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  • PAF's Avatar
    Today, 11:04 AM
    Aside from Netanyahu hailing Trump as "a friend of Israel" and Miriam's generous $100 Million "contribution" to Trump: Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law, praises ‘very valuable’ potential of Gaza’s ‘waterfront property’ I remember when Bush W sounded like Ron Paul concerning "peace around the world", until bam.
    21 replies | 285 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Today, 09:08 AM
    It was Trump who received $100 Million from Miriam Adelson to secure his election, not Harris.
    21 replies | 285 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Today, 01:52 AM
    Mises Wire Thomas J. DiLorenzo 10/03/2024 Labor unions are exempted from federal antitrust laws including the Sherman Antitrust Act, which outlaws “conspiracies in restraint of trade.” This is not a bad thing: Everyone should be exempted from antitrust laws. They are an assault on property rights and because their rulings are so arbitrary they are incompatible with justice and fairness. They are also a tool of rent-seeking businesses who practice “lawfare” by routinely suing their superior competitors for dropping their prices, improving their products, and serving their customers better than they do. When they can’t (or won’t) compete in the marketplace they resort to antitrust lawsuits to harass their competitors instead of better serving their customers. They have been a drag on the American economy for more than130 years. A strike by a labor union is nothing if not a restraint of trade. The media are all in a huff today about the dockworkers’ strike that has shut down all of the ports on the east coast from Maine to Texas. Billions of dollars of foreign imports of just about everything are sitting there, restraining trade! And when supply is reduced the effect is to make prices higher than they would otherwise be. It is essentially the same effect of a giant price-fixing conspiracy by American merchants. There is no such price-fixing conspiracy, but we will be observing the effects of one in some industries! The economic effects of the dockworkers’ strike are essentially the same as some of the effects of protectionist tariffs. The purpose of all protectionism is to restrain trade that comes from other countries, which is exactly what the dockworkers’ strike is doing. The purpose of the strike is to acquire higher wages (and to eliminate automation) and not protectionism, but it will have the effects of protectionism while it lasts.
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  • CCTelander's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:58 PM
    See? That’s why I’m just a plebe and you occupy a position of power and authority here. It’s that rock solid, level-headed judgement. Clearly you’re correct and I was going off half-cocked. I won’t let it happen again. Thanks for pulling me back from the brink!
    24 replies | 1568 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:47 PM
    There are a lot of folks who consider chickens, pigs and cows as pets. Yet I still eat them. Careful there, A/F, you are borderline sounding like those commie folks who are pushing insects and synthetic meat as a matter of norms, civility and standards. If I am hungry enough and I see a cat-on-a-stick dripping with bbq sauce, damned right I'm gonna eat the thing ;-)
    920 replies | 82000 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:31 PM
    The very best kind! So when TheTexan get's that $3100 I expect to take a cut of that :up:
    17 replies | 448 view(s)
  • CCTelander's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:29 PM
    Isn’t that the best kind?
    17 replies | 448 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:27 PM
    Even "other people's" money? :cool:
    17 replies | 448 view(s)
  • CCTelander's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:21 PM
    Bow chicka wow wow? ;)
    17 replies | 448 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 01:15 PM
    Just to be clear: I am not anti-immigration. I am against tax payer money being used to bring them here, and the requirement that they must become property of the government and via documentation.
    920 replies | 82000 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 01:00 PM
    Nobody cares about the debt anymore. Nobody cares about ridding TSA and other 3 letter agencies either. The talk nowadays is that National Academies are not a concern or an issue, as long as the "other side" doesn't do it first. What, now we shouldn't talk about what we are allowed/not allowed to eat in our own homes? Pick our battles wisely? What can/should we be able to talk about??? The weather, as provided by the 1st Amendment? :tears:
    920 replies | 82000 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 12:22 PM
    +REP I second that. Wholeheartedly.
    920 replies | 82000 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:29 AM
    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to jmdrake again.
    920 replies | 82000 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:57 AM
    America! Hot DOGS and CAT fish ! :tears: Never mind the spending that will never go away :up:
    920 replies | 82000 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:32 AM
    No, he will not be a positive. We have been trying to eliminate 3 letter and other agencies and seemed to pick up steam. Until Trump. Since Trump entered the scene, he deregulated but at the same time "protected" the multi-national corporations , and since RFK Jr. got into the mix, republicans now believe that instead of eliminating agencies, said agencies should be reorganized and replaced with other heads. Meaning, Trump took us back 15 years from where we started. Which is why I said "it is way more dangerous supporting Trump because Trump is Pied Piping Republicans into being such wonderful left-wing democrats, and it's working."
