were behind the caravan, and raised conspiracy theories that the Central Americans had been paid to come to the United States for political reasons. “Now we’re starting to find out – and I won’t say it 100%, I’ll put a little tiny question mark at the end. But we’re probably not going to need it, but we have the fake news back there,” he told the crowd, adding a familiar jab at news reporters covering his campaign appearances. “A lot of money’s been passing through people to come up and try to get to the border by election day, because they think that’s a negative for us. Number one, they’re being stopped. And number two, regardless, that’s our issue.” Trump appeared to be referring to a video posted by the Florida representative Matt Gaetz, which he claimed showed women and children being given cash to “storm the US border @ election time”. He suggested without evidence that the source could be “Soros? US-backed NGOs?” referring to George Soros, an American billionaire who is the frequent subject of rightwing conspiracy theories. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/...me-no-evidence
    110 replies | 8308 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 02:16 AM
    Nobody has gone to jail for a bumpstock and the ban got overturned as intended, it's in the process of taking a lot of other gun laws and regulations (and other regulations) down with it.
    69 replies | 3593 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    09-14-2024, 09:43 PM
    jmdrake I don't seem to see any posts by you here.
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