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  • Snowball's Avatar
    77 replies | 824 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    Yesterday, 01:05 PM
    Snowball replied to a thread USAID Exposed in U.S. Political News
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  • Snowball's Avatar
    Yesterday, 12:56 PM
    Israeli Defense Minister Israel Katz on Thursday ordered the military to prepare for the “voluntary departure” of Palestinians from Gaza as Israeli officials are hoping to pursue ethnic cleansing following Trump’s proposals for the enclave. “I have instructed the IDF to prepare a plan that will allow any resident of Gaza who wishes to leave to do so, to any country willing to receive them,” Katz wrote on X. The Times of Israel reported that Katz held a meeting with Israeli military officials to assess how to get Palestinians out of Gaza in line with Trump’s proposal. Katz said the plan will include “exit options via land crossings, as well as special arrangements for departure by sea and air.” He said Palestinians should go to Western countries that have been critical of Israel’s genocidal tactics in Gaza. “Countries such as Spain, Ireland, Norway, and others, which have falsely accused Israel over its actions in Gaza, are legally obligated to allow Gazans to enter their territory. Their hypocrisy will be exposed if they refuse,” Katz said.
    77 replies | 824 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    12 replies | 448 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    Yesterday, 12:29 PM
    the ignorance is beyond words. never read a book, I guess.
    77 replies | 824 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    Yesterday, 12:27 PM
    fyi from Infowars...
    16 replies | 438 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:52 AM
    I'm going to burn your house down, then offer to relocate your family to a habitat for humanity trailer in the desert. That is generosity. By the way, it's my house now, goose.
    77 replies | 824 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:42 AM
    Her words are being misrepresented, because Trump never said there wouldn't be US troops, only that they are hopefully not going to be necessary. Not a single element of what he announced was really walked back at all. We give Israel BILLIONS every year, and all the fresh new bombs and other artilleries and even their jets are all "paid for" in American tax money. Along with new rifles and armoured bulldozers for the West Bank op that is coming. Right now, Israel Katz is drafting the plan to move the Palestinians who just migrated back to Gaza OUT at the point of a gun (we paid for). They are going to be given the chance to leave voluntarily. Those who don't leave voluntarily will be gradually shot and bombed until they get out. Drones will move them like cattle. It will be cleared and so will the West Bank, and the Syrian land stolen by Israel recently far beyond the Golan will also be defended by the Pentagon.
    77 replies | 824 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:33 AM
    Although it is true that Trump is on board fully with Ukraine never joining NATO, what's in the works is the accession of Ukraine into the EU by 2035. It doesn't take a genius to understand what happens if Ukraine joins the EU. By the way, when Zelensky stole the Ukrainians' farmland just before the war and sold it to Blackrock, that money is all unaccounted for. Cargill, DuPont and Monsanto/Bayer now own the majority of formerly native Ukrainian farmland, which USED TO BE written in their Constitution to be the people's land as a heritage without even paying for it, just by being there.
    20 replies | 487 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    02-04-2025, 04:59 PM taking corruption to a new level. very unAmerican. these pricks are stealing our money to load up on things that benefit themselves. it wil probably have crypto and ai in it. country is gone mentally. GONE.
    12 replies | 448 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    02-04-2025, 04:48 PM
    Moscow unhappy with Trump's rare earth metals deal with Ukraine
    20 replies | 487 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    02-04-2025, 09:36 AM
    “We’re looking to do a deal with Ukraine where they’re going to secure what we’re giving them with their rare earth and other things,” Trump told reporters at the Oval Office. “We want a guarantee. We’re handing them money, hand over fist.” US arms shipments to Kyiv briefly paused before resuming over weekend, sources say Plus a fresh billion in bombs, bulldozers and rifles for ethnic cleansing in Israel.
    20 replies | 487 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    02-03-2025, 04:07 PM
    Blackrock must have pulled him over in the hallway.
    20 replies | 487 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    02-03-2025, 09:40 AM
    It's all very sad and VERY targeted and intentional... a conspiracy.
    17 replies | 734 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    02-03-2025, 09:36 AM
    He wants the government income. I heard him last night. This is a money grab, and shoppers are going to pay, just another tax. If it was really about trade imbalances, all you have to do is enforce import quotas. But import quotas don't net tax revenue.
    74 replies | 1550 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    02-03-2025, 09:34 AM
    Poor in what way? They have higher home ownership rates, less debt, and larger families. Their lives are simpler. One could argue that they are more free than we are.
    74 replies | 1550 view(s)
  • luctor-et-emergo's Avatar
    15 replies | 370 view(s)
  • luctor-et-emergo's Avatar
    02-02-2025, 09:39 AM
    These are interesting times my friend.
    4 replies | 228 view(s)
  • luctor-et-emergo's Avatar
    02-02-2025, 09:36 AM
    Tariffs by themselves are bad as they make things more costly. I think the tariff on Mexico makes more sense than the one on Canada. What you can achieve with a tariff is an equal playing field, in the specific example of China, one where government subsidies, lack of environmental regulations, lack of interest in human rights etc. etc. are compensated by artificially increasing the prices of Chines products to the level they would be had it been produced locally. It makes total sense in the case of China as they are actively using this to gain more power over the world.
