• LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    02-02-2025, 09:00 PM
    Um, why are you being so paranoid, dude? I told you what, exactly? At any rate, you are getting overheated. Calm down, dude. Or don't. Hey, be in your overheated state. This is amusing to me.
    481 replies | 63441 view(s)
  • LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    02-02-2025, 06:56 PM
    Why would you assume that I would disagree with you? (And I don't know about this person. Given the video, she/he/it seems happy, at any rate.) You're angling for a fight, I see. Is that a common thing among you paranoid straights? But it's a fight that you could never win. All our problems would have been solved had you folks listened to me. You still can.
    481 replies | 63441 view(s)
  • LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    02-02-2025, 05:21 PM
    Wow, isn't this quit the paranoid thread. Is this what it is like to be straight, shivering in fear all the time? God has indeed blessed me by not making me one of you. But then you straights gaslight. * "Transgender people over four times more likely than cisgender people to be victims of violent crime", Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law (University of California, Los Angeles), Mar. 23, 2021, https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/press/ncvs-trans-press-release/ , https://web.archive.org/web/20250130122009/https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/press/ncvs-trans-press-release/ , https://ghostarchive.org/archive/e41qJ , https://archive.ph/9t56X .
    481 replies | 63441 view(s)
  • LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    02-02-2025, 05:15 PM
    Wow, isn't this quit the paranoid thread. Is this what it is like to be straight, shivering in fear all the time? God has indeed blessed me by not making me one of you. But then you straights gaslight. * "Transgender people over four times more likely than cisgender people to be victims of violent crime", Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law (University of California, Los Angeles), Mar. 23, 2021, https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/press/ncvs-trans-press-release/ , https://web.archive.org/web/20250130122009/https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/press/ncvs-trans-press-release/ , https://ghostarchive.org/archive/e41qJ , https://archive.ph/9t56X .
    481 replies | 63441 view(s)
  • LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    02-02-2025, 12:07 PM
    Thank you for your above explanation, wizardwatson. I often hurt, too. I try to explain to people various important matters, and they spit it back into my face. And then I wonder: why? I know the reason why. It's because of the demons. Yes, because of them. Oh, I ain't complaining so much. We all have our life to live, after all. But, yeah, it's hard to speak with people sometimes. Because they just won't have it, even if you're speaking all truth, all logic, and come with all data-points.
    43 replies | 1600 view(s)
  • LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    02-02-2025, 12:02 PM
    Thank you for your above explanation, wizardwatson. I often hurt, too. I try to explain to people various important matters, and they spit it back into my face. And then I wonder: why? I know the reason why. It's because of the demons. Yes, because of them. Oh, I ain't complaining so much. We all have our life to live, after all. But, yeah, it's hard to speak with people sometimes. Because they just won't have it, even if you're speaking all truth, all logic, and come with all data-points.
    43 replies | 1600 view(s)
  • LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    02-02-2025, 11:11 AM
    Hey, hold off from criticizing Ron Paul. I agree with some of what you wrote above, but the central issue concerns objective right or wrong. Apparently you believe that no such thing exists, and so therefore it all just comes down to some form of effect: "tribalism", as you call it. I have felt that myself, so I get what you are speaking to. Yes, the apes tend to choose sides, and it is a sport for them. But would you grant that there is such a thing as objective truth? Well, you must grant that, otherwise you would not be able to logically speak against it.
    43 replies | 1600 view(s)
  • LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    02-02-2025, 04:02 AM
    I would not disagree with you until you disagree with me. I must always get my Way. QED. And yes, I have novel explanations for various matters. I have a different take on life, you could say. But I like that you ar malleable material, and therefore open to options. You are actually more of a Christian than the Christians are. Even the supposed Satanists I somewhat like, if they will but listen to me. * "Kim Kardashian - Santa Baby (Official Music Video)", Kim Kardashian ( youtube.com/@KimKardashian ),premiered Dec 23, 2024
    32 replies | 1411 view(s)
  • LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    02-02-2025, 12:31 AM
    You see, you're the one using force there. You're the one committing aggressive violence thereby (i.e, were you to carry out your plans). But you don't see just what a paranoid schizophrenic you are. Oh, what a God-damned dipship you are. Quite literally, you are dumber than dirt. But you existential shipstains do this because you know deep down inside you are a Hellspawn of Satan, and that this is the best that you can come up with in your miscreant life. So you have to get down on those who are actually approved by God Almighty. It's all you got in life, because of your puny ape-brains.
    32 replies | 1411 view(s)
  • LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    02-01-2025, 08:02 PM
    Hey, I was raised in Texas. With the belt. Some people have never been drilled-down like us Texicans have been. I love everyone yet still. But people need to know.
