Today, 05:33 PM
Credit where due: No, the LP has not always had this potential because the uni-party has been marching in lock-step for many decades now, and both wings of the uni-party have been stone-deaf to the demands of Americans who still believe in outdated stuff like, I don't know, the Constitution and American freedom. For all his (many) flaws, Trump is the rusty wrecking-ball that is bashing down the uni-party, blow after blow. Ulbricht's release is a result of the combination of skillful LPMC political maneuvering and Trump's political TNT, coming together against the Beltway uni-party Establishment. That is why it is in the LP's interests to promote (hopefully non-tyrannical) populists. Ron Paul was the ideal, but how likely are we to ever see an RP '08 again? Not likely, at least, not without major changes in our socio-political landscape. So, my question is, "Who's the next Donald Trump?" and how do we make sure the Marxist Left doesn't clobber us with another counterfeit populist like Obama?
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