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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 06:18 AM
    Didn't we just recently have the biggest drop in the stock market since 2008?
    12 replies | 207 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 06:17 AM
    Politics is like the weather. The best you can hope for is a 5 day forecast. I didn't know Hillary was in trouble until election day when Barack Obama said "No matter what happens, the sun is going to come up tomorrow." I was like "What the hell?" Hillary had a $1 million victory clelebration planned with fireworks and everything.
    12 replies | 207 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 06:15 AM
    I just found out that Israel has also killed Americans living in the West Bank. But of course that isn't being talked about. Here's the latest of an American protestor being shot dead by Israeli soldires in the West Bank.
    12 replies | 207 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 06:11 AM
    Okay. Let's assume for a minute he's gay. And? He didn't shoot people because he's gay. He shot people because he was bullied. I recently posted a story of parents suing the Chelsae Alabama high school because their son committed suicide because he was buillied. The parents asked prior to the suicide to allow remote education and were denied. Someone should have at least told them that free homeschooling was an option. Anyway, being bullied seems to be a pattern in a lot of these school shootings. I was bullied at the private Christian boarding acadaemy I went to. You couldn't put a Van Halen poster on your dorm wall because "rock music is of the devil", but one kid had a KKK cartoon on the wall. I still remember it. I could probably sktech it out and that's over 30 years ago. And no that's nto all that happened but I don't feel like reliving that crap. The bullying only stopped several years later when some freshmen, the normal targets of the bullying, decided to fight back and let it be known that the would. So finally the boys dean, who had before say this as all "fun and games" made it clear that it would no longer be tollerated and just like that it stopped. Of course you can't stop everything. The bullying I experienced was physical. Kids are now deleting themselves, and others, over words. In some cases the words are posted online. I'm not sure what the answer to that is. The private academy I went to was small. Maybe 120 to 160 kids max. The boys dean could stop the physical bullying with just a word. I'm not sure what you do with the modern mini-city high schools with thousands of students jammed in them.
    69 replies | 1446 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    Today, 06:10 AM
    I can't stand Nate Silver though. This is the same guy who had the same predictions as everyone else and then swaps it up in the last minute of the 2016 race and runs around telling everyone he was the least-wrong out of everyone.
    12 replies | 207 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 05:50 AM
    The incompetence defense again? Isn't it amazing that anyone would still cuck for this gullible sucker and ineffectual beta fool?
    11 replies | 279 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 05:48 AM
    You are, of course, 100% correct. But I keep running into people who reflexively think "More guns in the school equals more crime." I seriously heard someone I know say that. I had a elderly cousin who back in the 1950s when she taught high school would put her pistol on her desk every day. I have another cousin who recently retired as a principal who got the FBI civilian training and took a gun to school and hired military vets to work as janitors or cooks and secretly double as school security. And when I bring this up with members of my family who can't see the "arm the teachers" argument, they say "But that's differnt. I trust so and so." Okay. So you trust random strangers to have access to your children were, if they're really evil, they could molest them or stab them to death with a school kitchen knife, but heaven forbid they actually have a means to stop a mass shooting because you don't trust them? SMH.
    69 replies | 1446 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 05:41 AM
    Yeah. Who would believe that was anything but a political assassination? No subtlety there. Guaranteed hot civil war as opposed to the current cold civil war. The U.S. Secret Service would by law have to be in prison with him. Your reasonging for why the assassination plot wasn't better done is plausible deniability. An actual Navy SEAL or Delta Force sniper wouldn't have missed the second shot after only grazing the ear with the first. So why not put one of your best on the job? Plausible deniability in case he gets caught? I can see that. ANd they kind of sort of shifted the blame to Iran. What plausibie deniability would there be to Trump being suicided in prison with the Secret Service? And yeah I know one Democrat tried to strip his Secret Service but that wouldn't have passed.
    267 replies | 22471 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
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  • acptulsa's Avatar
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  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Today, 12:35 AM
    Sure, I know it's the Daily Fail, but if that quote is accurate the father said the kids said "Oh look, he's dating that guy". Sounds pretty queeer to me. Time will tell I suppose...if this story gets memory holed suddenly than you can be pretty sure, he was another violent weirdosexual.
    69 replies | 1446 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:04 PM
    I agree. I have no idea what the wild rumpus will be. But I Have no doubt there will be wild rumpus.
    12 replies | 207 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:34 PM
    I know you're already in favor of this but arming adults in schools, from teachers to coaches to janitors. When seconds count, cops are only minutes away.
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  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
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  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:16 PM
    No, I can't either. But that's not what I figured all this to be about. I figured they'd throw him in Riker's Island and Epstein him before Nov. 5
    267 replies | 22471 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:34 PM
    Mental exercise. Can you imagine a single voter who's planning to vote for Trump post conviction that would be discouraged from voting for him if he got sentenced and/or imprisoned prior to the election? Because I can't.