    68 replies | 1946 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    02-02-2025, 09:31 AM
    Donald Trump and virtually all our "representatives" operate within a very limited field of possibilities, that are retstricted by allegiances and lack of creativity and historical knowledge. It is because he/they are part of the system. I could write about this, and have, ad nauseum. Fighting inflation is easy, but he's not doing it. Supporting domestic business is easy, but he's not doing it. The tariffs of all the govs are not seen as permanent enough to alter business decisions. We're just going to pay more. And with the energy, if he wanted to use energy supply to help bring down inflation, he would not export American energy. Point Blank. Mexico and Canada just levied 25% against the U.S. Cui Bono? Big Government... and the scam rolls on.
    74 replies | 1550 view(s)
  • luctor-et-emergo's Avatar
    02-02-2025, 09:25 AM
    Exactly. I don't like the tariffs but it's the only way to equalise the playing field and have some means of production at home.
    74 replies | 1550 view(s)
  • luctor-et-emergo's Avatar
    02-02-2025, 09:22 AM
    How often has this groundhog actually been right?
    5 replies | 167 view(s)
  • luctor-et-emergo's Avatar
    02-02-2025, 09:02 AM
    Good cannot exist without bad.
    5 replies | 189 view(s)
  • luctor-et-emergo's Avatar
    02-02-2025, 08:59 AM
    When they publish the actual list of goods, can someone please publish it here? I tried looking it up but Trudeau announced the tariffs without actually having an idea on what exactly. I'm going to Canada tomorrow, so it will be interesting to see what Canadians think. I'll report back when I return.
    15 replies | 370 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    02-01-2025, 07:16 AM
    You know, Trump was never a real businessman. He inherited his wealth and invested in real estate, which for no reason other than INFLATION has risen enough to bail out all his fiascos. But in the early 90's, he was totally bankrupt, and the Rothschilds kept him solvent because of his popularity. Wilbur Ross was their employee who did it. Trump had at least four business bankruptcies, and MANY other vain ideas that failed, in product lines and at Trump University. What sent him into a tailspin was the overcommitment to Atlantic City in the 80's, because in the early 90's the Indians started building casinos in Connecticut, and race tracks in New York got video slots and poker, and became more like casinos, this sucked off the big New York/New Englad market which used to go down to Atlantic City for gambling. So, he was BK... and the early 90's was a horrible time for banks, because the aggressive money printing we live with since 2000 (especially after the 2008 banking crisis) was not in effect yet. Money locked up. Trump knows very little about how to be patient and succeed in business. His whole success is based on family connections and access to easy borrowing, and inflation which drives asset appreciation, as wealth is consolidated into the hands of the lenders - who tap the banks. His mentors were corporate raiders like Carl Icahn, books have been written about them, like The Predator's Ball. These financial robbers did things that were illegal just a couple years before. They quickly took advantage of the deregulations (Trump loves deregulation for this reason, and it's not a good one), drove competitors into BK and used financial instruments and backroom collusion with their fellow kabal members to choke them off the lending tree. Then, they would pick up the assets in fire sales as stalking horse bidders. These are the "geniuses" Trump admires. They destroyed families and American industry. Trump eventually climbed out of these difficulties he got himself into with the access to money out of England and New York because the Rothschilds saw "value" in keeping his persona active. Now, he's raising 25% across-the-board tariffs against both Mexico and Canada. Many home and construction goods are out of Mexico now, and food from Canada, and materials. We're going to pay 25% more just like we pay a lot more for imported, higher quality European food. Meanwhile, any effect on jobs will be next to nothing because nobody is going to shut down the system they switched over to 20-30 years ago because he's in office another for years. Also, rather than take the hard road and implement SOUND, CREATIVE financial policies that WOULD address inflation and debt, he's merely trying to pump oil out of it. Which is a freaking joke! On top of that sad joke, sits a lot of gravy train for his friends in new, FORMERLY PROTECTED areas that shouldn't be drilled. To add insult to injury, he plans to EXPORT the energy, and use it as another profit and political pressure weapon against other counties and so his kabal can make more billions. The available pool of energy for DOMESTIC CONSUMPTION of course will dwindle -- resulting in NO EFFECT to help Americans. Trump does some obvious, simple-to-understand "good things", while maintaining the overall death of old America. He is a CON MAN who succeeds precisely because the American system has been conquered and captured by a real conspiracy. American democracy consists of one group fully reliant on the government for its existence (communism), and the other resorting to "hoping" for a beneficial oligarchy - the kabal to turn good. We are pathetic and ignorant. Less than 2% of the voting public has any idea what I'm talking about.
    32 replies | 1306 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    01-31-2025, 11:04 AM
    Not really. The facts are out there. Let's leave it.
    1134 replies | 114621 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    01-31-2025, 10:04 AM
    You're not interested in anything but attempting to justify their actions. Which is sick, if you ask me.
    1134 replies | 114621 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    01-31-2025, 10:00 AM
    Chances of it being an accident are zero.
    91 replies | 3223 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    01-31-2025, 09:54 AM
    Right now, NYC is moving forward with a project for 2,200 beds for migrants despite the Bronx citizens being FURIOUSLY outspoken against it. Trump could send ICE right over and round up thousands. CRICKETS. TRUMP IS A CLOWN.
    23 replies | 1290 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    01-31-2025, 08:12 AM
    We're the freaking UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. You dump them on the beach and if anyone Fvcks with you, you kill them.
    23 replies | 1290 view(s)
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