Today, 09:35 AM
As Anti Federalist pointed out, during the Trump years the number of immigrants from Ukraine were less than 10,000. Now it's over 217,000. The difference is not the amount of welfare. The difference is (drumroll please) U.S. foreign policy which destabilized their country! If the welfare state was reduced to nothing, people would still be streaming into the U.S. because of how the U.S. has for over 100 years destablizied Haiti, for the past few decades destablized Venezuela, and for the past few years destablized Ukraine. So until we stop screwing over other people countries it's not going to slow the mass migration numbers. That said, there SHOULD be limits on welfare especially for migrants and people SHOULD investigate if the stories are true. From what I can find so far refugees are granted cash assistance both that the federal and the state level, but I can't find how anyone would end up with $30,000 on an EBT card.,would%20no%20longer%20receive%20RCA.
So...why aren't Trump and J.D. Vance talking about ^that? Why isn't anybody talking about that?
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