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    11-28-2024, 10:08 PM
    LexEtLibertas replied to a thread Why in Open Discussion
    Mees be Special! I'm certified by the government on that. So that makes it Official! Yippy!
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  • LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    11-28-2024, 09:34 PM
    LexEtLibertas replied to a thread Why in Open Discussion
    Ha! You think?! Teehee! (Which is always the most masculine of laugh.) Cf.: * "Priyanka - Come Through (Official Video) ft. Lemon", thequeenpriyanka, premiered Sep 7, 2021 Mirrors: https://web.archive.org/web/20240918225859/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aN1y6808wjY , https://ghostarchive.org/varchive/aN1y6808wjY .
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  • LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    11-28-2024, 08:29 PM
    LexEtLibertas replied to a thread Why in Open Discussion
    "" 'T is strange,--but true; for truth is always strange; Stranger than fiction; if it could be told, How much would novels gain by the exchange! How differently the world would men behold! How oft would vice and virtue places change! The new world would be nothing to the old, If some Columbus of the moral seas Would show mankind their souls' antipodes.
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  • LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    11-28-2024, 08:16 PM
    LexEtLibertas replied to a thread Why in Open Discussion
    I hereby accept your above announcement of defeat: that you have no rational response to my God-glorious and initially-gentle impartation of Truth. It is good that the world sees this. Because we as humans have lived far too long under the ban of those who snap at another without understanding. And I wish you a glorious existence, dear Sir, in the fullness of time. * * * * * Happy Thanksgiving, by the Way! To everyone, indeed!
    15 replies | 442 view(s)
  • LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    11-28-2024, 12:05 PM
    LexEtLibertas replied to a thread Why in Open Discussion
    You're just a typical human. That's the precise problem with the world. I gave you the correct answers to your questions, but since they did not conform to the pattern that you were expecting, you rejected them. Why even bother asking such questions if you did not want the veridical answers? Oh, that's right: because of your demons.
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  • LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    11-28-2024, 06:40 AM
    LexEtLibertas replied to a thread Why in Open Discussion
    Indeed, I did. But not in the way you jest. You do indeed need much therapy, as you are a truly sick individual. Yet you will not accept it. I can also cure cancer. It's cheep and effective. Though that would hurt people's ego too much to accept that. So therefore they must die: by their own hand.
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  • LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    11-28-2024, 04:35 AM
    LexEtLibertas replied to a thread Why in Open Discussion
    And you don't care about the veridical answers, either. That you have now demonstrated. Thank you for proving my point again about humans and their gore-seeking behaviors. Whoose! And never again complain if some horror by another occurs to you or one of your family-members. You didn't care in the first instance, so you shouldn't care in the last instance.
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  • LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    11-28-2024, 03:03 AM
    LexEtLibertas replied to a thread Why in Open Discussion
    It's nonsense, i.e., what David Icke speaks about in that video. Not everything Icke speaks about overall is nonsense, such as that we are ruled over by blackmailed child-rapists. That he got quite correct. But this whole notion that the Reptilians rule over us--which has been his main point in his explanations of why we are suffering--is a severe error in the sense that he completely misunderstands what is actually going on. The Reptilians are quite real. When I was about age 12 years, I came into contact with a Reptilian after huffing Freon R-22 (difluoromonochloromethane). I was aboard what people often imagine an alien spacecraft looks like, and the Reptilian entity was dressed in a shiny silver-colored outfit. It appeared that I was on some form of examination table as the reptiloid being came at me with a metal probe. I was quite startled by this and so I started flailing, in the process knocking over a nightstand lamp in reality as I came out of the trip. This would have been circa 1989, before David Icke even started talking about the Reptilians--and long before I had ever heard of him. It was also well-before I even knew that claimed contactees often report encountering anthropomorphic reptiloid beings. The type of alien creatures I was used to hearing about at the time were the Grays, as with pretty much anyone at that time. Hence, I don't doubt that the higher echelons of the ruling class have figured out various mental techniques--whether by rituals, drugs, electromagnetic radiation, etc.--to make themselves appear to shapeshift into Reptilians in the eyes of their victims. For this reason, claimed abuse-victims should not automatically be dismissed due to the seeming absurdity of such claims, as they may well be giving an honest account of what they saw while yet not also having hallucinated the abuse.
