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  1. If the pastor done some message revolving around veterans it would bother me but he doesn't. Even if he did, he would still include the Gospel in the sermon. Something that a lot of pastors do not do. I tend to be more relaxed about such matters now than what I used to be. Unless it comes to heresy.
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    I'd probably get ticked off if I found myself in a service to glorify the veterans. I'm guessing you can probably figure out why. It just drives me crazy. Why can't people wake up?

    And yeah, what you said about Romans 13 does make sense. Except that unfortunately, the reality is the Founders are pretty much ignored now, and most people are OK with it. So how do we know when its a "real" monarchy? When they officially change the constitution?

    (BTW: I'm not convinced Romans 13 itself demands the kind of submission most people think it does. People don't seem to realize the context, right after Romans 12.)
  3. we just go. if they want to celebrate the veterans for their service then that is fine with me. they only do if while singing. they don't dedicate a whole service to it.

    I haven't been to Sunday school in a while so I am not real sure. I have only heard him mention it a couple of times in the past though.

    " deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --"

    I take it that founders set up our government in a manner that the government is the citizens employee. The founders believed that our government gets it power from its citizens. With that, I have to believe that that is the way that God wanted it to be in this country. If He wanted to, He could have set it up for us to have a king. Because of that I don't believe that we have to submit to our government in the way that Romans 13 describes. In this country, our politicians should be the ones that are being to told to submit to the citizens(true rulers). Maybe that makes sense.
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    Just to be clear, I'm only asking because I'm curious, and I don't know many people who agree with me in real life.

    Do you attend church on Veteran's Day? Why or why not?

    How often does the Sunday School teacher discuss Romans 13? What's your take on Romans 13?

    Good on finding a reformed pastor. That's the most important thing, IMO. Arminian pastors virtually always miss the gospel in some way or another.
  5. View Conversation
    How is the church you attend when it comes to things like military/police veneration and politics in general?
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