I like your analogy, it really drives home your point. Only production creates wealth and it's true. Division of labor and specialization allow for the expansion of the production possibilities frontier. That is one lesson of Reed's "I Pencil". The lock downs showed us just how wretched the statist are. One galling thing they did was divide us into groups of the essential and the nonessential, I apparently was classified as essential as I drove to and from the job site on empty streets. Service Jobs don't directly produce things, but allow producers to increase their productivity.
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“The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them.” --George Orwell
Originally Posted by AuH20
In terms of a full spectrum candidate, Rand is leaps and bounds above Trump. I'm not disputing that.
Who else in public life has called for a pre-emptive strike on North Korea?--Donald Trump
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