“I think our reverence for the truth might have become a bit of a distraction that is preventing us from finding consensus and getting important things done.” -- Katherine Maher (NPR CEO)
The FAA REFUSED To Hire Qualified Whites
{Actual Justice Warrior | 03 January 2025}
In this video, I discuss an Obama era program at the FAA that actively discriminated against white applicants at the command of The National Black Coalition of Federal Aviation Employees according to a lawsuit.
Lawsuit: https://case-law.vlex.com/vid/brigida-v-buttigieg-no-899911822
Article On Lawsuit: https://dailycaller.com/2018/06/13/black-union-lobbied-for-new-air-traffic-test/
Corrupt "Super Mayor" Gives CRAZY Interview After Brawl
{Actual Justice Warrior | 03 February 2025}
In this video, I discuss a ridiculous interview that the Super Mayor gave to the local news where she denied responsibility for EVERYTHING.
Full Super Mayor Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLklYRErBEt_fh66U6iIlakqVGYz1cHanx
Local News Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BZ5k1cvMvg
Angle 1: https://www.youtube.com/live/iyFg_kruLsk?t=6469s
"'My kids are trans, my sisters kids are trans, every kid I know is trans…' What are the odds that she’s normal and we are all crazy?" -- Scarlett Johnson
The wise man didn't say that about borders - he said it about border walls.
He actually seems to like borders - and maybe even using troops to secure them.
FTA (bold emphasis added): https://ontheissues.org/tx/Ron_Paul_Immigration.htm
Pay attention to US borders, not international borders
Q: Why are you opposed to a system that requires employers to verify the immigration status of their workers?
That just makes it sound even more reasonable.
"GITMO 1" involved the imprisonment of subjects who had not been convicted (or even charged) with any crimes.
Whatever one thinks of Bukele's offer, it is explicitly restricted to "only convicted criminals".
So unless every other prison is "GTIMO", neither is this one.
There is value in going through these motions, even if they do not come directly to immediate fruition.
The idea and prospect of doing things come before the doing of them.
If they are ever to happen at all, then the idea and prospect of doing them are going to need greater social visibility, currency, and validation.
Seeds are being planted - whether Trump (or his successor) is able (or even willing) to follow through or not.
And even the failure of those seeds to grow and bear fruit may produce further reaction.
Sadly, it's not an "either-or" proposition.
A government with the capacity to do the one kind of thing is ipso facto going to have the capacity to do the other kind of thing.
So we invariably tend to end up with "both-and".
WHOA! I did not expect this! Tulsi made it through the Senate Intel Committee! It'll go to the full Senate for a vote.
I don't care if he is a "good person".
In fact, I'm glad he's an asshole, real or perceived.
Polite "fair play" and "common sense" bipartisanship and "diplomacy" is what has gotten us into this mess.
Take the migrant invasion for instance...there is no polite way to say what needs to be said:
"You are not needed here, you are not wanted here, you are not welcome here, fuck off back to wherever you came from".
Bobby made it out of committee on a strictly party line vote! Now, it will go to the full Senate!
(on a related note, Tulsi's committee vote is expected today, too. I doubt she gets through, but we shall see.)
Just curious how you can tell what is an actual policy proposal versus some negotiation tactic...
Seems to me like he says one thing, gets you guys all fired up defending it, only to turn around a few days later and has you guys cheering for much, much less.
"Government ... does not exist of necessity, but rather by virtue of a tragic, almost comical combination of klutzy, opportunistic terrorism against sitting ducks whom it pretends to shelter, plus our childish phobia of responsibility, praying to be exempted from the hard reality of life on life's terms." Wolf DeVoon
"...Make America Great Again. I'm interested in making American FREE again. Then the greatness will come automatically."Ron Paul
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