    267 replies | 22471 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:18 PM
    Welp, my crystal ball has gone dark, I don't know what the fuck is gonna happen next. Maybe acptulsa has been right all along...
    267 replies | 22471 view(s)
  • jkr's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:05 PM
    im gonna go have some of that freedom right now!
    39 replies | 584 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:47 PM
    Why are you bringing up reperations when that isn't the topic? And I'm not a Democrat so you're just being ridiculous. How many liberal democrats support arming teachers? Back on reaprations since you brought that up. Nazi companies Ford and GM got reprations as a reward for their treason in Wolrd War 2. Japanese Americans got reperations for internment camps that actually had some justification considering that there were Japanese civilian spies who scouted out Pearl Harbor. And yet black people who survived the Tusla massacre can't get reparations when they are still alive?. So no. Reparations aren't simply about money for slavery for people who weren't slaves. That's a red herring. Back to the topic at hand. What is your actual plan? Do you have one? Or is this just a talking point? Are you planning on screening every potential mass shooter and locking them up ahead of time pre-crime style? Make sure they're all properly medicated? Which medicane? Some meidcations can cause some people (young men in particular) to become suicidal and/or homicidal. Hey, I know. We'll just take their guns away once the government has property screened them. Oh wait. That's going to cover a lot of vets with PTSD. Like the PTSD vet that Chris Kyle took to the gun range for "shooting therapy" only to be shot and killed by him. (That vet killed only killed two people so it wasn't a mass shooting). Really, while making sure mental health available is a good thing in general, it's got nothing to do with stopping mass shootings unless you're willing to actually start violating the civil rights of the people that you think might do a mass shooting. No amount of counseling or thearpy or meds can guarantee that someone who really has mental health issues won't turn violent. I know. I have a sibling that works as a mental health nurse and a relative with mental health problems. People with violent mental health issues are like people with cancer. The best you can say is "They're in remission." What can stop mass shootings at the places people actually care about? Hardening tragets and shortening response times. The Uvalde shooter was given 4 hours to kill as many kids as he wanted to. The Nashville shooter was dead 7 minutes from the time the 911 call was placed. The Ulvalde shooter was able to get into a side door that had been propped open for reasons I don't know. The Nashville shooter shot her way in through the glass front doors. Simply putting shatter resistant film on the doors would have slowed her down long enough that the police might have gotten there before she made her way inside.
    69 replies | 1446 view(s)
  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    Yesterday, 01:19 PM
    Open-source model set to clean ChatGPT's clock....
    299 replies | 35068 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Yesterday, 12:17 PM
    All true enough. Doesn't change the fact that he's very connected. The government reused shuttles. They reused the boosters, too -- a couple of them once too often. Landing under power, sitting down on its tail, has been the dream since the 1940s. Technology only just caught up to the idea, and Musk's team got to do the home stretch.
    39 replies | 584 view(s)
  • Working Poor's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:41 AM
    What if the deal was Trump would allow Ron to end the FED?
    8 replies | 573 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:23 AM
    Every state is a swing state at 2:00 AM the morning after election.
    6 replies | 187 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:01 AM
    Somebody asked her how she could be nationalist when the National Socialists produced Hitler. She spent too much time defending nationalism and not enough stressing that Hitler wasn't really a nationalist. He really, really was a globalist, and she doesn't approve of globalists. But she certainly gave the right answer. The ADL & Co. then lied and said she "had no problem with" Hitler. She's having trouble with the self-styled "Chosen People of God" constantly lying.
    12 replies | 294 view(s)
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    Theo!!!!! hugs!!!
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    I just started looking at the Constitution Party platform since you recommended it awhile back. There are some good things in it, but there are also some concessions to statism that I think are dangerous despite the fact that I'm moving away from strict anarcho-capitalist libertarianism. They support regulation of "obscenity", which isn't really defined, they support some drug restrictions, and they are careful to show their respect for agents of our currently illegitimate state (veterans), as well as condemning attempts to cut their benefits despite the fact that they are paid out of our pockets and for participating in unjust wars for an unjust system.

    The Constitution Party isn't all bad, and I might support some of their candidates, but I don't think there is any party I can support on principle (LP is pro-choice so not an option) I respect strict theonomy even though I'm not sure I agree with it yet. I don't think anybody believes what I'm starting to believe these days.
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    My vm from June 15
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    Are you purposely dodging that last one?
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    Do you believe that it is possible to ethically justify joining the military or the police in modern day America? Or would you agree with me that it cannot be justified with our country in the state that its currently in? What would be your reasoning for your answer, one way or another?
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    We don't have to agree on everything to feel affection for each other and treat each other with dignity and respect!
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    Thank you Sir!
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    OK, so my question is, with relations to Galatians, how is it that you can call Roman Catholics on this board "brothers" even though they add works to the gospel just like the Judaizers did? How is adding baptism as a requirement in order to be saved any different than adding circumcision as a requirement?
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    Out of curiosity, how do you interpret Galatians 1:8-9 and 2 John 9-11?
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