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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:15 AM
    :rolleyes: South Africa is doing the same thing that was done to Native Hawaiians in the 1984 case Midkiff v Hawaii Housing Authority. Basically some Native Hawaiian families owned most of the land and it was taken from them using eminent domain to "redistribute" to other people only for the land to ulitmately be bought up by land speculators. Oh sure they got "compensanted" but not nearly what the land was actually worth. And what does Donald Trump think about eminent domain?
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    02-10-2025, 07:10 PM
    Okay. Those of you who claim those of us who don't like what Israel is doing to Gaza as somehow supporting Hamas or otherwise being anti semetic can shut the hell up now. https://www.timesofisrael.com/musk-vows-to-rehire-deputy-who-apparently-joked-about-annihilation-of-israel-and-gaza/ Billionaire’s X followers decide in poll to reinstate Marko Elez, 25, who resigned from Musk’s government agency after racist posts resurfaced such as ‘Normalize Indian hate’ By AFP 8 February 2025, 8:36 am 35 Elon Musk arrives before the 60th presidential inauguration in the Rotunda of the US Capitol in Washington, January 20, 2025. (Chip Somodevilla/ Pool Photo via AP) Elon Musk arrives before the 60th presidential inauguration in the Rotunda of the US Capitol in Washington, January 20, 2025. (Chip Somodevilla/ Pool Photo via AP)
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  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    02-10-2025, 06:55 PM
    What happens next, when they successfully kill him? https://x.com/i/status/1888982964131992006 1888982964131992006
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  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    02-10-2025, 06:54 PM
    https://x.com/TheChiefNerd/status/1889087297905147998 1889087297905147998
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    02-10-2025, 06:51 PM
    So I thought your argument was that if Rand were able to pull it off it would just make things worse or at the very least not any better. But it seems now that your argument is that it's unlikely he'll ever get this passed. If the former than I disagree. If the latter than I can't say you're wrong but I don't think it's bad to at least try.
    13 replies | 362 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    02-10-2025, 06:27 PM
    https://x.com/i/status/1889068717264531559 1889068717264531559
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    02-10-2025, 04:34 PM
    LOL. You said "noone in the Arab world seriously denounces Hamas." Your statement is provably false. You are the only fool here. Abbas didn't support provoking a wider war with Israel or he would have done it already. I don't give a rats ass if he "feels the slightest sorrow for a dead Jew." That's irrelevant. This isn't about how somebody "feels." It's about who had the ability to prevent October 7th. Abbas didn't have that ability but Bibi Netanyahu did. Israel had the plans for the attack 1 year in advance. And Ron Paul clearly REJECTED your argument that if people other than the Afghanis had operational control of Al Qaeda on 9/11 that meant war with the Afghanis was warranted. He rejected that in November 2001 just months after voting for tha authorization for military force. Ron Paul supported SURGICAL strikes to get Osama Bin Laden, who had already escaped before we invaded, and NOT a general war! If Israel had just attacked Hamas the way it attacked Hezbollah in Lebonon with minimal civilian casualties, the civilized world would not care. Candace Owens brought that point up multiple times when she debated Zionist shills last year. Once more in case you missed it. Ron Paul: The Afghan people did nothing to deserve another war. The Taliban, of course, is closely tied to bin Laden and the al Qaeda, but so are the Pakistanis and the Saudis. Even the United States was a supporter of the Taliban's rise to power. And as recently as August of this year, we talked pipeline politics with them. The recent French publication of bin Laden, ``The Forbidden Truth,'' revealed our most recent effort to
    111 replies | 1661 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    02-10-2025, 12:13 PM
    https://x.com/AntiFeder1776/status/1889014605009076596 1889014605009076596
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  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    02-10-2025, 12:02 PM
    https://x.com/iamyesyouareno/status/1888995201412137025 1888995201412137025
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  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    02-10-2025, 09:22 AM
    Yes, I saw that and commented on X about it. That is great news, and I wish i could have posted something about it here, but the forum has been down on numerous occasions over the past couple of weeks. I'm glad that you did post it.
    108 replies | 2521 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    02-10-2025, 07:11 AM
    I'm sure if Rand had been on the Supreme Court he would have voted to strike down Chevron Deference. And if this law had been passed sooner the Court wouldn't have NEEDED to strike down Chevron Deference. So Rand is doing exactly what it seems you're saying needs to be done. And Court decisions can be reversed. The left is now kicking itself for not codifying Roe v Wade with federal legislation when Obama was president and they had the house and a 2/3rds majority in the Senate. The republicans don't have that 2/3rds majority so this may be tilting at windmills, but if the Dems are forced to vote to protect bureaucracy that is also a win.
    13 replies | 362 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    02-09-2025, 06:31 PM
    I think he would be incredibly helpful in an advisory role. Let some young mustang take the point on this however. We all know what will happen when the Fed's skeletons start getting dragged out their closets.
    21 replies | 107 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    02-09-2025, 06:29 PM
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    02-09-2025, 06:24 PM
    Well..considering that the pistol brace ban didn't not get passed after the ATF rule got struck down by the courts it seems the answer is no. The administrative state clown car drives much faster. https://www.cato.org/cato-handbook-policymakers/cato-handbook-policymakers-9th-edition-2022/reining-administrative-state#restore-popular-accountability-domestic-policymaking Agencies regulate through a combination of the legislative, executive, and judicial functions by issuing rules with the force of law, policing those rules, and adjudicating their enforcement. In 2021, for example, the Biden administration issued 3,257 regulations with the force and effect of law, whereas Congress passed 81 laws during that time. The last available year for comprehensive data about administrative adjudications is 2013, when the five busiest agencies convened 1,351,342 executive branch tribunals; that same year, there were 57,777 total cases (civil and criminal) filed in the U.S. district and appellate courts.