    32 replies | 1411 view(s)
  • LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    02-01-2025, 07:31 PM
    God-damn it, you are stupid. Did your mother ever teach you just how God-damned stupid you are? Or did your father ever tell you? If there was ever a case for abortion, you made the grade. I've already written about my support for Donald Trump. But I also wrote therein that I support him on a contingent basis. Meaning, that I support some of what he does, but not all. With me, it's on a case-by-case basis. I either support one particular thing he does, or not. And you obviously don't know me, based upon your above ship-for-brains remarks. How about you learn: * James Redford, "The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything", Social Science Research Network (SSRN), Sept. 10, 2012 (orig. pub. Dec. 19, 2011), 186 pp., doi:10.2139/ssrn.1974708, https://archive.org/download/ThePhysicsOfGodAndTheQuantumGravityTheoryOfEverything/Redford-Physics-of-God.pdf , https://jamesredford.github.io/Redford-Physics-of-God.pdf .
    32 replies | 1411 view(s)
  • LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    02-01-2025, 06:38 PM
    Okay, this is weird. So the conclusion is that gender-nonconforming people wish to assault women and children. How did you come to this conclusion? At any rate, it is you paranoids who actually commit more crimes against us. We have to live in your mentally-retarded paranoid world.
    51 replies | 1687 view(s)
  • LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    02-01-2025, 04:24 PM
    Well, that's hard to input into my system at the moment, because I am drunk and so forth. I will try to get back to this at a later date. Though I do thank you for asking me. That is what you people should have always been doing. I mean, when I am not so fooked-up. But I will say this: Folks, I'm not for penis-having individuals being put into women's prison. But there are known cases of this, and when that occurs, it's the women jumping their bone. Seriously, there's no need for any rapy situation to occur lest the male (yes, I'm comfortable using that term) just likes rape for its own sake. So no, do not put penis-having individuals with the women-folk. Not because the penis-individual will rape them, but rather because the women will damn-near rape them. It's supposed to be a sentence. You're supposed to do time. It shouldn't be all fun and games.
    23 replies | 991 view(s)
  • LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    02-01-2025, 01:49 PM
    Sorry for him. God bless.
    34 replies | 1596 view(s)
  • LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    02-01-2025, 08:44 AM
    I highly disagree with you! (You and everyone can detect my high disagreement factor there.) The reason why anarchy (let us all get used to that inflammatory word) is necessary, beyond the usual Rothbardian arguments, is because with the free market, everyone can have their way. Let the private establishments choose how they wish to handle it, as our current President Donald J. Trump initially said in his first presidential campaign. Anarchy! It is just, it is true! So deal, em effers! Folks, the government tried to put a bullet into his head. What do you think will be his rejoinder? * "KMFDM - Anarchy", Kaitlyn Taylor ( youtube.com/user/t3rabyt3 ), Nov. 18, 2007
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  • LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    02-01-2025, 06:11 AM
    It's as if the high-level governmental blackmailed child-rapers are attempting to cause as much chaos as possible in order to delay the inevitable. Almost as if. Close approximating it. * "War Pigs", Black Sabbath ( youtube.com/@blacksabbath ), Feb. 2, 2017 Mirror: https://ghostarchive.org/varchive/bc5Nk1DXyEY .
    34 replies | 1596 view(s)
  • LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    01-31-2025, 11:16 PM
    Right. I choose the bathroom which produces the least amount of social disruption. When I first was going out en femme, I was unsure how to proceed regarding the public bathroom issue, so I chose the male bathroom. Well, it freaked a guy out, and he asked me, "Ma'am, I guess you didn't see the sign?!" in a concerned manner. So that helped to seal it for me as to what I should do regarding this. Whereas I have never had the slightest of issue using the female restrooms. Nobody cares, actually, lest they be some paranoid schizophrenic. If you look the part and dress the part, then people don't actually pay you much of any notice.
    51 replies | 1687 view(s)
  • LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    01-31-2025, 08:40 PM
    There's an easy way to resolve these disagreements: Abolish government. Easy peasy, like I said.
    32 replies | 1411 view(s)
  • LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    01-31-2025, 07:12 PM
    Why? I'll tell you why. As I've said elsewhere on this forum: "" ... to show the collectivists of the prior years, who believe In Government We Trust, that a government which can supposedly give you everything can definitely take everything away from you. Including your life; and indeed your soul, if you believe in government. It reminds me of Trump's recitation of the lyrics to Oscar Brown's song "The Snake", except that as liberty-lovers actually know, the Snake here is the government. "" For my above comment, see: * Anti Federalist, "Trump signs EO banning gov financial support of transqueeer procedures for minors", Ron Paul Forums: Liberty Forest, Jan. 28, 2025, https://ghostarchive.org/archive/FArzJ , https://megalodon.jp/2025-0131-2059-51/www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?569234-Trump-signs-EO-banning-gov-financial-support-of-transqueeer-procedures-for-minors , https://www.freezepage.com/1738324798LBGXGPOOEY .
