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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 03:07 PM
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 03:02 PM
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 02:56 PM
    Consolidating your "wins" versus opening a whole new front and possibly starting WW 3? Seems like they haven't learned the paintful lesson of a certain Austrian painter turned despot.
    31 replies | 986 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 02:51 PM
    There you go making stuff up again. Even Swordsmyth has to admit that I've never advocated one way or the other about open borders. That said, it's one thing to build a wall to keep out children. It's another thing to pull troops away from the border wall you just built right before an attack. I agreed with Trump on restricting travel at the beginning of COVID. That's because your analogy was dishonest. For an honest analogy you shoot your wife and kids with the shotgun so they can't be taken hostage after first turning off your alarm system and then you collect insurance money on their deaths. Make honest analogies and I won't dismiss them. They didn't need to. Netanyahu already paid Hamas to play their role. Going back to your dishonest analogy, if you pay people to break into your house, you turn off the alarm system, you kill a few of them but also kill your wife and children so they won't get taken away, then you collect insurance money on top of that, what do you think will happen? I'm starting to like your analogy now that I've fixed it up to be honest. Oh, and then on top of that you go back to the neighborhood where the thugs came from and start killed men, women and children there because some of the thugs got away. turns out that you wanted to buy up houses in that neighborhood. Hamas was funded by Israel in order to weaken the PLO, which had reached a peace agreement with the previous Israeli administrations.
    31 replies | 986 view(s)
  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    Today, 01:18 PM
    Well, I winning bigly, so I got a lot of wiggle room.
    22 replies | 5263 view(s)
  • Madison320's Avatar
    Today, 08:18 AM
    Trump has been surging in the betting markets. Trump is up by 5 on predictit. At one point he was down by 16.
    484 replies | 45602 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Today, 07:14 AM
    Former President Donald Trump said he would put an end to double taxation on U.S. citizens who live outside the country, if elected in November, with the promise marking the Republican presidential nominee’s latest campaign pledge to lower taxes on Americans. U.S. law requires Americans to file tax returns every year, even if they live and work abroad. It also requires them to potentially pay taxes to the IRS on their worldwide income in addition to any taxes they may have to pay in their country of residence, which is known as double taxation. While there are accommodations such as the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion (FEIE) and the Foreign Tax Credit (FTC) to mitigate double taxation, such arrangements reduce U.S. tax liability but may not eliminate it. Trump is now promising to eliminate the complexity of navigating U.S. tax obligations abroad by putting an end to double taxation for Americans overseas “once and for all,” he said in an Oct. 10 video statement. “You’ve been wanting this for years, and nobody has listened to you, and you deserve it, and I’m going to do it,” Trump said. “It’s the right thing to do, and no American leader has ever been willing to stand up and commit to you the way that I have on many things, but this is a very important element for your safety, security, and, frankly, for your wallet.”
    6 replies | 141 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
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  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Today, 04:26 AM 1844803849527169393
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  • donnay's Avatar
    Today, 02:26 AM
    Mark 10:6-9 But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
    2973 replies | 416152 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:09 PM 1844776578426736670
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  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:56 PM
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:08 PM
    Double whammy, Rob Smith is not only black, he's gay. Here's another black gay man voting for Trump.
    17 replies | 642 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:49 PM
    I'll ask him if it's ok to pass along.
    46 replies | 1547 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    7 replies | 236 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:58 PM
    Update of this story. Apparently this law has already been struck down.
    9 replies | 2002 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:52 PM
    Well I just found out about Remy and was about to post ^this.
    74 replies | 11085 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:50 PM
    Fuck fucking you, I'm just trying to help some people. Get out of my thread, you fucking asshole.
    46 replies | 1547 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:28 PM
    It's asking me for the last 4 of your phone number. You can PM me that if you wish. Anti Federalist, yeah there was a time we could raise $10,000 in 10 minutes. We're a long in the tooth movement at this point. It is what it is.
    46 replies | 1547 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    20 replies | 3535 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 12:33 PM
    And that's why I don't blindly "trust the science." The issue isn't science. It's dishonest scientists. Case in point Dr. Fauci. I know I'm preaching to the choir.
    43 replies | 5560 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    31 replies | 986 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 12:26 PM
    Just because you "discovered" something doesn't make your "discovery" correct. You discout undeniable facts (like Netanyahu had the plans for October 7th a year in advance, and that there were warnings from Israeli, Egyptian and U.S. intelligence right before the attacks happened) and go with right wing (Trumpist) talking points. I'm not impressed. If Muslims just wanted to kill all Jews, how did Jews manage to live among Muslims for centuries? And the people running Israel now aren't really Jews. Yes I said it. They aren't. Genetic testing proves they aren't. And yes you can convert to Judaism, but if you're an athiest and you don't have any genetic link to the region but all you can say is that your mother was Jewish by religion, that doesn't make you a Jew. This is insantity. Sammy Davis Jr. converted to Judaism and married a European non Jewish woman who converted to Judiasm and so his descendants are Jews, unless one of their mothers converts from being Jewish before they are born in which case they are not Jews? And they get a "right of return" to go to a land they had no connection with and take somebody's home who's family has lived there for thousands of years? And you're just going to ignore Irgun and their bombing of the King David Hotel or the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty? Yeah, I can't take you seriously regardless of your change in views.
    31 replies | 986 view(s)
  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:54 AM
    The problem is banking, not currency. If I had a way to participate in banking by depositing gold (or any other form of sound money) when I needed to, using it to make payments, and then pull it back out when I don't need it for banking, such a system would be naturally inflation proof. Bitcoin fails to solve this problem as well, because ultimately, it's pegged to the currency it is exchanged for and is thus volatile due to speculation. If you pull your money out, you're just back in another fiat system. You could easily build a reserve based banking system that allowed both gold and dollars. Such a system would localize currency issues to whoever decides to hold that currency and people would only be exposed to risk to the degree they kept there reserves in the system. Even that risk could be minimized by well thought out reserve transfer rules. Anyway, no one ever discusses this because everyone thinks about the best "currency". It ain't currency. That's part of it, but the bigger more important part is the actual banking.
    11 replies | 7903 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:11 AM
    Both of you are gaslighting. Trump has a strong record of tax cuts for Americans.
    67 replies | 3101 view(s)
  • donnay's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:00 AM
    Proverbs 10:18 He that hideth hatred with lying lips, and he that uttereth a slander, is a fool.
    2973 replies | 416152 view(s)
  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
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  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
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  • Swordsmyth's Avatar
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  • wizardwatson's Avatar
    10-10-2024, 08:26 PM
    Yes, Israel should all leave. Remove itself entirely from the middle east. Everything would be much better. God kicked them out, it was prophesied. What right do they have to return? Even Hasidic Jews acknowledge this point. Politically they are an occupying force that injected itself into a freshly emancipated Ottoman empire. Spiritually they have denied their own messiah. Not sure what exact "right" they have to be there. Where would they go? The same place all the Iraqi's, Syrians, and all the other war refugees the American/Israeli alliance created (who managed not to get slaughtered in indiscriminate bombing) when they waged their illegal wars...."somewhere else". If "Oct. 7th lies at the feet of Palestinians" doesn't the Iraq War and all the illegal shit we've done in Syria/Iraq/Afghanistan/Libya lie at your feet and the feet of all American's who "let it happen"? You seem to be under the post-911 terrorist boogey-man trance, that all the evil in the world is caused by rapist Muslim 18yr old psychopaths, hopped up on Captagon tablets and yearning for white sex slaves.
    22 replies | 5263 view(s)
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