Is that even a real picture? It seems a bit uncanny.
It looks like the helicopter is floating just above the water.
And if it's not, why would they land in such a spot?
I am not sure if Phil is up to making another relief run next weekend, and it's looking like he'd have to go to FL this time, but I will talk to him some time today and see if he's making another trip.
In the meantime, the Capt. is right, stay far away from those "mainstream" leftist charities.
Samaritan's Purse is doing good work and is based in NC
A Trump sponsored "GoFundMe" started with a $1 million goal, it has already surpassed $6.5 million.
A civil and adult conversation tends to avoid a paternalistic tone.
Try to tell me that you've never once in your life bridled at such an elementary suggestion and I'll happily call you a liar.
The funny thing is, you've participated in the thread. You've critiqued my own answers to that question you think I haven't asked. You know I've asked myself that question. Have for months.
As we age and our memories get weaker, it's wise of us to pause and consider that we can no longer be certain people haven't already tried our suggestions -- and we already know they have (at least on a good day).
They call things like that aging gracefully. And such habits make all conversation more civil. Some consider it the very difference between conversing with and preaching at.
A handy object lesson for those who refuse to believe Israel and its stooges can really be so hypocritical as to blithely say the opposite of what their bosses really want.
It's called a psyop, kids.
There's no mousetrap like a hunter/seeker mousetrap with non-artificial intelligence and a highly sensitive sensory array.
They're decorative, too. And affectionate.
I'd rather ask what makes you presume I haven't. Especially when I have a multiple page thread full of my speculation on that very subject on this very site.
What's more, I think mine makes more sense. It's based on historical precedent -- a number of them, but particularly the Biennio Rosso, which brought Mussolini to power.
It gets worse as you get older.
The bitching focuses on you, until you become, what once was her whole world, the man who lit up her life, and gave her butterflies in her stomach, a senile stupid old fool who has single handedly fucked up every single thing in the world.
Democrats are not trying to throw an election.
They are trying to destroy a country and doing a damn good job of it.
The reason they have gone so far "over the top" is they reckon they have, or are just on the cusp of having, a majority of the voting public that agree.
And they are probably right, between Marxists, women and migrants, they probably have a winning combination.
I can not accomplish anything of any great deal, until I can drill into white people's heads that they are not the bad guys, they are not the enemy, they are not the ones committing mass shootings, they should not loathe themselves, they should unite and fight for their interests.
I can only do that by presenting facts of the world around us, that has committed itself to exterminating my people.
Oh, on his "...if you suspend the Constitution and appoint Me Dictator For Life" agenda. Forty More Years!
Remember, before he does anything else he's got to build the FBI a yuge, beeautyful new palace before they try to shoot him again! That'll probably eat up the entirety of his first Next Four Years all by itself.
I mean, we already know he will screw us all to save his own hide. SS already told us about several instances where he already did. We're going to be hearing a lot more, "The Prime Alpha Male had to do that because he was afeared of Hitlery's Suicide Squad!!" out of the Trumpscuse Brigade before we're through.
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Based on the idea of natural rights, government secures those rights to the individual by strictly negative intervention, making justice costless and easy of access; and beyond that it does not go. The State, on the other hand, both in its genesis and by its primary intention, is purely anti-social. It is not based on the idea of natural rights, but on the idea that the individual has no rights except those that the State may provisionally grant him. It has always made justice costly and difficult of access, and has invariably held itself above justice and common morality whenever it could advantage itself by so doing.
--Albert J. Nock
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