Today, 01:04 AM
Sounds like your projecting your own feelings into others a tiny bit. Or maybe you and PAF have different definitions of "hatred." Moses at times had utter contempt for the children of Israel but then asked to die the second death when God decided to call Moses' bluff when Moses' muttered "God damn them" under his breath one to many times and God threatened to wipe them Hebrews out and start over with Moses. I doubt anybody here wants most of our fellow humans to die, even the ones who get on our last nerves by clinging to stupidity with every ounce and fiber of their beings as if, like Terrance Howard, they can make 1 times 1 = 2 if they just argue for it passionately enough. It's like this stupid ass cat eating story which there has yet to be any shred of actual evidence put forward in this long ass thread to back it up. I'm not talking about video of a barbeque somewhere of someone eating something. I'm not talking video of people saying "So and so told me that they saw their cat being eaten by a Haitian" (heresay). I'm talking direct, first hand evidence. And if you challenge people on that they get defensive and make accusations of the type belonging to someone who litterally drank the kool-aid. People are so far gone down their rabbit holes that they can no longer see the light. And that's liberals too. In fact they are the worst. "J.D. Vance admitted he created the story." No he didn't. His dumb ass mispoke. (Or maybe he's trying to sabotague Trump who knows). But that's one extreme. Thats what actual leftists are saying. Then the adlte brained on the right are like "There was a police report that a neighbor ate a cat and that neighbor must have been Hatian even though I don't have the actual police report to prove it." And you know what? Sometimes things are obviously true and you don't have the evidence to prove it. And.....that's okay. Twenty three years ago two planes knocked down three buildings. One of those buildings had previously surviving a bombing by an FBI informant. Do I have the evidence to prove that another FBI informant got it right on 9/11? No I do not. Do I have evidence to suggest that it happened? Absolutely! My acceptance of the limitations of the evidence that doesn't make me a "leftist" or someone who believes the mainstream media that I no longer even watch. But some addle brained people, who are sooooo caught up in their echo chamber that they can't fathom how other people still demand facts would think so.
Anyhow, the first time I heard the word "statist" was on this forum and it was used as a perjorative. I think I first saw angelatc (still in self imposed exile) use the term. You may or may not have used the term. But I've long been under the impression that most people here don't like the least it is until they do. My own view is the state is a means to an end. It's a temporary s1 Samuel 8:4-7 4 So all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah. 5 They said to him, “You are old, and your sons do not follow your ways; now appoint a king to lead us, such as all the other nations have.”
6 But when they said, “Give us a king to lead us,” this displeased Samuel; so he prayed to the Lord. 7 And the Lord told him: “Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king.
Judges 21:25 In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit.
Isn't it funny that the same Bible that on the one hand makes it sound like Israel was in chaos for lack of a king also says that wanting a king was rejection of God? Yes there should be order, but what should be the source of that order? Is this leftist right in the video below? Is libertarianism really a lie? Do you really need a town mayor and city council and paid police force for people to decide that they need bear proof garbage cans and maybe it's okay to shoot the bears if they actually come...
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