• Henry Rogue's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:28 AM
    Don't apologize, don't ask for forgiveness, just double down on your evil ways.
    7 replies | 208 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    09-29-2024, 07:05 PM
    If you have watched any of the interviews from the work done by MuckRaker.com that went door to door to find the missing children, the people they were turned over do reported that "they just gave the child away" like they were PETS. No identification, one signature (that was probably FAKE) and they do not give a fuck if its HUMAN LIFE. So yes, the number of small children that have gone missing has gone up, by at LEAST 325,000, and likely closer to a MILLION. Thats ONE MILLION HUMAN BEINGS. Children of immigrants. Is this what we are supposed to be REPLACED WITH? Immoral Illegal Immigrants who have literally now SACRIFICED THEIR OWN CHILDREN to our Pedo Network in order to get FREE ACCESS TO YOUR SHIT! Thats their Wealth Redistribution, you work hard, you earn your stuff, then they FIRE YOU, give the illegal YOUR JOB, then you cant pay your mortgage on your house so they foreclose on your house and they literally give the illegal YOUR HOUSE AND YOUR JOB. See, a Democracy might sort of work with a MORAL MAJORITY. What we have coming in does NOT REPRESENT ANY MORALITY when they are LITERALLY SACRIFICING THE LIVES OF THEIR CHILDREN. Then our society collapses under the weight of its ENTITLEMENTS and we have actual and literal CANNIBALISM. And they seriously want us to all sit by idly while they implement their paradise? Their paradise is FUCKING HELL ON EARTH.
    970 replies | 116133 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    09-28-2024, 01:21 AM
    With the upcoming strike, we could easily see total food supply disruption (which is the PLAN), then it aint gonna be CATS the Haitians are eating, rather PEOPLE. Shut down all the gas to the whole country (strike) for a MONTH and see what happens when grocery stores can not receive ANY foods shipped in because ALL TRANSPORTATION is shut down. See if anyone has two brain cells to rub together and conclude that is not only a viable threat but their fucking plan. THEY WANT US DEAD. Cats is just the tip of the Haitian Iceberg. (yes, I know, very oxymoronic)
    970 replies | 116133 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    09-28-2024, 01:16 AM
    As trustworthy as Benedict Arnold, or a rattlesnake wearing a PET ME sign around its neck. (since people are fucking morons, Benedict Arnold is a KNOWN TRAITOR TO THE NATION historically)
    18 replies | 4739 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    09-28-2024, 01:13 AM
    Klamydia... Im gonna steal that joke from you! Collapsing the economy IS THEIR GOAL. Make no mistake that IS and has ALWAYS been their plan. Cloward Piven has several key points: - Import as many illegals as possible to destroy the fabric of voting - Overprint the money supply to cause the currency value to go to ZERO They want COMMUNISM.
    2 replies | 2939 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    09-28-2024, 01:07 AM
    https://www.brighteon.com/3a8fa5e2-0cc4-46b4-9d92-a61783d1805f Alternatively, people might be able to help out at https://www.thealexjonesstore.com as infowarsstore does not appear to be accepting payments at this time. Does anyone care? Alex Jones was and still is right.
    49 replies | 9530 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    09-28-2024, 01:03 AM
    Hittlary (oh did I misspell her name accidentally? thats not misinformation thats just a very simple typo) For PRISON!
    5 replies | 2739 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    09-28-2024, 12:59 AM
    https://www.brighteon.com/b73f4b8f-c53b-4b58-b235-f415e0026d05 nuff said
    2 replies | 3603 view(s)
  • Henry Rogue's Avatar
    52 replies | 5692 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    09-14-2024, 06:56 PM
    Lets clarify: Remember their definition of democracy means literally to DESTROY THE NATION. Stop defending democracy.
    4 replies | 1601 view(s)
  • Henry Rogue's Avatar
    09-13-2024, 08:27 PM
    I would be interested to learn Robert Higgs perspective on his current residence. Not sure where he lives, but I think it's somewhere in Central America, I think it's been a few years since his move.
    3 replies | 680 view(s)
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    Tried to answer your pm, but your inbox is full.
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    Hope I wasn't too annoying in chat last night. I was a little hammered. I woke up and found the wine box sitting next to the computer - that's never a good sign.
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    Good questions. He just told me he's logging on now.
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    Regarding those hypocrites and those who have abused and mistreated others for their own selfish gain, we too should pray for them, for they have been seduced by evil and have become slaves to their passions, and their souls are being dragged into the pit, especially those including those who have chosen the side of Satan over our Creator. When we think of people like Jay Z who in his millions has turned to the occult, we should have fear for them and pray for their souls and repeat the words of Christ and St. Stephen the first martyr, "forgive them Father for they know not what they do". Our feelings for them should not be one of joy for their sufferings, but rather hope and prayer for their eventual repentance.
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    In addition, we as Christians know how this will all end. We have been assured by Christ that upon his return Satan will be destroyed and the darkness and evil in creation will be extinguished forever. But the Satanist are banking on a complete different ending, one in which 'God is destroyed'. This is what I meant when I said that they seek for the death of God. I probably didn't phrase it well the first time.

    I do appreciate the PM. I enjoy your posts and your perspective. I assure you, it is much easier to be a good Christian on the internet then in real life, and for that I ask for your prayers.
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    Thank you for the PM! Your inbox is full!

    Of course, when I say that satanists wish for the death of God, I do not mean that God can be destroyed. Rather, that is the lie they believe as worshipers of satan. Granted, God did die, and it was on account of Satan's treachery and the weakness of men which eventually led to Christ on the cross, and on the cross God the Son died and suffered a sinless death in order to vanquish the power of eternal death over men. This is the might and grandeur of the love our Father in Heaven has for his children. So instead of God dying and Satan gaining, the Christian paradox which has turned the world upside down is that God dies, and the power of Satan is rendered powerless. This is the mystery of the cross and why demons can't stand to look upon it.
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    I think tyhis is a case (Cop shoots up minivan) where "hard rhetoric" is in order. I was honestly confused by PaulConventionWV's post (Since most of his posts in this thread seem solidly aimed at proving that the pigs were unjust) but its clear that there's at least one hardcore apologist in this thread, and honestly, I think the only way to make him see it is to attack him to the point where he feels worthless. We can't convince him that he's wicked, he's too blinded to see it.
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    John Hagee believes in "Dual Covenant Theology." Basically, that means he believes in two methods of salvation, one for the Jews (Through adherence to Old Testament Law) and one for the Gentiles (By Grace Through Faith in Jesus Christ. ) I said that the fact that he believes that proves that he is a child of Satan, which is exactly what Jesus Christ told the self-righteous pharisees in his day, because they believed they could be saved through following the law.

    I was showing bewilderment that that damnable heretic is actually what passes for "Evangelical" now.
  9. View Conversation
    thanks, that speech was/is awesome
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    Thanks for the positive rep. I got 2 positive reps and 7 negative.Thank you for standing up for the truth.
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“The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them.” --George Orwell

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