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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 11:36 AM
    Once the mafia takes over, yes. Yes it is.
    187 replies | 4755 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 10:24 AM
    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to acptulsa again. Wow! I hadn't heard about that. I'll need to research it. Thoughts Anti Federalist? Swordsmyth?
    107 replies | 8159 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 10:22 AM
    Why should they since clearly you aren't motivated by race?
    13 replies | 564 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 10:22 AM
    Note that I didn't make any such accusation. Read Proverbs 28:1. The point I made is that you actually met the Ukranaians and felt sympathy for them. Maybe you need to go to a certain Christian church in Sylacagua Alabama and meet some more people. I agree with your assertion that Putin most likelhy wouldn't have invaded Ukraine because Trump wouldn't have been talking about NATO expansion into Ukraine. (At least I have no reason to believe that.)
    13 replies | 564 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    Today, 09:32 AM
    Not sure this belongs here, so move it if you see fit. I ran across this today: BIG error made at about 3:57 where he asserts that gold could not even keep up with inflation, the larger assertion being that gold has failed as money. To that I call foul. The error lays in his ignoring the fact that gold is no longer either currency or money, but whose market value is stated in terms of, say, FRNs. This in NO WAY speaks to gold's efficacy as either currency or money. So sorry, but an error this wild begs my extreme doubt as to the soundness of the argument in general. This cannot be ignored as it is fundamental to the nature of things.
    1 replies | 59 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 09:31 AM
    I'm told it can't be done. Don't know why. Something about veto-proof budgets and master negotiators who play 3D chess for fun being unable to use the ultimate bully pulpit to straighten anything out. I guess I don't properly understand the argument because all I ever get out of it is, "We can spend more to counter the problem, but we can't stop spending money to create the problem in the first place because that would require we stop spending money that we're spending."
    13 replies | 564 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 09:26 AM
    Let's see. 2019. Do I remember 2019? Oh, yes. In 2019 a self-styled "master negotiator" who wrote a rather narcissistic book called The Art of the Deal was in the White House using the "bully pulpit" to get Americans to pressure Congress to buy him 1700 miles of steel so he could let it rust in the desert. What I don't remember is that guy going on TV and saying, "I just found money in this budget earmarked for Catholic Charities and Doctors Without Borders paying them to import foreigners. So I have an artful deal for Congress: Transfer that money to my big beautiful wall so it can have a bigger, more beautiful door, and I won't make Congress stay over Christmas trying to override my veto while citizens run their office staff ragged phoning in their displeasure." That's what I remember not happening in 2019.
    107 replies | 8159 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 09:03 AM
    I'm glad you were able to meet some Ukranian refugees and decide they had value. You sort of sound like the city councilman in this video who met some Hatian refugees at his church. See this video at about 1:09 in.
    13 replies | 564 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 09:00 AM
    Swordsmyth, this is the other thread I was referring to.
    13 replies | 564 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 08:56 AM're surprised by that how? I told you I didn't see it. That said, what I don't see in this thread is any calls for mass deportation of all Ukrainian war refugees. In fact this thread started in 2019, which was before the Russian invasion and before Biden let in 219,000+ Ukrainians. But okay. Start a petition to demand Trump and J.D. Vance start demanding the deportation of hundreds of thousands and Ukranian refugees and I'll be sure to sign it.
    107 replies | 8159 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 08:11 AM
    Why is it at all hard to believe that there are still actual racists in America who are proud to stand up and be counted as racists? I assure you those people exists and they aren't all feds.
    211 replies | 4804 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 08:08 AM
    So far one of those "Hatian migrants eating cats" turned out to be a U.S.A. born white man and the other turned out to be a U.S.A. born black woman. I'm not sure how the white man got misidentified as a Hatian but it's pretty obvious how the African American got misidentified as a Hatian. That does't mean the local residents are lying. But we've got no proof, so far, that they aren't mistaken. It's possible that space lasers or missles took down the twin towers too. I don't believe that...but it's possible. That doesn't mean I magically believe the corporate media though.
    211 replies | 4804 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    Today, 08:07 AM
    c'est la guerre...
    7 replies | 1552 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 08:04 AM
    :rolleyes: Is your back hurting yet for all of the goal post moving? Funny that your story says he was driving with expired license plates as opposed to an expired license. (I guess some people don't know the difference). There are not enough facts from that story to tell if this was a good decision not to prosecute or not. But we do know for a fact that the Haitan who was driving with an expired license and hit the school bus has been charged. So the claim that Haitians "don't get charged" for vehicular homicide is false. But that doesn't matter to you. Just move on to the next fact. I gave an example of a white U.S.A. born drunk driver that killed my cousin who didn't get charged. That doesn't mean no white people ever get charged for vehicular homicide. Usually the decision to charge for vehicular homicide includes some other fact beside "pedestrian hit and killed" and that extra fact typically is not "Driver had expired license plates."
