• Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 07:21 AM
    Pure garbage. Trump may not be perfect, but he was and is a distinct improvement and an opponent of the MIC agenda.
    24 replies | 410 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 07:20 AM
    Trump was not purposely letting them in, even the article you quoted admits that: "There is no indication that Trump’s relationship with Ukraine — which is at the center of his impeachment saga and an alleged quid pro quo involving military aid in exchange for pressure on a domestic political foe — has played a role in the rise in Ukrainian refugees admitted into the United States. But the demographic shift does appear to be the byproduct of Trump administration policies that have restricted access to the U.S. refu*gee program, experts said." Trump couldn't just shut down the entire immigration system and was being fought tooth and nail about the restrictions he was trying to implement: "As President Trump has significantly reduced the number of refugees allowed to settle in the country and specifically pushed to keep Muslims out, an unlikely nationality has come to represent a disproportionate share of the refugees who have been entering the United States in recent years: Ukrainians."
    7 replies | 157 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 07:19 AM
    I already said so, they are unamerican and undesriable foreigners. And Trump was not purposely letting them in, even the article you quoted in the other thread admits that: "There is no indication that Trump’s relationship with Ukraine — which is at the center of his impeachment saga and an alleged quid pro quo involving military aid in exchange for pressure on a domestic political foe — has played a role in the rise in Ukrainian refugees admitted into the United States. But the demographic shift does appear to be the byproduct of Trump administration policies that have restricted access to the U.S. refu*gee program, experts said." Trump couldn't just shut down the entire immigration system and was being fought tooth and nail about the restrictions he was trying to implement: "As President Trump has significantly reduced the number of refugees allowed to settle in the country and specifically pushed to keep Muslims out, an unlikely nationality has come to represent a disproportionate share of the refugees who have been entering the United States in recent years: Ukrainians."
    359 replies | 7738 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 07:13 AM
    Right, they had to admit something good about Trump so they tried to twist it into something bad with unsubstantiated lies. Trump tried to help the lawyers of the victims and they said he was the only one who did. Why he didn't ban him sooner is something I can only speculate about, but everything being covered up and a slap on the wrist combined with Epstein's big connections probably had something to do with it, Trump still had to do business in those circles in NYC real estate etc. Trump had lots of other things to deal with and to try to accomplish, but he did finally get around to Epstein in 2019, that is something your theory can't explain at all. Epstein's connections were quite happy with his operation and had no reason to shut it down ever, except that Trump was going to do it and expose them all.
    21 replies | 329 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 07:07 AM
    Trump had him arrested the first time, the cabal got him off easy and his operation continued without interruption. When Trump got in office he was going to have him arrested again, so the cabal tried to preempt Trump and killed him or faked his death to limit the damage of shutting down his operation. Don't play dumb.
    21 replies | 329 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 07:03 AM
    We is the American people who are getting quite fed up with the immivaders destroying liberty and the Constitution and with the Domestic enemies helping them and bringing them in. And if that person has assimilated and supports liberty and the Constitution then she can stay, discussing the broad strokes of philosophy and policy is not the same as pounding out the details in all circumstances and certainly is not making iron laws without exceptions or nuance. But lets get back to why you think the Grahams of the world who are domestic enemies of liberty and the Constitution should be allowed to stay and continue to work to destroy them.
    359 replies | 7738 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 06:57 AM
    Spouses of Americans are not the same as all the disconnected and unassimilating foreigners flooding in. And I never said being in favor of some amount of immigration was grounds for expulsion, immigration exists in the Constitution. The primary factor is liberty and the Constitution, most foreigners are opposed to both. If a foreigner has legally obtained citizenship and supports liberty and the Constitution they might qualify to stay while we throw everyone else out. But this conversation started about throwing out unamericans like Graham, we aren't delving into the granular details of every edge case you can think of, that kind of thing can be done when the time comes.
    359 replies | 7738 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 06:47 AM
    Daily Mail: 'Trump blew whistle on Jeffrey Epstein' Nothing happened until Trump was elected, there was no reason for anything to happen, but Trump was going to have him arrested and expose his customers so Berman had him arrested and undercharged and then had him killed or faked his death to help him escape. There is simply no explanation why Epstein was arrested other than Trump's election and there is no explanation for Ghislane's after Berman was gone other than that he had been protecting her. The cabal was quite happy with Epstein as he was and Trump has continuously disrupted the status quo they were happy with, that is not the action of a guilty man but possibly the action of a man deliberately investigating and taking down the cabal.
    21 replies | 329 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 06:39 AM
    A search has informed me that my memory was wrong and that you have not opposed tariffs on dogmatic free trade grounds. I'll admit being mistaken about that and give you credit for it. However, many of the people agreeing with you about what happened with Clinton and Haiti have vehemently opposed tariffs and promoted free trade arguments claiming that foreign countries dumping and destroying our industries is actually a gift to us, so I stand by my use of your post to make my point to them.
    38 replies | 4056 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 06:22 AM
    Pure hogwash, Trump had him arrested and shut down his operation, the people behind his operation reacted by killing him or faking his death to avoid having their involvement come out at the trial. Trump had him arrested the first time before he was President and was the only one who tried to help the victims and their lawyers. You've had all of this proven to you before but you just default to lying as if it never happened as you do about everything.
    21 replies | 329 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 06:18 AM
    Repeating that lie won't change the fact that I specifically said former communist countries were corrupt and we don't want people from them. Trying to get me to condemn specific people without a record like Melania is also just stupid, as is you implying that Vance marrying a foreigner would have anything to do with whether he get expelled like Graham or not, if Vance is a RINO then he goes too, that's the only factor involved.
