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  • Snowball's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:43 AM
    Musk is just a gatekeeper, and his "X" is the right leg of a Masonic square and compass, not a real x.
    48 replies | 1000 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:40 AM
    Netanyahu - no deal - it's official.
    1083 replies | 89613 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    15 replies | 408 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    09-06-2024, 02:15 PM
    More than this. Possible 206,000 acre northern cal national monument in the same region. also new california marine sanctuary
    34 replies | 4723 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    09-06-2024, 11:37 AM
    yes, that's when the Dems plop their loads of "returns" from metropolitan centers. always after the Republican counts are in, so they know how many they need.
    6 replies | 226 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    09-06-2024, 11:10 AM
    nonetheless, he did make the change. you'd be surprised. there are marginally swing states, it's not all crystal clear.
    6 replies | 226 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    09-06-2024, 11:07 AM
    Candace should spend some time digging through the web archive of the old failed messiah blog. it was pretty much the only source for real news on what was really going on. Lots of info about all sorts of crimes and scams. Truly renown for its haredi abuse news. These are the ones who go to Israel. A topic that is never covered on major media. It was "bought out" unexpectedly and repackaged / purged in 2016.
    12 replies | 390 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    09-06-2024, 10:31 AM
    Should have done so from the beginning because guessing what is a swing state and what is not - is way too complicated for voters. K.I.S.S. But it won't matter anyway, because Dems count the votes in enough states to get past 270. They aren't going to let Trump in again. They can do it and get away with it. Not a problem. Harris will be the Potus. The fix is in. If you don't like it, you have the right to be arrested.
    6 replies | 226 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    09-06-2024, 10:24 AM
    "Experts from across the political spectrum joined this call for reform, describing the 1887 law as “woefully inadequate,” “outmoded” and “poorly drafted.” In December 2022, the Electoral Count Reform Act was passed within an omnibus bill. The new law makes important changes, including clarification of the Vice President’s role in overseeing the Joint Session where electoral votes are counted, raising the threshold for objections, and designating one state official who is responsible for submitting the state’s certified slate of electors. The law also creates a system for expedited judicial review." "Structural problems remain, including the Court’s willingness to pursue its preferred ends at seemingly any cost to our democracy, and it would be foolish to assume our work to avert another electoral crisis is done. But ECRA was unquestionably a necessary, positive reform and we are entering the 2024 presidential election safer because of it." "Generously Supported by UCLA Law."
    18 replies | 1811 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    09-06-2024, 06:46 AM
    Russia has no reason to negotiate with anyone about Ukraine. The only way Russia doesn't take west of the Dniper is if Putin deems it not worthwhile. Russia is too powerful and too attractive a partner on the world stage to give a crap what the US thinks about anything anymore.
    5 replies | 276 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    09-06-2024, 06:44 AM
    I don't think so. Nothing he's said all this time in any way challenges the Israeli actions or draws attention to the legitimate complaints and sufferings of Palestinians. When Trump was the first Potus to declare Jerusalem as Israel's capital, this includes the West Bank. He also declared Syrian land - the Golan - to be Israeli. And he bombed Syria and occupied the northeast quadrant of that country and Al-Tanf base. Trump will do whatever Israel wants, like assassinate Solemani who killed more ISIS than Trump. Btw Trump also let ISIS flee and gave them bus rides out of Raqqa.
    15 replies | 408 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 02:20 PM
    The two are not only not mutually exclusive, but rather causally linked. Greed is a vice which spurs on the call for money printing.
    3 replies | 416 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 10:49 AM
    Gallant Says Israel ‘Mowing the Lawn’ in the West Bank But Will Need to ‘Pull Out the Roots’ Fake Israel is slaughtering Palestinians every single day in both Gaza and the West Bank. All we hear about on the ZioTube is the 6 hostages. I wouldn't be surprised one iota if Trump gave West Bank to Fake Israel and made us pay for it. Neither would I be surprised if he went to war against Lebanon and Iran, and refused to meet Russian needs in Ukraine.
    15 replies | 408 view(s)
  • luctor-et-emergo's Avatar
    09-04-2024, 12:45 PM
    What democracy?
    15 replies | 549 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    09-04-2024, 11:48 AM
    But we don't all agree and that's what makes our sacred democracy so special and indispensable.
    15 replies | 549 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    09-04-2024, 11:47 AM
    article with interior links Friedman looks forward to proposing the plan to Trump when he's back in office.
    15 replies | 408 view(s)
  • luctor-et-emergo's Avatar
    09-03-2024, 03:19 PM
    Definitely capacitors in the adaptors. But no significant quantities of liquid either. Usually the first thing (or last depending on your view) on the input side of a AC/DC converter before the rectifier bridge. They do leak a yellowy liquid last I remember. But there are many different kind of capacitors with different fillings... Not a complete expert on it I am sorry.
    10 replies | 525 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    09-03-2024, 01:50 PM
    She gained 10 percentage points with white women over Biden. She also lost 8 with white men. There are going to be a certain percentage of women who just want a female president, and men who do not.
    15 replies | 549 view(s)
  • luctor-et-emergo's Avatar
    09-03-2024, 01:45 PM
    There are no capacitors in power cords. Power cords tend to be expensive enough as they contain copper. There are some fancy versions but apart from different kinds of strands for data, power, audio, shielding, etc. No other utilities are really put into a cable. That would be placed at the start or end of the cable, in a plug or other adapter that might be vulcanised in place. Then when it comes to capacitors leaking, if they do, they probably don't work anymore. And it's not that much liquid either... Enough to make a little mess though. So yeah look at other avenues... Otherwise, cut the cable, find out.
