• Matt4Liberty's Avatar
    09-27-2024, 05:16 AM
    Doesn't really seem like there's much in here. Anyone that actually had the time to read it can prove otherwise, but it doesn't sound like anything we don't already know. The quote above pretty much supports that.
    11 replies | 1663 view(s)
  • Matt4Liberty's Avatar
    09-18-2024, 08:12 PM
    As much as we love to make fun of TSA incompetence, I've actually experienced their sniffer working pretty well. I went shooting with a group of colleagues a day before flying home. I wore the same sweatshirt both days. Walking through the precheck metal detector it a completely different noise than when metal sets it off. They pulled me aside and swabbed different parts of my clothing, bags and electronics. Asked me why I have gunpowder residue on my sweat shirt and I told them. Then they let me through.
    52 replies | 5339 view(s)
  • Matt4Liberty's Avatar
    09-18-2024, 06:56 PM
    Compromise is how the leftists always inch forward with their agenda. Also, legalizing 1.5 million criminal aliens per year isn't a compromise. It's literally more than even the Biden regime let's in now.
    920 replies | 85761 view(s)
  • Matt4Liberty's Avatar
    09-18-2024, 11:49 AM
    Have you had a stroke lately? Your trolling usually has at least a bit of intelligence to it. Lately it's just been laughably ignorant of any topic. Jeffe Biden planting them there had absolutely nothing to do with this coincidence.
    920 replies | 85761 view(s)
  • Matt4Liberty's Avatar
    09-18-2024, 11:28 AM
    The one that legalized over 4,000 criminal aliens per day? Yeah, that was just political and had nothing to do with it actually expanding criminal immigration. Much like most bills doing the opposite of what they are called. You probably believe that the inflation reduction act reduced inflation and the affordable care act made healthcare more affordable.
    920 replies | 85761 view(s)
  • Matt4Liberty's Avatar
    09-17-2024, 07:26 PM
    Anything you write? At least we're all on the same page.
    11 replies | 1113 view(s)
  • Matt4Liberty's Avatar
    09-17-2024, 06:03 AM
    Someone gets the award for the dumbest thing I've read all week.
    11 replies | 1113 view(s)
  • Matt4Liberty's Avatar
    09-09-2024, 08:03 AM
    Michigan is now fully under communist control. Now that they have it, they aren't relinquishing control. The Republicans fully cucked to Whitmer, Benson and Vessel even though they controlled both the Michigan legislature and most state courts including the Michigan Supreme Court. I have no expectations of anything changing. I recently returned to the state with my new family to be close to family. In Michigan, the secretary of state also runs what's basically the DMV in the state. The previous Republican Ruth Johnson did an amazing job of streamlining operations. It was getting to the point you were forgetting that it was a government department. Convenient hours, some even open on the weekends. Today you need an appointment for the privilege of waiting in line for an hour. No signs of less staff, but for sure less efficiency. No more texts estimating your place in line, etc... Now assume what she does with elections.
    179 replies | 21291 view(s)
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