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  • CCTelander's Avatar
    Today, 05:17 AM
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  • CCTelander's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:58 PM
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  • CCTelander's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:13 PM
    I think a lot of that has much more to do with the facts that: 1) Back then women actually put forth an effort to BE attractive, and 2) Nowadays a great many women try very hard to be UNattractive. If you add to that the fact that the attitudes and beliefs held by many women today tend to render them unattractive regardless of any pure physical beauty they may possess, and well…
    14 replies | 285 view(s)
  • CCTelander's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:20 PM
    Why don’t they just buy some Sea Monkeys out of a comic book like everyone else?
    14 replies | 285 view(s)
  • CCTelander's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:18 PM
    Wow. Just…wow. SMGDH
    23 replies | 671 view(s)
  • CCTelander's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:16 PM
    What a load of shit!
    3 replies | 86 view(s)
  • Slave Mentality's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:01 PM
    I am not sure that even the brine shrimp would fuck those hags.
    14 replies | 285 view(s)
  • CCTelander's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:01 PM
    The “wins” just keep piling up, don’t they?
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  • CCTelander's Avatar
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  • devil21's Avatar
    11-30-2024, 04:59 PM
    Somebody is lying (as if that's anything new in banking/finance). Russian spox said plainly that Saudi Arabia is part of BRICS then later walked it back. Donnie threatens 100% tariffs on BRICS countries. This article is a skillful piece of work and doesn't mention SA as a BRICS member. It's kind of like they're either keeping it quiet for now OR the Saudis are having second thoughts. Strange times. They seem to be going to great lengths to keep the overall status of BRICS obscure. There's plenty of past reporting that BRICS is way more than 9 countries now.
    292 replies | 91465 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    11-30-2024, 09:41 AM
    Anything can "sound good" in theory. What if the person is considered a criminal because he/she used self-defense and was wrongly convicted? What if they are considered a criminal because their government is far too restrictive and deems anything outside of corrupt government mandates criminal? Why should a person be considered a criminal just because they don't want to be branded by government , but simply be left alone and off the grid? Cut the incentives and military would not need to be used. For the minimal circumstances of actual crime, local leo should be able to handle the situation. Too many blankets, which I do not agree with. If a crime has been committed against person or property, he/she deserves their day in court in front of a jury, regardless of where they happened to be born. Unless an actual crime has been committed against person/property and they are found guilty by a jury, humans beings have a right to travel freely without intrusion of any politician/government. Otherwise, we could all end up in the same situation where we are found guilty with the key thrown away before proven innocent - just because government wrote some stupid "law". One other example: how does it feel not to be allowed to "secede", if one chooses that it wants to? Does government know best and you should have "faith and trust" in it?
    127 replies | 2033 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    11-30-2024, 09:22 AM
    Anti Federalist is a friend, and he knows that I would never let his house burn. As for why I made the statement in the first place, that's how strongly I feel about individualism and property rights. I wish you sincere luck in kicking the addiction. I know how rough that can. Years ago I quit smoking for 4 years, I saved a lot of money and felt really great. Then one fun night I lit up "only one" while having a drink with somebody, and then all bets were off. Bad habit I know, but I never should have had that "one". So once again, good luck, and keep busy doing other things - that will help. Oh, and if there are any inconsistencies in what I say, I actually like when they are pointed out. Either I need to reevaluate, or provide more clarification on my hard stance. I'm not a spring chicken, I am very grounded, and it takes solid logic to change my positions ;-)
    127 replies | 2033 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    11-30-2024, 03:49 AM
    oh my, the drama! shall we tune in for the next episode? anybody got any bread for this circus? err sorry..... popcorn?
    8 replies | 385 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    11-30-2024, 03:44 AM
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  • devil21's Avatar
    11-30-2024, 03:32 AM
    It's called Godwin's Law, yes? Please cite the origin of the phrase but don't use Google or other AI tools, or WIKI, to assist. eta: btw I changed my post signature for the first time in many years. perhaps read it.
    127 replies | 2033 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    11-29-2024, 05:24 PM
    Nope. Aside from the little normal quirks, we were made for and "deserve" each other lol. Plus she's hot, and loves Sturgis and hot wings just as much as me :hearteyes:
    127 replies | 2033 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    11-29-2024, 04:56 PM
    Like I said: I have learned by repeated training to ask where my smokes are after I get laid :tears: "Babe, have you seen my smokes?" "No, honey, I have my own." "Ok, I can't find them, maybe I misplaced them." 10 minutes later after really needing a smoke.