    10 replies | 525 view(s)
  • luctor-et-emergo's Avatar
    09-03-2024, 01:10 PM
    The problem is >0. NC has something like 10mln population, the whole country 330mln. Idk exactly what the population of the Eastern district exactly is, but it's less than all the population of NC. So country wide there should, when extrapolated be at least 33x the amount of cases, maybe double or triple that... Without factoring in that NC might not be the place that has the most likelihood for voter fraud. Around this place we actually have statistics on how likely a shoplifter is to get caught. Apparently it's 1:5000.
    22 replies | 568 view(s)
  • luctor-et-emergo's Avatar
    09-03-2024, 01:02 PM
    Yeah, but safe to say that nationwide it's more than 19.
    22 replies | 568 view(s)
  • luctor-et-emergo's Avatar
    09-03-2024, 11:41 AM
    Are these 19 individuals all cases from the Eastern district of NC? Or am I reading this wrong. If that is the case, the national number is a bit higher, for an estimate you can multiply that by population count, maybe weighed by the amount of foreign nationals or illegal aliens in an area.
    22 replies | 568 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    09-02-2024, 04:09 PM
    This quote from Zelensky has to be the most inane, vapid, dangerous and ludicrous comment by a country's leader that I've ever heard. It is SO outside the realm of sense that it is dark comedy. But he's serious. We have to recall that Zelensky IS AN ACTOR BY TRADE. He knows nothing. He IS a comedic actor. "You must realize, both here and in the capitals where you work, that Ukraine is separated from stopping the advance of the Russian army at the front by only one decision – which we expect from our partners. And this is a decision on long-range capabilities." It makes no sense at all to think that whatever long-range strike capacity could be launched from Ukraine would have ANY EFFECT AT ALL on the battle front. How have the CIA and MI6 allowed this man to remain in "charge" ?
    2456 replies | 254872 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    08-31-2024, 09:35 AM
    They lack the millitary capacity to go to war with Russia unless they accept the full destruction of America.
    41 replies | 2059 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    08-31-2024, 09:23 AM
    Yes, that would be correct. Somewhere between low 40s-low 50s percent of Americans do have no problem with or indeed want those things. Some of them are more popular than others, however, these numbers are on par with the percent of Americans who want Donald Trump in the office again. It is by no means odd if Harris wins. We're about half a liberal, socialist, feminist, secular country now, many of whom are dependent on the states and feds for life's necessities, and many of them are lured in by the prospects of more free stuff, like tuition and apartments.
    33 replies | 1101 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    08-30-2024, 03:08 PM
    I like Ron's essay. One word I sensed as important: "assume". Vis-a-vis Harris with Ukraine. The fact is, you have to assume, but it is only an assumption, that she would continue Team Biden's policies. Those policies are old. Obama is and was clearly against it, even though he did allow the regime change op, the path taken from 2022 onward, he spoke out against. The facts in Ukraine are going to be determined by RUSSIA now. Harris is likely to be much more practical, given the events of the last, will be 3 years if she takes office. I've heard insiders say she does intend to change the whole team. Harris could take some wind out of Trump's sail if she indicated her willingness to bargain or admit realities with Russia. She may even see them. The problem is, too many of her party perhaps are not yet. And she doesn't want to have to 'spain it to the globalist media. She can't do anything about it anyway without going to war against Russia, and she's highly unlikely to do that. Even now, Biden is resisting the call from UK to use Storm Shadows against Russia itself, and certainly isn't going to allow Ukraine to use the types of very long-range missiles with ultra-high payload capacities they desire. The Dems just don't want to admit they were wrong. Once the election is over, Ukraine is on its way out. No matter who wins, it's on its way out. Russia is going to get exactly what it needs. There's not a thing any American president can do about it, even if they wanted to.
    41 replies | 2059 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    08-30-2024, 02:53 PM
    and your point is?
    33 replies | 1101 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    08-30-2024, 12:41 PM
    Oh, so does this mean all the states and munis that have been violating the supremacy clause in regards to undocumented immigration and refusal to cooperate with ICE will be held accountable?
    23 replies | 660 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    08-30-2024, 08:23 AM
    One may discern the seed that sprouted our current state of affairs socially in letters such as this. Joseph C. Lovejoy went on a tour of the antebellum South, right before the War Between The States. Lovejoy, and Owen, whom he is addressing here, were both brothers of the murdered abolitionist Elijah Lovejoy. Joseph is not pro-slavery. He's just asking his brother up North to consider what's happening, and the best way to politically conduct any dissolution of slavery... peaceably, democratically, from within. Instead, the country was thrown into its worst turmoil. He says better to allow slaveholding to migrate to new states in the West, along with abolitionism, then let these new states, after their admission to the Union, decide for themselves at the State Level whether or not to outlaw the practice. This is a proposition that would have likely warded off the Civil War. He thought the nature and aspect of abolitionism was going to cause more harm than good. It was 1859, and he was right. But there are just a few sentences I wanted to draw attention to, and it's not about slavery, it's about the seeds of secular humanism, the fruit from which we are living in our times. The letter is only 12 pages.
    1 replies | 966 view(s)
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