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  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Today, 12:35 AM
    Sure, I know it's the Daily Fail, but if that quote is accurate the father said the kids said "Oh look, he's dating that guy". Sounds pretty queeer to me. Time will tell I suppose...if this story gets memory holed suddenly than you can be pretty sure, he was another violent weirdosexual.
    67 replies | 1421 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:04 PM
    I agree. I have no idea what the wild rumpus will be. But I Have no doubt there will be wild rumpus.
    8 replies | 185 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:34 PM
    I know you're already in favor of this but arming adults in schools, from teachers to coaches to janitors. When seconds count, cops are only minutes away.
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  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
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  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:28 PM 1831910626635259970
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    Yesterday, 06:17 PM 1832210075638714483
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  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:16 PM
    No, I can't either. But that's not what I figured all this to be about. I figured they'd throw him in Riker's Island and Epstein him before Nov. 5
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:34 PM
    Mental exercise. Can you imagine a single voter who's planning to vote for Trump post conviction that would be discouraged from voting for him if he got sentenced and/or imprisoned prior to the election? Because I can't.
    266 replies | 22461 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:18 PM
    Welp, my crystal ball has gone dark, I don't know what the fuck is gonna happen next. Maybe acptulsa has been right all along...
    266 replies | 22461 view(s)
  • jkr's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:05 PM
    im gonna go have some of that freedom right now!
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:47 PM
    Why are you bringing up reperations when that isn't the topic? And I'm not a Democrat so you're just being ridiculous. How many liberal democrats support arming teachers? Back on reaprations since you brought that up. Nazi companies Ford and GM got reprations as a reward for their treason in Wolrd War 2. Japanese Americans got reperations for internment camps that actually had some justification considering that there were Japanese civilian spies who scouted out Pearl Harbor. And yet black people who survived the Tusla massacre can't get reparations when they are still alive?. So no. Reparations aren't simply about money for slavery for people who weren't slaves. That's a red herring. Back to the topic at hand. What is your actual plan? Do you have one? Or is this just a talking point? Are you planning on screening every potential mass shooter and locking them up ahead of time pre-crime style? Make sure they're all properly medicated? Which medicane? Some meidcations can cause some people (young men in particular) to become suicidal and/or homicidal. Hey, I know. We'll just take their guns away once the government has property screened them. Oh wait. That's going to cover a lot of vets with PTSD. Like the PTSD vet that Chris Kyle took to the gun range for "shooting therapy" only to be shot and killed by him. (That vet killed only killed two people so it wasn't a mass shooting). Really, while making sure mental health available is a good thing in general, it's got nothing to do with stopping mass shootings unless you're willing to actually start violating the civil rights of the people that you think might do a mass shooting. No amount of counseling or thearpy or meds can guarantee that someone who really has mental health issues won't turn violent. I know. I have a sibling that works as a mental health nurse and a relative with mental health problems. People with violent mental health issues are like people with cancer. The best you can say is "They're in remission." What can stop mass shootings at the places people actually care about? Hardening tragets and shortening response times. The Uvalde shooter was given 4 hours to kill as many kids as he wanted to. The Nashville shooter was dead 7 minutes from the time the 911 call was placed. The Ulvalde shooter was able to get into a side door that had been propped open for reasons I don't know. The Nashville shooter shot her way in through the glass front doors. Simply putting shatter resistant film on the doors would have slowed her down long enough that the police might have gotten there before she made her way inside.
    67 replies | 1421 view(s)
  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    Yesterday, 01:19 PM
    Open-source model set to clean ChatGPT's clock....
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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Yesterday, 12:17 PM
    All true enough. Doesn't change the fact that he's very connected. The government reused shuttles. They reused the boosters, too -- a couple of them once too often. Landing under power, sitting down on its tail, has been the dream since the 1940s. Technology only just caught up to the idea, and Musk's team got to do the home stretch.
    39 replies | 573 view(s)
  • Working Poor's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:41 AM
    What if the deal was Trump would allow Ron to end the FED?
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  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:23 AM
    Every state is a swing state at 2:00 AM the morning after election.
    6 replies | 186 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:01 AM
    Somebody asked her how she could be nationalist when the National Socialists produced Hitler. She spent too much time defending nationalism and not enough stressing that Hitler wasn't really a nationalist. He really, really was a globalist, and she doesn't approve of globalists. But she certainly gave the right answer. The ADL & Co. then lied and said she "had no problem with" Hitler. She's having trouble with the self-styled "Chosen People of God" constantly lying.
    12 replies | 284 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:57 AM
    What's there to guess? This gets talked about on the news like all the time? If you can't figure out that New York, California and New Jersey are going to go blue and Albama, Tennessee and Missisppi are going to go red then I don't know what to say. I sincerely doubt that anybody who took the time to actually consider a third party candidate like RFK Jr. didn't know whether or not they were in a swing state before he even started running for office.
    6 replies | 186 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:52 AM
    I'm not a fan of her intro either but Anti Federalist is right. Recently she's been on fire with unassailable facts that strike at the heart of the people really running things. I'd love to see Candace Owens interview Whitney Webb.