    211 replies | 4804 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 07:59 AM
    Well I don't recall that. But you're the one being racist. I do recall Anti Federalist posting a sympathetic post about a Ukrainian refugee being bullied in school. And I didn't even mention race. I mentioned the country. You ASSumed a race angle. But okay. You've got one supposedly pulled out of your butt anti Ukraine post and I've got one pro Ukrainian post from the same person that I can't find either. Now we have a thread that's based on what seems to be made up facts (a white man and an African American woman born in the U.S.A. have so far been the only confirmed cat eaters) yet pages and pages of posts based on nothing. Okay dude. Whatever you say. Edit: And let me know when you find a statement by Trump or any other national Republican figure talking about mass deportation of Ukrainian refugees.
    211 replies | 4804 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    Today, 06:06 AM
    So how'd it go?
    7 replies | 1552 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 04:49 AM
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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 04:45 AM
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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 04:41 AM
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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 04:41 AM
    Control the food and you control the people.
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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 04:24 AM
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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 04:23 AM
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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 04:21 AM
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:11 PM
    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Occam's Banana again.
    211 replies | 4804 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:08 PM
    Their "word"? I'll take their word that they're backing Trump too. Someone's word is stuff they actually do say out loud, dude. If a promise of a Cabinet post is the only possible possibility you can possibly envision as a motive, your imagination is limited.
    106 replies | 3171 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:50 PM
    Every time another black person tries to tell me that Trump says he wants to be a dictator, I point out this story and tell that person how Kamala and Biden are actually being dictators right now! One of the things these black socialists were accused of? Going to the U.N. and pushing the "Black LIves Matter" message. Acting under Ionov’s direction, the defendants took several actions within the United States. For example, in August 2015, Ionov requested that Yeshitela, Hess and Nevel draft and publish a petition to the United Nations charging the United States with actively committing genocide against African people. When Hess resisted, Ionov insisted that the APSP had to publish the petition because Ionov and his Russian backers were “not exactly Black to demand it for ourselves.” Hess subsequently drafted and published the requested petition, which Ionov promoted in Russian media.
    27 replies | 2229 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:45 PM
    It was never about the cats? But "cats" are litterally in the thread title! I tell you what. I'm a 9/11 truther. I was back before this forum started. But you never saw me jumping on to every 9/11 truth conspiracy theory. In fact the ones that I thought were too implausible I would argue against. I know people who loved "Loose Change" and other "It was really a missile" conspriacy theories. Marjorie Taylor Green even more recently jumped back to the "Jewish space laser" theory. There is so much that can be said about 9/11 without going into what can easily be debunked or at least seriously question that I always felt like "Why even go there?" I feel the same way about the "eating cat" stories. Yes, this really animated people who already were on board with mass deportation. And it pissed off the people who support "sanctuary cities." How has it resonated with independents? How does this story compare with actual concerns supported by people on both sides of the political aisle" and of every race about cities like Chicago and New York who at first welcomed migrants who are now saying they can't handle the influx? How does it compare people concerned about California wanted to get $150,000 to migrants to help get new homes or Kamala's plan to give $25,000 to "first generation home buyers?" A lot of black people born in America who are the working poor will not qualify for that. But first generation immigrants from India or Pakistan or China or Ukraine (the white folks) will qualify. Some people "in these streets" where fake Kamala tried to tell Taraji P. Henson she was talking to are actually becoming concerned by the immigrant issue. But fake stories about Hatians eating cats undermine the actual proven facts. But....whatever. People are driven by emotion and will do what they want to do as opposed to what might actually win an election. Carry on!
    211 replies | 4804 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:34 PM
    :rolleyes: I am a tyrant and a fed for pointing out that the only story I've seen so far of a Hatian migrant killing someone in a car wreck actually got charged with vehicular homicide when you claimed that wasn't happening? Ummm....okay. Whatever. My counsin was killed by a white American drunk driver in Huntsville Alabama and that driver wasn't charged with anything other than drunk driving. I am not freaking out about it. Only bringing it up now because you brought up your claim. Anyhow, Hatian immigrant bad. Got it. Let me know when you're ready to start talking about deporting 217,000 Ukranian refugees that had come to the U.S. as of February 2023. (Probably much higher now). Whenever I bring this up, someone invariably says "Oh I'm against that too" but funny enough nobody independently brings up the Ukrainians. I wonder why?
    211 replies | 4804 view(s)
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