Not that any of them have a clue about what makes a real man.
A real man gets up every day and goes to work at the hot, loud, dangerous, shitty, smelly, smoky jobs that keeps all the rest of you alive every single day.
Nobody thanks him for his service.
They instead mock him and berate him and call him deplorable.
You do not need a Kamala Harris to live. Nor a Donald Trump.
It's a play on words...
You have a mob of people fighting and brawling.
Somebody gets "dissed" one too many times and pulls out a couple of Glocks with giggle switches and lets loose with 100 rounds or so into the crowd.
Like a cluster bomb airstrike in a real war, it's not really made to destroy a great deal of property or even kill a bunch of personnel because of its indiscriminate nature.
It's designed to suppress counter fire and intimidate your opposition.
I mostly agree with Larken. At least Trump will most likely not be under Obama and Hillary doing their bidding like we know Kamala will.We all know that anyone who is elected POTUS has some kind of criminal intent. That is why Ron Paul did not get elected...
No where near as strong as forecast.
Look at the coastline where it has cleared out.
Most of the lights are still on.§or=se&band=GEOCOLOR&length=12
I thought voting was a pointless exercise in futility?
I mean, I know you hate this nation and the people in it, so I can understand you wanting to cast a vote to cause the maximum amount of pain, but again, I thought it was pointless?
Why is a vote for Trump giving your tacit approval to a corrupt system, but not a vote for Kamala?
Also, he gets cramping and a menstrual cycle.
This is why I argue that the parties aren't quite the same, at least in terms of the people who register as voters. For instance, a Trump voter most likely doesn't want everyone on this site murdered.
In other words, bring up real reasons to not want 20,000 Haitian bio-weapons dropped in your town, so I can call you a racist and have those reasons dismissed and disregarded.
These visceral reasons, like the idea that the bio-weapons will skin and eat your pet cat in the front yard, are too hard to counter because we can't prove them.
See, this is exactly the kind of dumb government shit that goes on when the people do not take charge of their own well being.
This is a legitimate effort being taken on by our own people right here, and going directly to those in need.
Chip in whatever you can.
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