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    02-09-2025, 05:32 PM
    Ron Paul: The Afghan people did nothing to deserve another war. The Taliban, of course, is closely tied to bin Laden and the al Qaeda, but so are the Pakistanis and the Saudis. Even the United States was a supporter of the Taliban's rise to power. How are you enjoying that copium?
    111 replies | 1661 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    02-09-2025, 05:16 PM
    You're honesty quotient is low. And I fully explained my position. You either lack the reading comprehenion to understand it or you lack the honesty to admit it. Most people here reject the idea that the war in Afghanistan was somehow justified based on the theory that all the CIA did was merely help the mujahadeen back in the 1980s and then Al Qaeda attacked America because they hate us for our freedom. Even though Ron Paul voted for authorization military action to take out Al Qaeda, as early as November 2001 he said: The Afghan people did nothing to deserve another war. The Taliban, of course, is closely tied to bin Laden and the al Qaeda, but so are the Pakistanis and the Saudis. Even the United States was a supporter of the Taliban's rise to power.
    111 replies | 1661 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    02-09-2025, 05:12 PM
    Oh, and your claim that "noone in the Arab world seriously denounces Hamas" is provably false. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/palestinian-president-blames-hamas-continuing-war-gaza-2024-07-13/ Palestinian president blames Hamas for continuing war in Gaza By Reuters July 13, 20242:47 PM CDTUpdated 7 months ago RAMALLAH, July 13 (Reuters) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said Israel and the United States were responsible for an attack that killed dozens in the Gaza Strip on Saturday, but the Western-backed leader also blamed Hamas for the continuing war in Gaza. His comments signal rising tension between Abbas's Fatah faction and the Islamist Hamas group, which accused the Palestinian president of taking Israel's side.
    111 replies | 1661 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    02-09-2025, 05:07 PM
    Have you been drinking with Kamala Harris? Because ^that is some serious word salad.
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    02-09-2025, 05:05 PM
    Ron Paul clearly says ^here that he didn't come out and say everthing he thought for political reasons. Here at 1:30 in Ron Paul says "Building 7 going down...that raises a lot of questions." So contrary to your false assertion he certainly entertained conspiracy theories about 9/11. But that's a straw man argument. I didn't say "Ron Paul believes 9/11 was not done by Al Qaeda" I said "A lot of people here do not believe 9/11 was done by Al Qaeda." So please keep your argument honest. The issue is did Snowball's "a-okay" to your post about 3,000 Americans being killed by Al Qaeda mean he was okay with 3,000 Americans being killed, or was he really saying "Whatever you say dude" to your claim that Al Qaeda killed 3,000 Americans? You and I both know it's most likely the latter and not the former. You asserted the position was the CIA only helped the mujahadeen fight the Soviets. That's different from the CIA helping Al Qaeda carry out 9/11. So now that you're arguing the honest position here is my response. If the CIA helped Al Qaeda, a group of non Afghan terrorists who simply used Afghanistan as a base, carry out 9/11, then does that justify killing a bunch of Afghanis especially considering that we KNEW Osama Bin Laden was no longer in Afghanistan BEFORE we invaded? Osama Bin Laden likely escaped Afghanistan in November 2001. (See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kunduz_airlift) Hamas consists of about 4,000 people. Israel killed about 40,000+ Palestinians. Do the math.
    111 replies | 1661 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    02-09-2025, 09:46 AM
    So do you think Congress would have passed the pistol brace ban?
    13 replies | 362 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    02-09-2025, 09:11 AM
    I would love to see this, but I do have concerns for the man's health at his age, being thrown back into the District of Criminals.
    21 replies | 107 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    02-09-2025, 08:48 AM
    And to break this down for you Swordsmyth: 1) Not everybody here believes Al Qaida had anything to do with 9/11. You've been around enough to know the various conspiracy theories that exist on that. 2) If Al Qaida did do 9/11, the CIA involvement is much more than just that they "promoted the mujahadeen against the Soviets." At the very least the CIA helped the 9/11 terrorists into the U.S. 3) If the CIA had operational control of Al Qaeda throughout the attack, as Benjamen Netanyahu seems to have had operational control over Hamas throughout October 7, then it's not justified to kill Muslims, even in Afghanistan who were not part of Al Qaeda or the Taliban, when we're not actually going after the people really responsibile. (The CIA).
    111 replies | 1661 view(s)
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    02-09-2025, 07:57 AM
    You're either being dishonest over very stupid. The "A-OK" wasn't "A-OK" to 3,000 Americans being killed! It was "A-OK" as in "I know you're full of shyt but I'm not going to argue with you!"
    111 replies | 1661 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    02-08-2025, 09:46 PM
    https://x.com/UltraDane/status/1888341703217840176 1888341703217840176
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    I remember that, and I remember that you made new accounts and came back to CFC a few times.
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    How's life been going, been a while since we've talked. Can you believe that our CFC days were almost a decade ago?
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    music director at the Catholic Church I went to removed all references to God as he and used gender neutral terms instead. Two priest did nothing about it. In the Orthodox Churches that I've gone to not just the priest and bishops would not have put up with that, but neither would the congregation. The reason the Orthodox is Orthodox world wide despite separation by land, language and nationalities is that the congregation wants to be Orthodox.

