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  • PAF's Avatar
    Today, 01:08 AM
    Hopefully they will respect your human individual right to travel, as long as it's on your own dime, and not consider you an invader and shoot to kill on sight :up: I have never had that problem when traveling abroad , but since Amerika is the Worlds Empire, I'm wondering when they will follow suit. I hope in my lifetime Sanctions and Tariffs won't be imposed too, too much in order for them to comply :mouthopen: I still have to worry about taking x amount of my own money out the country, the USSofA doesn't like it when I do that :confused:
    532 replies | 11393 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Today, 12:43 AM
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like you are advocating, or at least making a case, for government imposed minimum wage on both employer and employee, negating contract rights between said employer/employee. If so, what wage do you determine should be set? When milk is priced at $19.99/gallon? $29.99/gallon? I know plenty of red-blooded white Americans who have lived here their entire lives who "vote" for socialism. Should I blanket label them as well? I have encountered lots of Karens and MAGA-cap wearers who pretty much don't care what is taught in schools some exceptions], as long as they have a place where their kids can be baby-sat while they are at work. If they actually were worried, local schools wouldn't be as bad as they are. So far, I personally haven't seen droves of Ecuadorians or Chinese folks taking over the school boards in my area, yet as far as education goes they far from pass the muster. So far as I know, the Japanese actually take pride in learning, maybe Americans can learn something from them. I think more people need to get off of their @sses and take some personal responsibility before blaming "other". At that point, maybe we can then address your "concerns". Sorry, Brian, my world view is different than most. Sometimes I consider whether I am right or wrong, but history has repeatedly shown that doing the same things over and over again has caused our consistent downward spiral. Based on that, perhaps we should try things my way for a change just to see what happens.
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  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:34 PM
    Anti Federalist Like Mexico, you can't own property outright in Argentina but you can purchase it through a fideicomiso . Nothing wrong with that, in fact, if someone passes away, the property goes to next of kin for a small fee for up to 50 years .
    532 replies | 11393 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:27 PM
    Because he is one? lol
    28 replies | 712 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:24 PM
    Have you been there yet? How much is the average property lot? If it's because of Javier, I'd personally hold back for a while to see what happens. It seems that he's leaving a lot of "opportunities" open for when the next administration takes over lol.
    532 replies | 11393 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:13 PM
    Staying there isn't a problem like it is here. Some obtain legal status, some don't, but the ones who want to obtain that status can't bypass the process. Though it takes 4 years to become a permanent resident the process is simple and inexpensive. I've been to many, many places abroad and I can tell you first hand, I feel much freer in other places, but when I return back to the states I feel as though I am treated like a criminal. It's disgusting, actually.
    532 replies | 11393 view(s)
  • CCTelander's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:09 PM
    Indeed it is, my brother. Indeed it is.
    9 replies | 231 view(s)
  • CCTelander's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:06 PM
    Color me bored. And yes, you’re right. Nobody’s going to do a damn thing about it. I’m feeling an awful lot like my lifetime’s involvement with the so-called “liberty movement” has been a complete waste. As you say, carry on.
    9 replies | 231 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:09 PM
    I don't want to speak out of turn here, but... people form their own opinions/conclusions and believe what they want to believe, whether or not its based on fact or fiction. IOW: everybody has an a$$hole too.