    359 replies | 7738 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 06:09 AM
    Everyone can see who is lying and twisting in the wind here, and it's you.
    359 replies | 7738 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 06:06 AM
    LOL There you go again, trying to force me to dance to your specific tune, and I already talked about the corruption in former communist European countries along with the issues with Asians and western Europeans. I never singled Haitians out specifically, I just talked about the issues related to them when other people did.
    359 replies | 7738 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 06:02 AM
    Trump had to do business in those circles, anything nice he said about any of them meant absolutely nothing, and the fact he had Epstein arrested both times speaks much louder. And he said RFK would be in charge of releasing the JFK files this time.
    21 replies | 329 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 05:59 AM
    They're poor and malnourished because they were violent morons to begin with, malnourishment may have made it worse, but their ancestors made a pact with the devil in a slave revolt where they called ALL the whites, men, women, and children, whether they were slave owners or not. The Dominicans on the other side of the island are doing better because they are not as evil and stupid.
    359 replies | 7738 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 05:55 AM
    Yes, I have. They are foreigners, and I have incessantly stated I want to expel all foreigners. Your lies are weak.
    359 replies | 7738 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 05:55 AM
    Graham is a globalist warmonger who hates the constitution and works to destroy liberty. I'd need to look at Vance's record, but I'm sure it's better than Graham's. Anyone still a Demoncrat and all RINOs go.
    359 replies | 7738 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 05:52 AM
    Your reading comprehension doesn't exist. I'm in favor of tariffs and pointing out that getting rid of them in favor of cheap foreign food was destructive.
    38 replies | 4056 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 05:49 AM
    I already told you, I'm not a trained monkey to dance to the tune you call, and petitions are a waste of time. What isn't a waste of time is electing Trump, something I work to do and you work to oppose.
    359 replies | 7738 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    359 replies | 7738 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 01:42 AM
    All of a sudden no tariffs and foreign dumping are bad now? Every time I try to say that I'm am repeatedly told that they are nothing but good, didn't Clinton gift them a bunch of cheap food? They should have become richer than ever with that giant injection of wealth into their economy, right?
    38 replies | 4056 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 01:41 AM
    All of a sudden no tariffs and foreign dumping are bad now? Every time I try to say that I'm am repeatedly told that they are nothing but good, didn't Clinton gift them a bunch of cheap food? They should have become richer than ever with that giant injection of wealth into their economy, right?
    359 replies | 7738 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 01:34 AM
    It started under O'Bummer at the latest. Trump was starting to push back a little.
    11 replies | 266 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 01:28 AM
    Then you are accepting the great invasion since the 65 immigration act and the massive invasions that led to Coolidge's immigration reform, along with the domestic enemies who were behind it all. If the left is not expelled you will buy one generation at most. There is a cold civil war that has been going on for over a century, most likely since the end of the Revolution, it keeps shifting gears with historical events like the war between the states and the great war on terror, if the domestic enemies of liberty and the Constitution are not removed they will win.
    359 replies | 7738 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 01:20 AM
    Haiti has an average IQ of 67. Let's talk about what that means: - With an IQ of 67 or below, the average Haitian -- over half the country -- would be considered too disabled to be eligible for the death penalty. Someone at this level will struggle to understand the cause-and-effect of basic things, as well as to participate in American society at all. Even filling out forms will be hard. - At 1 standard deviation (SD) up from 67, we have an IQ of 82. Around 1 in 6 Haitians are intelligent enough to be a below average janitor. This is the level of intelligence of poor urban areas in America. - At 2 SD, we're at 97, or roughly average intelligence in America. Around 2% of Haitians will be as intelligent as your average high school classmate and could be clerical workers or cooks. - At 3 SD, we're at 112. This is approaching the territory where useful creative and STEM work can be done (e.g. engineering). This is about 1 out of 1000 Haitians.
    359 replies | 7738 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 01:13 AM
    That's just a blatant lie. I repeatedly call for the mass deportation of all the foreign invaders and all their supporters. I don't think I need honesty lessons from you.
    359 replies | 7738 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 01:11 AM
    Spin spin spin. Nothing you said there is accurate. But it's all up to your usual standard of twisting.
    359 replies | 7738 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:17 AM
    Italy was a communist country after being fascist (ideological brothers), only the CIA and the Mafia kept it from officially having a communist government. It hasn't gotten any better as Europe has rejected Christianity.
    359 replies | 7738 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:15 AM
    LEARN TO READ: Europeans turned from GOD and embraced statism far more than Americans did, and secular Jews in America and Europe did the same or worse. Of course we have a few here who can trace their roots back to the Revolution (probably Tory roots), but no group will ever have or maintain a perfect record, that's why we have to be rid of the bad ones from time to time. You know why people of European origin are doing the most damage? because Europeans built the most successful and powerful civilizations that some are now using to promote their agendas. But it is because we have civilization that we can fight back, let the people from hellholes like Haiti destroy civilization and the oligarchs will have no resistance at all while they hide in their compounds and rule over the peasants living in the dirt, that's why they are flooding western civilization with them. And I already addressed the former commie block eastern european countries just above your reply.
    359 replies | 7738 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:07 AM
    If a culture is currently in the dirt, or never got out of it without being uplifted by one that did get out of it, you don't want to bring people from it into your country. They didn't make their culture great and they will drag yours down. Christianity is the greatest civilizing force in history, and any culture without it or that is turning from it starts with two strikes against it in the civilization game.
    359 replies | 7738 view(s)
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