10-09-2024, 09:46 AM
The historical record shows that ideologies concerning trade are disconected from expected outcomes. There are false distinctions and incorrect assumptions, all argued by ideologues of laissez-faire and "free trade", and "managed" trade, but the outcomes are not causally connected, and the complex arangements within and between nations are misrepresented for political posturing, to gain votes, or advocate for wars, or colonize and subjugate both native and foreign populations, so that they are forcibly assimilated into the state or corporate hegemonies. The division between corporate and state hegemonies was and is over-emphasized by ideologues, to the extent that such advocates, while maintaining the veneer of intellectualism, always ended up presenting hypotheticals as truths, and disguised publicly bad outcomes as rising from "the other side", namely socialism or state entitlement programs, or any organized popular resisance to laissez-faire, which became necessary in all nations, after the exploitations and consolidations of wealth and power (resulting from laissez-faire capitalism) created the political need for lawful adjustments; thus, "free trade" and de-regulation of financial markets IS responsible for communism and socialism, because the populations subject to the unnatural consolidation of power and resources are unable to "compete" with the concentrated, amalgamated and international, indeed non-national, corporate oligarchy.
For example, in the U.S., this consolidation of monetary power took hold especially after the Civil War. The carpetbaggers were mostly foreign, and the influence of foreign money into the whole country, gradually would displace the domestic wealth, and subvert it to the Londoners, namely the Jewish banking houses, who, with their American employees, were able to quickly usurp the American financial realm. This gilded age of "American" oligarchs was financed by foreign banks. The most wealthy were indeed parts of members of clubs directed by the Judeo-Masonic societies overseas. What kept Americans satisfied with their lives at the time was very unique and unrelated to the machinations of "free" markets - the vast territory of new land. So, the Homestaead Act made acquisition and settlement of these lands free to all Americans, while the railroads were being built and the Midwest settled to connect the coasts, but over the course of just a few decades, the concentration of wealth became so extreme that Americans demanded change, and those changes took the form of labour laws, rights for workers, and the anti-trust laws that sought to restrain the foreign capital from owning the whole country in just a handful of people, and also protectionism became popular, to protect American industry from the more advanced British and Germans, and try to keep people able to start businesses that could sustain commuities with local ownership.
Still, it wasn't long before the foreign bankers were able to influence our weak, vulnerable Constitution and assail it with their own schemes, by directing their financial and criminal powers against our representatives and candidates, and continued to this day to employ this tactic, as it is the Achilles Heel of the Constitution, that the vicissitudes of elections and individuals are so great, yet, virtually all we have to protect the population, outside of the Bill of Rights (which may be exploited itself, ironically, to keep the takeover going), falls like a house of cards blown down by the free market globalist plutocracy. The outcome was never more obvious than when the Federal Reserve Act cemented the control of the Anglo-Judaic banking dynasty over our gullible and unsophisticated population by apparatchiks people actually voted for. This trend has been ongoing with only temporary resistance, quicky disposed of, for over 110 years since.
Later, as the enemies of the Judeo-Masonic invisible empire became, via the captured U.S. government, "our"...
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