    532 replies | 11393 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:39 PM
    :tears: Occam's Banana has a point. Whenever I tell a verified story I usually get the third degree :tears: :up:
    532 replies | 11393 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:33 PM
    Bingo. But, the border is not "open" as many claim. That is msm/government propaganda which is used to make people want the government to "do something". The border is closed. Meaning, when people come from other places, whether it's for work, pleasure, or simply to immigrate, they are checked and processed and given permission by government goons to enter/leave. In the case of immigrants, they are being funneled into check points, at which they are processed, and given paperwork to become "legalized". Once "legalized", they work according to government regulations and taxation, including "minimum wage", and allowed access to government programs and benefits on the tax payer dime. Years ago before government was so entrenched, immigrants were able to cross the border freely as jmdrake noted earlier. For those concerned about "wide-spread catastrophic diseases which would end the worlds population as we know it!!!", a simple medical check would suffice. If we returned to undocumented rather than "illegal", that would ease the burden of the tax-payer, and after work-season is over immigrants could simply return back home freely as they did years ago. But the government considers people as cattle/slaves and would rather keep them "legalized" in order to obtain more tax money, while draining the tax payers who foot the bill. It is a vicious cycle where the left feed the right feed the left. And in order to clamp down tighter to "fix the problem" that they created, more police-state is implemented where government public/private contractors rake it in.
    39 replies | 467 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 12:51 PM
    Yep. And with the way things are, the last thing I'm worried about are some poor immigrants getting a job mowing lawns or working a factory that Americans don't want. I'm for self-preservation and each and every one of my rights. Which include staying and living as free as I can, or the option to bolt the f&ck out of here without being civil asset forfeitured. Nobody cares about fiscal responsibility anymore with regard to anything/everything under the sun, except for poor immigrant. What's another few billion on top of the debt this nation has and the amount they spend on foreign intervention. It ain't gonna stop. The Fed Hits the Panic Button and Slashes the Fed Funds Rate
    39 replies | 467 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 12:37 PM
    One caveat... you said "up until about 1960 or so". 1913 was pretty significant and got their ball rolling fast.
    39 replies | 467 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 12:32 PM
    For starters, the Anti-Federalists were right. Not the one on this board, though, he was the outcast black sheep who sided with the central planners :tears:
    39 replies | 467 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 12:28 PM
    You mean before the time when you said: "That utopia did exist back in the 1900's. It was called America." See how bad government really is? It really is bad for ones health!
    39 replies | 467 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 12:21 PM
    And once government got involved, all bets were off. You just proved my and Jacob's point :up:
    39 replies | 467 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 12:17 PM
    You're still in that ridiculous left/right paradigm so it's moot to even discuss. Follow the Money, for starters. I think it's best that one starts defending/protecting ones own rights before advocating "solutions" that are designed to enslave one further.
    39 replies | 467 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 12:12 PM
    lol that's one Utopia that doesn't exists. That's like me wishing for government to not come to work for the rest of the year lol And even if government did not come to work for a year, it would a vast, vast, very vast improvement over what we have now.
    39 replies | 467 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 12:07 PM
    Some points from the OP: - The business lobby pays think tanks that advocate for lower taxes and fewer regulations, while the defense industry gives money to the most hawkish groups who advocate more military spending and more war. - A recent report lays out a shopping list of U.S. weapons that would help the Israeli military, including Excalibur artillery projectiles, JDAM bomb guidance systems, and Javelin missiles. Those weapons are manufactured by Raytheon, Boeing, and Lockheed Martin, respectively, all of whom are among CSIS’ top funders. - European countries, CSIS also*insisted, must “pull their weight” in NATO, transforming their societies into ones every bit as militarized as the U.S., for the sake of “global democracy.” - The Atlantic Council, for instance,*policed*European nations’ NATO spending in an attempt to pressure them to purchase more arms and has*advocated*that the U.S. create a new “Indo-Pacific intelligence coalition” that would ramp up tensions with China.
    1 replies | 84 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:58 AM
    Like me, I don't think he cares much about where people want to live. He is against the policies and government intervention which ultimately restrict human beings liberties and freedoms. But, conversely, I do know where obtuse right-wing people stand, and it has nothing to do with liberty/freedom or defunding those orgs. After all, there's big, big money in police-state apparatus these days. But, to each his/her own.
