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    02-07-2025, 02:31 PM
    More smoke and mirrors, convincing gullible fools that the Donald is really a different kind of politrickster... Both his wife Melania and Jewish daughter Ivanka got funds from USAID for their pet projects (didn't I read somewhere that Ivanka's buddy Chelsea Clinton also got money from USAID?!?). USAID forked over $265 million per year to Ivanka's women's business initiative and an associated antipoverty program. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14369601/Melania-Ivanka-donald-trump-USAID-spending-cuts.html Please keep this hushed up... Atlas-Network-in-Latin-America
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    02-07-2025, 02:08 PM
    As far as I can tell the difficult aspect of attacking targeted individuals with directed energy (radiation) weapons at the current level of technology isn’t so much generating sufficient power, but aiming them. While the 4G network sent in all directions (like radio waves) the 5G towers actually are designed to send a beam in the direction of the cell phone (or target..). See a depiction of a beamforming array by Huawei. The reported benefits of beamforming is that they can send wireless data more effectively (sending the cellular signal to a precise location instead of a wide area). Here’s a 2017 presentation by Ericsson on how beams will be sent to moving users. It looks like these 5G towers, with these huge power cables, were actually designed as directed energy weapons, and this proves beyond a reasonable doubt that 5G towers can be used to attack individuals with radiation: https://my.avnet.com/abacus/solutions/markets/communications/5g-solutions/5g-beamforming/
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    02-07-2025, 01:59 PM
    Maybe the strangest thing about this orchestrated media hysteria is that the Project Veritas employee that taped Walker on his date, Justin Leslie, also worked for Pfizer and as a whistleblower has a lot more interesting to say than the politically bad joke (definitely NOT funny…) by Pfizer mid-level manager Jordan Walker. Leslie made a tape of Pfizer vice president of Pharmaceutical Research and Development, Nick Warne, who boasted to him about ‘gaming the FDA’ by withholding damaging data on the adverse effects of the COVID vaccines in a trial on children aged 5 to 11 to get them approved at warp speed. Project Veritas took the tapes from Leslie only to bury the scandal. According to Justin Leslie, many ‘bombshell’ stories on the adverse effects of the mRNA COVID vaccines, and malfeasance by drug companies, were spiked by Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe… Justin Leslie did provide evidence that James O’Keefe went to the infamous Bohemian Grove. Leslie took the following photo of O’Keefe’s ticket from the Grove. Leslie also taped O’Keefe in a phone conversation in which he said:
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    02-07-2025, 01:52 PM
    It never ceases to amaze me how the MAGA troll farm can get away with promises that warp speed Donald in his second try, this time will really “drain the swamp”, after filling his administration with the swampiest deep state crooks he could find, and is so openly corrupt because he doesn’t seem to care what voters think about him. While the Trump campaign denied that he had anything to do with the Heritage Foundation, in reality its Project 2025 provides the Trump II administration with the blueprint to further implement the technocratic surveillance state (a.k.a. open prison). Bill Gates’ Microsoft, and several pharmaceutical companies including Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, GlaxoSmithKline and Novartis and are among the big corporations that have funded the Heritage Foundation for years: http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Heritage_Foundation Since the plandemic was started, Bill Gates has become the main left wing villain for right wing conspiracy theorists (taking over the top spot from George Soros). In early January 2025, like in December 2016, none other than Bill Gates had a meeting with president-elect Donald Trump and his well-connected lobbyist chief of staff Susie Wiles, in which they talked about “global health issues” including HIV vaccines (in other words… eugenics and depopulation): https://archive.is/SpQ24
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    02-07-2025, 01:49 PM
    When Trump-haters sarcastically say that MAGA is really MIGA, they usually don’t call this Make India Great Again… Of course Kamala Harris is also of Indian descend, so it shouldn’t be surprising that her campaign was so disastrous that it’s almost like she wanted Donald to win… Donald Trump has chosen Peter Thiel’s lapdog, Ohio senator J.D. Vance, as his running mate. Vance's litigator wife, Usha Chilukuri Vance, is the Hindu daughter of Indian immigrants: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2024/07/15/usha-chilukuri-vance-j-d-vances-wife-vice-president-donald-trump-republicanfuture-second-lady-meet/74414719007/ J.D. Vance once worked for Mithril Capital, a venture capital firm owned by Peter Thiel. Vance, with Thiel and former Trump adviser Darren Blanton, also invested in the video platform Rumble. Rumble board member Michael Ellis is a fellow at the Heritage Foundation, and served in senior positions in the Intelligence Community, the White House, and Congress, including as General Counsel of the NSA in 2021.
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I'm having huge problems with state terrorism in the Netherlands. I've been plaintiff in a court case against Rothschild bank ABN AMRO (also connected to the Dutch Royals) for over 10 years now.
After ABN AMRO finally paid me over 200,000 euro Rabobank (also connected to bot Rothschild and the Royal family) simply blocked my bank accounts, because of which I almost starved to death.
The Dutch government together with ABN AMRO has also stolen over 200,000 euro by letting me pay too much tax.
In 2005 I was tortured for a half a year in a psychiatric hospital, together woth other political prisoners. In 2010 the state media published that I had been locked up in a psychiatric hospital, to prevent me from leading a “normal” life.
I have terrible scars ON my legs because the police had their dogs attack me.
So far the 12 attorneys that represented me since 2005, have all pleaded against me (or tried to).

I’m known to "forget" my cell phone when I leave my house.
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Scientists and Engineer


Do NOT ever read my posts. Google and Yahoo wouldn’t block them without a very good reason: Google-censors-the-world/page3

The Order of the Garter rules the world: Order of the Garter and the Carolingian dynasty


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MKULTRA, COINTELPRO, Targeted Individuals

by Firestarter on 03-29-2017 at 09:10 AM
MKULTRA/Manchurian candidates
An excellent book about the experiments of the CIA to hypnotise people, mainly by hallucinatory drugs, including psychiatry is John Marks’ “The Search for the Manchurian Candidate: The CIA and Mind Control” (1979): http://www.wanttoknow.info/mk/search...-candidate.pdf

The CIA injected “public enemies” with hallucinatory drugs to induce a psychosis, because after they have suffered from a psychotic episode nobody will take the seriously.

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