12-12-2024, 09:59 PM
Power & Market
Ryan McMaken
The recent destruction of the Syrian regime, replaced by Islamists and Jihadists, reminds us that the American foreign-policy establishment in Washington continues to do the bidding of the State of Israel which exerts its influence through one of the most well-funded and extensive lobbying efforts Washington has ever known. The surreptitious alliance of terrorist Syrian Rebels, Israelis, and Americans, is just the latest manifestation of this working relationship.
For more than thirty years now, the US has repeatedly committed American troops and American treasure to carry out the bidding of Tel Aviv with no advantage gained for ordinary American people. The Iraq War—with its thousands of American casualties—the endless drone wars, the potential war in Iran, and the American alliance with jihadists in Syria, are all at the service of the Israeli state. Trillions have now been sent to fund various war efforts for the Israeli state, a foreign parasite state that continually calls upon Americans to toil and die for its benefit.
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