Today, 07:31 PM
Trump's agendas have been nationalistic, not individualistic, and he will do whatever he believes is good for the Empire, not you or me. He is among the elite who was responsible for the largest debt increase of any president in history, as well as the largest transfer of wealth from the low/middle class to the upper. Now that the plandemic is over, which resulted in untested jabs and immunity for the pharm complex, and bans on travel which put the MIC on "temporary hold" to allow for "global compliance", the MIC is once again open for business.
Perhaps reread the thread to look for the out in the open hidden clues and one can easily speculate where this is heading. On top of that, people don't just give over $100 Million just to be generous. Not counting the neck tie.
Too much thought is put into "but it's against Kamala!" and that is where the flaw is. Look at Bush W the "peace candidate" and see where that got us. Because back then, people completely ignored all of the the signals and voted for him anyway.
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