01-01-2025, 09:40 AM
This is what millions of Americans are hearing, and although a strong dose of truth is included as has been Greer's approach, that small dose of truth being that most, 99%, etc. of UFOs including the plasma orbs are HUMAN, made on black ops sites, and its been ongoing for 70+ years, etc, and that there is a plan to fake an alien threat -- all true, but...
It's the BIG LIE that Greer either willingly continues to perpetuate, or its what HE'S TOLD by his sources among these groups. Who are lying. It's the Roswell lie, the Philip Corso lie (he ALSO was only TOLD) that they backenginnered crashed alien technology.
When Greer mentions the new descriptive term from insiders - calling the ET's the new term: NTI's (Non-Terrestrial Intelligence), what he doesn't say is the obvious... that THEY, the "Non-Terrestrials" are also 100% HUMAN. They have bases on the moon and Mars and perhaps elsewhere, and under the world's oceans, and in Antarctica. They are DISGUISING themselves as alien for POWER's sake.
Greer (who I am familiar with since the 1990's) is a Rockefeller operative. His inclusion into this sphere was at the direct behest of Laurance Rockefeller, and the Claiborne Pell associated wing, with the Clintons in tow. It is also connected with the Mellons although it is Christopher Mellon and Elizondo who more closely represent the "managed" CIA type "disclosure", Greer and the Rockefeller wanted a more advanced, greater and fuller "disclosure" of the energy and technology behind this, but are still (perhaps not allowed) to tell the truth about the ORIGINS of this technology being 100% HUMAN and rooted in stolen Nikola Tesla, T. Townsend Brown, and other scientists' work, many of whom were Germans, and continued Nazi-Era projects which are the real facts about WW II, still never disclosed, which is connected also to the Forrestall, Patton and Kennedy assassinations.
So, they are planning to do a false disclosure, while maintaining the "alien origins" lie, because it suits them the best - they STILL REFUSE to reveal the source and fountainhead of this world-changing technology, and there are many reasons for it, some are practical, others, nefarious.
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