    127 replies | 2033 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    11-29-2024, 04:51 PM
    Oh, you just try it lol. It could be about cooking, driving the car, credit cards, anything your heart desires... even where the laundry soap is. Just try it and see :tears: I have learned by repeated training to ask where my smokes are after I get laid :tears:
    127 replies | 2033 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    11-29-2024, 04:47 PM
    :tears: I learned long ago that if I wanted to get laid... Anyway, woman says something, they later imply something else, when they are asked for clarification they change the subject and all bets are off lol
    127 replies | 2033 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    11-29-2024, 04:39 PM
    So now you support Common Core? Didn't you once agree that "reading and thought" were essential and missing from public schools these days? I don't get it. You are worse than a woman. Are you a woman? lol Does that mean that you aren't going to read Post #s 60 and 62 now? Stick to cats lol Edit: Oh, I see. I mentioned "Rights". That's what triggered you.
    127 replies | 2033 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    11-29-2024, 04:35 PM
    devil21 replied to a thread Hello everyone in Open Discussion
    Welcome, but don't get your hopes up too high if you're a young libertarian minded person. This used to be a libertarian forum but it's not really anymore, especially since Trump showed up and paid shills and bots started proliferating the internet. Use discernment and never blindly believe or follow anyone else's opinions. Think for yourself based on your experiences, your personal beliefs, your understanding of history (most of "history" taught and parroted to society is utter bullshit), etc, not what others try to convince you to believe. Not all is what it seems on RPF or the internet in general. There is a lot of fakery and social engineering around.
    9 replies | 481 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    11-29-2024, 04:34 PM
    I already did in Post #'s 60 and 62. But it requires reading and thought, and an actual desire to defend our Rights, instead of easily and happily transferring them over to FED.GOV.
    127 replies | 2033 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    11-29-2024, 04:27 PM
    Stick to cats. They require little thought. Leave the Contract, Private Property and Bill of Rights, up to the ones who actually want to defend/protect them.
    127 replies | 2033 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    11-29-2024, 04:20 PM
    And I should rephrase my quoted post to "The power of sustained, repetitive propaganda from the black mirrors, in conjunction with the Hegelian Dialectic, sure is amazing." It's pretty simple. Turn off the tv, the phone and the computer, if you're not smart enough to realize that you're being manipulated. In other words, stop being gullible.
    127 replies | 2033 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    11-29-2024, 04:11 PM
    That was already mentioned in Post #62 like so many times before. It's just that it isn't what people want to hear.
    127 replies | 2033 view(s)
  • devil21's Avatar
    11-29-2024, 04:03 PM
    It sure feels weird on RPF these days. Stuff that we all were warning others about has or is coming to pass but now some are in favor of it? Will there be applause when "Papers Please" makes a comeback....cuz illegals, ya know? The power of sustained, repetitive propaganda from the black mirrors sure is amazing. We will see what happens but it's foolish to not at least notice and discuss the historical parallels that should be plain to everyone.
    127 replies | 2033 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    11-29-2024, 04:01 PM
    It's almost like they're clamoring for the to come up with "solutions", because they hope that more governments "jobs" will be created. It's like a pattern.
    127 replies | 2033 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    11-29-2024, 03:39 PM
    :tears::up: I'll be standing with the good, hard working Catholic immigrants, with our "illegal" guns, fighting against you and the Police State. 10 to 1 the Feds with bigger guns and Immunity, and you guys who helped them grow in power, WIN :eek::tears: At that point, I'll bolt my @ss down to Mexico, put a Mother Mary in my front yard, and pray that you and won't follow me down :astonished: :up: :tears: Then, you guys can have and fight all of those white que-e-rs on your own lol
    127 replies | 2033 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    11-29-2024, 01:57 PM
    What's trash and opinionated about it? Ron Paul, Rand Paul, John Whitehead, Whitney Webb and all agree with the OP article.
    127 replies | 2033 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    11-29-2024, 01:47 PM
    She's right :up: But somehow she misses on "The War on Drugs", and if/when the MIC can't make money abroad, they will certainly make it at home. Manufacturing Bipartisan Consent For Biometric Surveillance Bankers/MIC/Technocrats don't care about freedom/liberty/fiscal responsibility - they are opportunists, and will profit off of us, any way that they can.
    4 replies | 276 view(s)
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