Today, 10:26 AM
The Trump campaign has not been effectively managed, and there's been infighting, and reports it's become chaotic. There is a new, highly quoted The Atlantic article going around. My first reaction to the article was, this is tabloid trash, but I think there have been missteps recently which could negatively affect the campaign. It's become a little too unhinged.
In regards to this thread's topic, consider this - it's BAD POLITICAL STRATEGY. You don't tell millions of Americans you want to downsize things they depend on a week before the election when you've ALREADY GOT conservatives (both fiscal and social) IN YOUR CAMP by a wide margin. There is nothing to gain, and lots to lose.
Speaker Johnson also made a big mistake that I believe can hurt Trump when he talked about repeal and replace. Obamacare is what MILLIONS of Americans depend upon for healthcare. These people don't want Republicans to control all 3 branches of government, and therefore see Obamacare repealed.
It's bad politics, and the VAGARITY of stated intentions like Musk's to SLASH GOV by such a huge number are not going to help Trump win. The opposite is true. It could swing the election for Harris.
I'm not talking ideology here. I'm only talking about what makes sense from a campaign management standpoint.
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