    12 replies | 284 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:50 AM
    Sure. Rabbi Schmuley has been attacking Candace Owens for 2 years now. He finally debated her on Piers Morgan. The highlights of that debate are: 1) Schmuley got busted lying about what Candace said about Hitler. At 4:12 in he lies about what she said, Piers Morgan offers to play the clip, RS tries to talk over Piers on Piers own show and then Piers insists on playing the clip and RS drops his head in shame. Candace then goes on to explain what she was really saying, RS tries to interject his lies again and she shuts him down. 2) At 10:52 Candace introduces the next clip where she talks about a CBS News report about Israel giving safe harbor to pedophiles. RS tries to claim she's lying. She starts reading from the actual report. RS tries to talk over her and claim she can't name "the padophile." She goes on to name multiple pedophiles from the article and then RS tries to attack her for reading from the article! Mind = blown at how easily RS can lie. 3) At 19:45 Candace starts discussing RFK Jr. First she thanks him for his great work on vaccines and health freedom. But then she goes on with the problems with RFK JR, starting with him departing from his antiwar stance, which his has with Ukraine, to his full throated support of Israel's war in Gaza. 21:15 is the clip of the intereview with lbiertarian podcaster Dave Smith where RFK Jr. not ony backs everything that Israel is doing, but refuses to acknowledge the corrupting influence of AIPAC in politics. 4) At 27:45 Candace talks about RFK Jr's attack on her. At the beginning of her debate with RS, Candace quoted from a book, written by a Jewish holocaust survior who happened to also care about Palestinian rights, regarding radical JUdaism. Apperently there was a rabbi who pawned himself off as the messiah and went around saying that non Jews had a demonic soul and Jews and a heavenly soul and Jews created everything in the world because they are one with God and everything should thank them for its existence. RS didn't address this in the debate with Piers Morgan but RFK JR. attacked her statements as "antisemeitic" and said his father knew this "messianic Rabbi" and was basically arguing that he was beyond criticism.
    12 replies | 284 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:32 AM
    Government invented the communications satellite. First they had a monopoly on putting them in orbit, then they maintained a monopoly. Now Musk is allowed to do it. He's in bed with somebody. Allowed to privatize satellite delivery and in the golf cart business just as the big electrification push happens? He's very, very connected.
    39 replies | 573 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:26 AM
    Well I quit supporting RFK Jr when he went all in on Israel and couldn't bring himself to criticize AIPAC. Still I'm curious as what's the piont of a RFK Jr. supporter voting for Trump in very red states like Alabama and Tennessee where Trump is absolutely going to win anyway. Unless the hope is to make sure Trump wins the popular vote too this time for symbolic reasons.
    6 replies | 186 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:20 AM
    Well at least she's against one big government (the U.S.) funding another big government (Israel) while the latter is committing geoncide and protecting pedophiles from extradiction. Which, unfortunately, is more than I can say for RFK Jr. at this point. I had forgotten about that cringe interview where RFK Jr paused to make up a lame response to the question about AIPAC's influsence over the government.
    12 replies | 284 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:18 AM
    Except you're 100% ignoring the fact that the people being helped were already reliant on welfare and then they and their children are reaching a point where they aren't reliant on anybody. Everyone gets help from somebody at somepoint. The "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" nonsense is just that, nonsense. How many lives have you changed with your "help?" How many people graduated high school who wouldn't have without your "help?" Yeah you may have given a homeless person a sandwich. Good for you! But I'm not impressed.
    67 replies | 1421 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:12 AM 1832083325869232409
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    Theo!!!!! hugs!!!
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    I just started looking at the Constitution Party platform since you recommended it awhile back. There are some good things in it, but there are also some concessions to statism that I think are dangerous despite the fact that I'm moving away from strict anarcho-capitalist libertarianism. They support regulation of "obscenity", which isn't really defined, they support some drug restrictions, and they are careful to show their respect for agents of our currently illegitimate state (veterans), as well as condemning attempts to cut their benefits despite the fact that they are paid out of our pockets and for participating in unjust wars for an unjust system.

    The Constitution Party isn't all bad, and I might support some of their candidates, but I don't think there is any party I can support on principle (LP is pro-choice so not an option) I respect strict theonomy even though I'm not sure I agree with it yet. I don't think anybody believes what I'm starting to believe these days.
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    My vm from June 15
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    Are you purposely dodging that last one?
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    Do you believe that it is possible to ethically justify joining the military or the police in modern day America? Or would you agree with me that it cannot be justified with our country in the state that its currently in? What would be your reasoning for your answer, one way or another?
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    We don't have to agree on everything to feel affection for each other and treat each other with dignity and respect!
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    Thank you Sir!
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    OK, so my question is, with relations to Galatians, how is it that you can call Roman Catholics on this board "brothers" even though they add works to the gospel just like the Judaizers did? How is adding baptism as a requirement in order to be saved any different than adding circumcision as a requirement?
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    Out of curiosity, how do you interpret Galatians 1:8-9 and 2 John 9-11?
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