    32 replies | 1411 view(s)
  • LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    01-31-2025, 05:57 AM
    Oh, I repent for ever having been gore-seeking, mentally-retarded individual like you. That happened during the first Gulf War. I was a child, and thought we were really getting the baddies. Little did I know that it was part of the New World Order. But I learned quickly while it was happening. Now you repent and seek help from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, you gore-seeking, demonically-possessed individual! I command the demons out of you!
    23 replies | 991 view(s)
  • LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    01-31-2025, 05:49 AM
    You're the ones who set-up the rape-cages for the children, called gladiator camps and the foster system. Due to your Original Sin, whereby you do not think. Rather, you let your demons think for you. Why involuntarily put anyone into a cage with another, lest one be a demonically mentally-retarded person who just adores gore for its own sake? I already showed above how to permanently stop this. But you serial-killer types just adore gore for its own sake.
    23 replies | 991 view(s)
  • LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    01-31-2025, 05:45 AM
    You're the ones who set-up the rape-cages for the children, called gladiator camps and the foster system. Due to your Original Sin, whereby you do not think. Rather, you let your demons think for you. And you still admit that that there are more than two biological human sexes. Thank you again for agreeing with me. I'm glad that we could have this discussion whereby I always win.
    23 replies | 991 view(s)
  • LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    01-31-2025, 05:38 AM
    I have no "trans friends". You come the closest to being my trans friend. Thank you for being my trans friend BFF. Why involuntarily put anyone into a cage with another, lest one be a demonically mentally-retarded person who just adores gore for its own sake? Thank you for marking yourself out as a serial-killer type. But I still love you, my trans friend BFF, despite your gory ways.
    23 replies | 991 view(s)
  • LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    01-31-2025, 05:31 AM
    God Almighty educated me. Satan educated you. Now say what you just said above two-times fast. At any rate, you above admit that the literally mentally-retarded definition of male or female sex given by President Donald J. Trump's Executive Order is false: that there are indeed more than two human biological sexes. Yet his Executive Order actually affirms that there are indeed more than two human biological sexes! Thank you for agreeing with me.
    23 replies | 991 view(s)
  • LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    01-31-2025, 05:23 AM
    Because Women's Lives Matter. And other people's lives don't. Of course, we just have to have beat-ups and rapes! No way to stop that! Aren't you quite the correct serial-killer?
    23 replies | 991 view(s)
  • LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    01-31-2025, 05:20 AM
    If one were to take President Donald J. Trump's Executive Orders on this seriously, it would also involve transferring people with androgen insensitivity syndrome who are chromosomally XY male, yet who always had a vagina and developed externally as females, into men's prisons. (Although, to be precise, such a person is neither male nor female, per Trump's Executive Order on this: since they do not produce gametes.) And that's just for starters regarding intersex conditions. Won't that be gory fun. You humans do this to yourselves, due to your Original Sin, called natural evolution. Your naturally-evolved Jaynesian demons make you humans literally mentally-retarded. By which I mean mentally held-back, per the dictionary meaning of those two words. It's a failure of morality, not of basic mental computational resources. It actually involves cowardice: the fear of thinking uncharted thoughts. And the fear of being thought of as different, of not going along with the crowd. As with every major societal problem, I have the objectively-correct solution to this. (That also includes how to safely privatize hydrogen bombs and ICBMs controlled by mutually-reinforcing private-protection agencies using decentralized blockchain technology via smart contracts.) It involves architecture. House every inmate individually in their own cell, with the cells arranged in a panopticon with a central watch-tower, like slices of pizza with the tower at its center. And you can stack the floors up as high as the highest skyscrapers, if you want, with other structurally-connected panopticon towers giving reinforcement to the others. And since the cells are arranged in pizza-slices, that means that each inmate can have two people to communicate with behind a woven mesh of thick steel wire reinforced by steel pillars and horizontal bars, as is typical in current jail and prison bar-barriers. Have slots between them and a table underneath the slot, with embedded stools for the two prisoners to sit, in order to play board games and trade books, etc.
    23 replies | 991 view(s)
  • LexEtLibertas's Avatar
    01-30-2025, 07:25 AM
    This involves more than just minors: From "Defending Women from Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government", Executive Order, White House, Jan. 20, 2025, https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/2025/01/defending-women-from-gender-ideology-extremism-and-restoring-biological-truth-to-the-federal-government/ , https://megalodon.jp/2025-0127-0342-47/www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/2025/01/defending-women-from-gender-ideology-extremism-and-restoring-biological-truth-to-the-federal-government/ , https://www.freezepage.com/1737916988KXQZXWGEWE : "" (d) “Female” means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell. (e) “Male” means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the small reproductive cell. ""
    23 replies | 991 view(s)
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About LexEtLibertas

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James Redford

Author of "Jesus Is an Anarchist", Social Science Research Network, Dec. 4, 2011, doi:10.2139/ssrn.1337761, https://archive.org/download/JesusIs...-Anarchist.pdf

And "The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything", id., Sept. 10, 2012, doi:10.2139/ssrn.1974708, https://archive.org/download/ThePhys...ics-of-God.pdf


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