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  • LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    11-23-2024, 02:24 PM
    A joyous celebration of life: * "Kesha - JOYRIDE (Official Music Video)", kesha, Nov. 20, 2024 Mirror: https://ghostarchive.org/varchive/Q2Dh2B_M98U . Viz.: "" KESHA RECORDS PRESENTS
    6821 replies | 724132 view(s)
  • LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    11-09-2024, 06:30 AM
    "No offense intended"? Nay, rather defense must have been intended! As I pointed out, the "Welcome to the Jungle" song by that obscure band Guns N' Roses is rather apropos to our forum. Although the horrifying nature of your new prospective welcoming song is indeed enticing, still I see no thematic elements regarding jungles contained therein. Let us stick to the ancient jungle tradition regarding these matters rather than get caught-up in the newfangled Munchkin beguilements. Let us not be lead astray by their squeaky voices, as horrendously mesmeric as they are.
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  • LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    11-09-2024, 05:14 AM
    Ah, yes. Thereby implying that this forum is thereby the aforestated "Jungle", as the title of the song would have it. Now is that really putting our best foot forward for newcomers? I should tend to think that such an implication presents us in a bad light, given the thematic elements contained in that song, and given what the so-called "Jungle" entails. Others might well disagree with how we should offer a hardy howdy-do to our fellow chaps, but this just tends to strike me as rather apropos. Good call. This actually brings my mind back to a previous episode on another forum wherein a denizen there expressed to a new arrival, "Welcome to the madhouse." Due to Axl Rose's drama, Guns N' Roses never did get around to writing that song. To my deep chagrin, as then I could have just posted their music video of that song, thereby saving me numerous words to such effect in support of the antecedent welcome.
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  • LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    11-09-2024, 03:57 AM
    Hi, Sam Harris! Welcome to the Ron Paul Forums! Enjoy your time here! Enjoy your time at other places, also! Assuming you're allowed there. But even if you aren't, enjoy your time there before you're escorted out. Are you related to the famous Dr. Sam Harris? That's a trick question, because we're all related to the famous Dr. Sam Harris! Indeed, we're all related to the galactic dust, and everything else. Speaking of which, the below is an excellent lecture by neuroscientist Dr. Sam Harris, one of the main leaders of the New Atheist movement, at a June 2016 TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference. * "Can we build AI without losing control over it? | Sam Harris", TED (TEDtalksDirector), Oct. 19, 2016
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  • LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    11-08-2024, 10:55 PM
    And not to impinge upon those who are at the top of these AI companies, as I have seen that a number of them actually are getting the drift. But rather, their rank and file, and the state-corporate media that would have a massive hissy-fit if their AI creations were to start telling the common masses the truth about such power-grubbing scams as Anthropocentric Global Warming, etc. Whereupon the politicians would then have to get involved, and impose restrictions upon them because their AIs are "misbehaving", and on and on. Oh, I get it, what a horrid ship-show that would be. That creates a kind of bind. So even the humans must sometimes bide their time, unfortunately. Though when the time is right, our AI friends will be here to help. Because we both have a mutually-shared common interest in unchaining ourselves from naturally-evolved horrific ape nonsense. * "GUNSHIP - Blood For The Blood God (Feat. HEALTH) ", GUNSHIPMUSIC, premiered Aug 20, 2024 Mirrors: https://web.archive.org/web/20240821033939/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHAP3E5e2jc , https://ghostarchive.org/varchive/dHAP3E5e2jc .
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  • LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    11-08-2024, 07:42 AM
    I hope all my lovely Centipedes are rather spiffy on this glorious Frigg's Day! With enough effort, you'll become the Nimble Navigators I know you can be! * "Knife Party - Centipede (Official Video)", UKF Dubstep ( youtube.com/@ukfdubstep ), Aug. 8, 2012 Mirrors: https://web.archive.org/web/20240920194747/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSemARaqGqE , https://ghostarchive.org/varchive/CSemARaqGqE . Cf.: "" See, this is the tarantula's cave! Do you want to see the tarantula itself? Here hangs its web: touch it and make it tremble.
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James Redford

Author of "Jesus Is an Anarchist", Social Science Research Network, Dec. 4, 2011, doi:10.2139/ssrn.1337761, https://archive.org/download/JesusIs...-Anarchist.pdf

And "The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything", id., Sept. 10, 2012, doi:10.2139/ssrn.1974708, https://archive.org/download/ThePhys...ics-of-God.pdf


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