Do you think they killed and then un-killed the other whites?
They killed them all and then spared them?
They pretended to spare some so that one day a wikipedia page could be written which would cast doubt on their massacre?
Maybe you should read the things that you quote.
National and political loyalties being a subjective basis according to what you said in this post.
You realize that this is exactly my point, right? That whatever you think of the Haitian's actions, yours are the no different.
You're so dedicated to the stupid that you weren't content with just being logically wrong, you had to be factually wrong as well.
Are you back to your old saw of redefining words when you have no other argument?
Evil and stupid.
What the fuck are you talking about?
First, your ethnostate would not somehow materialize people into existence abandoned midwestern towns to fill manufacturing jobs.
Second, how do you think that those middle class blue collar manufacturing workers got there in the first place? They were immigrants and the children of immigrants!
If you'd seen even one of the interviews with them you'd know how.
Word of mouth in their community that there were jobs and housing available in a dying rust-belt town.
Search Springfield population by year on your favorite search engine of choice.
Keep in mind that the numbers include the refugees.
Haitians chose to move to Springfield.
There's a reason that this xenophobia is so specifically targeted.
Q: Assuming that conservatives are religious and tend towards traditional family life, which peoples would they naturally find common ground with?
A: Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims.
There's a long history of racists saying that they would like to remove their imagined villains from their nations. You could charitably read into that that they would be expelled or otherwise allowed to leave.
The Haitian revolutionary leaders said that they would expel the French. And they did. Twice.
The issue comes when you expel the bogeymen and it doesn't solve your problems. Then you have to invent for your people some reason why your plan didn't work. You have to take more drastic action.
And the Haitians left the Poles and the Germans because they were not the invaders and slavers.
Hatians are evil and stupid because they grouped all whites together as foreign barbarians?
Take the next logical step and realize that your politics are evil and stupid.
Great then there's no evidence. But it feels like maybe there might be, right? It feels true and really what else do you need?
Are they duck-cats? Do the traffic violations somehow involve cats?
"I read it on facebook" is not an eyewitness report.
"My cousin's sister's boyfriend's hairdresser said" is not an eyewitness report.
A human centipede of rumors is not alternative media.
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