Today, 02:37 AM
That's garbage and you know it.
Only a tiny minority was angry at Trump, and Biden was just as disliked or more, plus he didn't campaign at all.
Biden "won" with the least counties ever, including almost none of the bellwether counties.
He hid in his basement and didn't campaign against a guy filling stadiums who increased his vote count over the last time but somehow got more votes than ever before.
And all the people locking out the pollwatchers, losing track of the chain of custody of the ballots and all the other anomalies totally had nothing to do with the 2 AM discovery of batches of 100% Biden ballots that put him ahead in all the key states.:sarcasm:
If your explanation was true Trump should have gotten less votes by enough to lose to Biden, not an impossible 10-20M extra for Biden.
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