    BTW, these are some generalities. I've been to some good Catholic Churches and luke warm Orthodox Churches but I've found Orthodoxy a lot more consistent but oddly, less rigid at the same time.
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    I found there is less of a tendency for people to ask favors in prayer and more to accept God's will and his mercies.

    From my understanding, the roots of the schism go back to Augustine. He was a Latin speaking lawyer who didn’t read the Greek of the Desert Fathers. Luther and many other reformers were heavily influenced by his writings as well as Thomas Aquinas.

    Also when refering to the teachings of The Church, Catholics tend to see them as coming from the Pope and Cardinals. The Orthodox see The Church as a consensus of everyone from the Fathers to all the Orthodox today led by the Holy Spirit of course. One thing that led me away from the RCC was the
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    2 Peter 1:1-11 is our view of Salvation. Yes we are predestined and were are also told to make every effort to confirm our election, so I see it as a mix of Calvinism and RCC. After the schism the Western Churches got hung up on different on bits and pieces of scripture and couldn’t focus on the whole of it. Hell’s Unicorn described Orthodoxy view on soteriology as “primitive.” I couldn’t argue with that. The icons are our family album. The Orthodox way of venerating them is no different than the way we greet each other at Church because we are made in His image. Sometimes I think Orthodox tend to argue too much like Catholics, IMO.

    I found there is less of a tendency for people to ask favors in prayer and more to accept God's will and his mercies.
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    Here's a quick rundown: This is my understanding of the differences between RCs and EOCs. The EOC’s interpretations of scripture takes its roots from the Desert Fathers from the 1st few centuries. There is less of a legalistic and more mystical take. God is not narrowed down to judge, brother, creator etc. He is all that at once. John the Evangelist who reclined his head on Jesus’ chest at the Last Supper, fell to his face in awe and worship in his vision in the Book of Revelation.

    Fasting and works are not to fulfil a penance, it is to be closer to God (Actually your questioning about fasting led me to Orthodoxy from the RCC) My understanding of salvation is that I am saved, and my works are to unite me with God-- more to bend my will towards God's.
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    Sola was the first to point out that he was definitely not an antinomianism. It's funny. It still took me a year to get that in my head. Erowe1 gave the best description of FA. I disagreed only on a technicality. That's when I dropped out of the arguments.
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    I was an atheist, then RC, and now EOC. The discussions here helped lead me to the EOC. My first intro to Faith Alone was fellow Marines who had sex with anything and said they were save by FA. That's how I argued it. I think what finally got to me was when some RCs were trying to say the good thief was saved by an act of faith because they didn't want to say he was saved by faith. It wasgrace through faith, and that would have saved me hundred of argumentative posts.
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    Yeah he has my respect.
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    I wasn't calling the reformed position dumb, I was saying you were acting like a dumbass.
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I'm Done

by Christian Liberty on 07-27-2013 at 06:53 PM
I'm so sick of seeing "Support our troops" or even worse "Fighting for our freedoms."

During a trip to Word of Life for a week of camp I saw a bumper sticker that said "God bless our troops, especially our snipers."

Usually, when trying to prove a point about war, I don't discuss the troops. I'll probably continue to do this. One teacher I had was open minded to listening to what I had to say about war, but had a father who had served in

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