    39 replies | 467 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:05 AM
    by Alan MacLeod Sep 19, 2024 To “counter Russia’s nuclear blackmail,” the Atlantic Council confidently asserted, “NATO must adapt its nuclear sharing program.” This includes moving B-61 atomic bombs to Eastern Europe and building a network of medium-range missile bases across the continent. The think tank praised Washington’s recent decision to send Tomahawk and SM-6 missiles to Germany as a “good start” but insisted that it “does not impose a high enough price” on Russia. What the Atlantic Council does not divulge at any time is that not only would this drastically increase the likelihood of a catastrophic nuclear war, but that the weapons they specifically recommend come directly from manufacturers that fund them in the first place.
    1 replies | 84 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:25 AM
    Bingo. Which can be easily solved if/when the people have had enough and no longer want to support paying taxes for such things. Meantime, I am not willing to sacrifice or forfeit my liberty/freedom if/when/until that happens, if it ever or never does, whichever the case may be.
    39 replies | 467 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:19 AM
    I've been to Mexico more times than I can even count and the end goal is to retire there. Their government is very strict on acquiring legal status and will not bend, so I doubt that is happening. I think she doesn't know the difference between ID cards so lumps them in just like most Amerikans do. I'll stick with "She's probably a victim of the pubic skool system and doesn't know the difference" lol.
    532 replies | 11393 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:12 AM
    lol I'd bet the former. Getting documents in Mexico requires 4 years + attorney costs. I know because I have one ;-)
    532 replies | 11393 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:08 AM
    The title: "Right-Wing Obtuseness on Immigration" fits to the tee. So your final consensus is that because tax-payer money assists in bringing them here, as well as companies who need workers, and the fact that that will never change, we should embrace enslaving ourselves and promote the police-state that is being welcomed by the Right-Wing Obtuseness on Immigration. Got it :up::100:
    39 replies | 467 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:59 AM
    Credibility: The influx is Haitian, but she says all of the the ID's that she checked were "Mexican". + REP
    532 replies | 11393 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:39 AM
    That is covered in the article. Perhaps you should have read it. Oh, and there is no error in his logic. Again, if you would have read it.
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  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:17 AM
    Many folks can't recite the Bill of Rights, or even know them in order. Many folks brush the Bill of Rights to the side when it favors their own agenda. That said... If the Bill of Rights were never amended to it, would your sentiment toward the Constitution change? Why isn't there a "Bill of Rights Day"?
    12 replies | 329 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:08 AM
    by Jacob G. Hornberger September 11, 2024 A columnist for the Washington Post named Jim Geraghty recently chided me in his column for wanting to “abolish the Border Patrol and ICE and all controls on the free movements of people across borders.” With sarcasm dripping from his keyboard, Geraghty concluded, “I suppose that by declaring it to be legal for everyone to cross the border, you have technically solved the problem of illegal immigration. Yeah, that’s the way to handle the 2 million or so illegal border crossings each year over the past three years.” While one might be tempted to think that Geraghty is a left-winger given that he writes for the Washington Post, such is actually not the case. He is actually a right-winger. In fact, in addition to his position at the Post, which apparently is trying to appear “fair and balanced,” Geraghty serves as a “senior political correspondent” for National Review, one of the nation’s oldest right-wing publications. Given the fact that he is an ardent and devoted right-winger, it is, therefore, not surprising that Geraghty would oppose the concept of open borders. Like all other right-wingers, he is an ardent champion for America’s century-old system of immigration controls.
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  • PAF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:42 AM
    By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation September 19, 2024 Unfortunately, the presidential race is devoid of any discussion of what is actually the most important issue facing the American people: whether to continue the political and economic systems under which we have all been born and raised — that is, the welfare state, the national-security state, and the regulated/managed economy — or to replace this way of life with a system based on the principles of economic liberty, voluntary charity, and a limited-government republic. The assumption is that our statist way of life is now permanent and that we are consigned to living under it forever. Therefore, the mindset is that we just need to elect the best person to oversee and run it. Thus, it has become standard for presidential candidates to present their plans on how they are going to reform, fix, streamline, and improve this statist way of life. Most everyone gets all excited over what his or her particular candidate is going to do to make things better.
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