    17 replies | 448 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:58 AM
    I don't believe that it is a scam. A few days ago some dude around 30 years old knocked on my door with a flyer and pad. He said that he was from California and they flew him out to PA for the next several weeks. The first thing that he said to me was that it was "absolutely critical that Trump be elected" otherwise prepare for "insurmountable and unsustainable increase in debt!". Well, needless to say, that was my opening :up::tears: So I invited the guy into my house and offered him a coffee, and then I pulled out my "On the Record" and educated him line, by line, by line, by line, including Trump's "Bait and Switch" United Nations Agenda 2030 Agenda47. He was keen on TheNewAmerican, UNTIL I showed him some and RonPaulInstitute articles. I never saw eyes bulge out like that before but it was definitely worth it.
    17 replies | 448 view(s)
  • CCTelander's Avatar
    Yesterday, 12:44 AM
    What if, and I’m just spitballin’ here so bear with me, what if we did BOTH?
    24 replies | 1568 view(s)
  • CCTelander's Avatar
    10-02-2024, 08:42 PM
    Maybe, if we vote REAL HARD…
    24 replies | 1568 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    10-02-2024, 03:31 PM
    US Immigration and Customs Enforcement has signed a $2 million contract with Israeli commercial spyware vendor Paragon Solutions F.B.I. Secretly Bought Israeli Spyware and Explored Hacking U.S. Phones Israel used the NSO Group’s software as a tool of diplomacy. The F.B.I. wanted it for domestic surveillance. It's now GOP policy to build a US Iron Dome. Here's what Trump's plan could mean.
    13 replies | 478 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    10-02-2024, 10:43 AM
    Because to me , "Bait and Switch" is far more devious and destructive because the people have been hood-winked.
    920 replies | 82000 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    10-02-2024, 10:31 AM
    Flawed? No. It is by design. Less damage??? Then, explain to me how "Bait and Switch", which leads to the same expanse of government growth/control, is "less damaging" than the "alternative" who is up front and open about it.
    920 replies | 82000 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    10-02-2024, 09:03 AM
    The real excitement won't happen until after the election. And then look out!
    73 replies | 1748 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    10-02-2024, 08:53 AM
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  • PAF's Avatar
    10-02-2024, 07:15 AM
    by Stephan Kinsella October 1, 2024 The 2024 Annual Meeting of the PFS (Sept. 19, 2024 to Sept. 24, 2024, Bodrum, Turkey) has recently concluded. Videos and audio for the presented speeches and panels will be provided shortly on the PFS 2024 Youtube Playlist and Property and Freedom Podcast. Below is a video containing Professor Hans-Hermann Hoppe‘s remarks on Javier Milei, excerpted from the panel discussion “Dürr, Müller, Fusillo, Bagus, Hoppe, Roundtable: What to Make of Milei” (Sat. Sept. 21, 2024).
    0 replies | 119 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    10-02-2024, 06:56 AM
    Just wait until you see how much it actually e x p a n d s.
    13 replies | 478 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    10-02-2024, 06:49 AM
    I know that Tom Massie would never donate money to Hillary and a number of other democrats to help them win office. He would never have donated to Kamala *twice* either.
    920 replies | 82000 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    10-02-2024, 06:44 AM
    I don't profess to know what every community does with regard to stray cats. I know that in my parts, TNR notifies neighborhoods when trapping will occur so that pet owners can keep their pets inside during that time. Once neutered/spayed, volunteers will then attempt to find homes for them. If the stray is not up to health standards they are humanely put down to prevent suffering. There also have been a number of cats which have been found dead caused by other animals, disease, natural death, etc. What I am saying is that my facts are fact-based, and your theories are mere speculation. Show me the actual proof based on proven evidence and perhaps I will concede. Until then, cats are open season and I don't much care.
    920 replies | 82000 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    10-01-2024, 10:34 PM
    The lady in the video said it herself: There was a legitimate and serious problem with feral cats, and when the people in the community complained about it, TNR corrected the problem which is why the cats went away . I do not know what is so difficult about understanding/realizing/accepting that fact. And ^ that mentality ^ is precisely why this country will continue to implode. Which is why I always refer the Trumpers as one of the following: 1. A closet Democrat. or, based upon his last pathetic term in office and what he proposes for his next term:
    920 replies | 82000 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    10-01-2024, 10:05 PM
    You implied private property so that it is what I responded to. Cats are feral. That said, if you own and put a collar around the cat and the cat roams around, it is still designated as your property. God gave man dominion over the animals, which means that you can also have the cat chipped for identification, and if whoever takes or eats your cat, and it can be proven, they would still be charged with theft. The same way that you can leave your car parked somewhere and it can be traced back using a VIN. My position stands. I do not want or need any laws to tell me what I can or cannot eat/drink on my own property, including cats, dogs, chickens or cows, or even termites if I wish to do so. It is a shame that I even have to explain this concept to you.
    920 replies | 82000 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    10-01-2024, 08:18 PM
    Agreed. What the people should be talking about are his pathetic "Bait and Switch" Agenda47 programs: Trump’s Agenda47 for Homeschoolers Trump's Agenda47: The American Academy Trump's Agenda47 Stop-and-Frisk
    73 replies | 1748 view(s)
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