Yesterday, 07:58 AM
The last time we talked about this I landed on "He should have just Spartan kicked her." There's really no such thing as a "good shooting" in my book because something has gone wrong to get to that point. (I guess shooting a deer when you're hungry is a good shooting but that's besides the point). I think there should have been a trial of the officer who should Ashley Babbit or at the very a public adversarial hearing where he had to explain himself. I don't buy the "It's obviously murder" argument that Tucker Carlson and others gave who seem to always want due process and "wait for all of the facts" for every other officier involved shooting. (I'm not sure what Tucker has to say for the officer who has now admitted he shot Sonya Massie in the face because he took "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus" to be a threat.)
As for the point of the Babylon Bee sketch, I get it. I'm just making a counter point. It's misleading. And everytime I've seen Fox News cover January 6th being "peaceful" the only show the peaceful parts. CNN only shows the violent parts. Same in reverse for the BLM protests. Dr.3D hit the nail on the head. There were two sets of protestors on January 6th. There were two sets of protestors for the BLM protests. Both sides have people who can honestly say that the protests they were involved in were peaceful. And I'm certain there were government provecetures who inflitrated both groups. And in both groups there were people who were not with the government who got carried away with the violence because they were gullible and impressionable. And that is how you divide and conquer. Go all the way back to the Tea Party protests which were followed by the Occupy Wallstreet protests. Both groups were made about the same thing yet both groups saw the other group as the problem. There is an old video that I can't find now of a Sarah Palin supporter who just couldn't believe Palin supported the banker bailouts. We're so easily manipulated it's not even funny.
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