Today, 06:37 AM
But it's the Democrat Party which is shooting itself in both feet with a machine gun.
No, the reality isn't quite that simple. Both major parties are working at being reprehensible. Both of their candidates are more interested in scaring the bejeezus out of voters than in being appealing to their own bases.
The goal is to stay in power even as they purposely screw everything up. How do you prevent voters from saying, "A pox on both your "parties!"? Simple. Put up the two worst candidates ever. Ensure that no matter who you are, you'll get behind your totally frightening candidate because their obvious evil is, to you, dwarfed by the evil you detect on the other side.
The name of the game is, shove evils you can live with but know your neighbors can't down their throats before they do the same to you. Nobody really wants either set of evils, but are told they'll have to have one set or the other because Two Party System.
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