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  • Snowball's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:36 AM
    We just have to trust him if he wins. It's the best shot we have politically. Life is hard enough without losing our society to boot.
    100 replies | 2711 view(s)
  • luctor-et-emergo's Avatar
    09-11-2024, 02:12 PM
    I don't really agree with him on a lot of things but I think he's on okay person really.
    28 replies | 2630 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    09-11-2024, 02:01 PM
    He is. He just doesn't always say what's really on his mind in public. Or even in private to the wrong people.
    100 replies | 2711 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    09-11-2024, 01:49 PM
    Trump Train :cool:
    100 replies | 2711 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    09-11-2024, 01:46 PM
    I thought it was great when Trump said Biden hates her. "He Hates You" and she didn't even bother to retort that. Then when he said Biden got 14 Million votes in the primary and she got Zero but they (Democrats) threw him out "LIKE A DOG", that "sad, pathetic man". It was classic. Well ppl I know that the standpoint and policy differeces myself and some others have with Trump are important, however, it became even more apparent to me last night that we simply have no other defensible option than voting for Trump this time. Therefore I am going to be voting for Trump anyway. Harris is suicide. Trump is going to carry more weight abroad and has moral instincts. He loves America. He knows history and complex matters better than most people, even if he doesn't express it for political or personal reasons, he is a man of substance. Now, regarding the possible use of American longer-range systems and missiles firing into Russia, I do not expect Putin to be exceptionally alarmed if it's only ATACMS. It would be a continuation of the present milieu but with appropriate responses when necessary.
    100 replies | 2711 view(s)
  • luctor-et-emergo's Avatar
    09-11-2024, 10:54 AM
    luctor-et-emergo replied to a thread 9/11 in History
    21 replies | 1199 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    09-10-2024, 03:46 PM
    They might also want to read Henri Delassus or Gougenot des Mousseaux. Among so many others.
    71 replies | 2573 view(s)
  • luctor-et-emergo's Avatar
    09-10-2024, 02:39 PM
    Idiocracy (2006) We really have come to the point where people live their lives, do not give fucks about things, continue to live their lives, while we're crawling closer to the edge.
    182 replies | 4480 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    09-10-2024, 02:27 PM
    can you copy and paste some text? Some of us (maybe not many, but I) refuse to open an X account, and links are no longer readable without registration.
    14 replies | 524 view(s)
  • luctor-et-emergo's Avatar
    09-10-2024, 02:27 PM
    Do I need to wake up for it? (3AM)
    182 replies | 4480 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    09-10-2024, 02:25 PM
    deport please.
    185 replies | 3997 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    09-10-2024, 02:13 PM
    expected to back off.
    68 replies | 4319 view(s)
  • luctor-et-emergo's Avatar
    09-10-2024, 12:18 PM
    Is that fact checked? Might be worth doing something with. (if true) Voluntary contribution to the community:
    72027 replies | 1964427 view(s)
  • luctor-et-emergo's Avatar
    09-10-2024, 12:12 PM
    Well, science is supposed to be a self cleaning thing. This might very well be peer-reviewed, but if all those peers have the same opinion, for now it might seem like sensible science. Until someone comes around that rebuts it, it should stand as science if it's anywhere legitimate. I've had a quick look, it does look like it's an organization that at least on the surface tries to do the right thing, but also seems to have an opinion on things. It's good for a scientist to have opinions, but when publishing research, it should be in a neutral way. But science would suffer if you do not allow people to publish their own papers, how good or bad they may be. In the end, all you learn in many years of university is to judge the quality of a paper, and some random stuff you most likely never use again. And yes, paying to publish is rather normal.
    11 replies | 526 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    09-09-2024, 01:06 PM
    Just more and more is it looking like Paul Craig Roberts was right all along. Putin should have gone straight into Kiev in 2022 and ended this. All that is happening is a riskier and more unpredictable situation. I don't see enough alarm. This is NOT OVER. Look at these headlines. They are verifiable from pro-Ukraine sources also. I'm also starting to think again that Prigozhin was right also on that day when he ripped on Shoigu over all his dead men in Bakhmut. The only possible justification at this point is that Putin is planning to work with whomever the next Potus is. I believe that is a fool's errand. The U.S. and U.K. have to be taught a lesson, and Poland needs to be scared shitless.
    2464 replies | 256090 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    09-09-2024, 01:04 PM
    Not going there. Doesn't matter. It's just shocking.
    16 replies | 660 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    09-09-2024, 01:02 PM
    Barnier is PM now, and it never would have happened without Le Pen's increased parliamentary victory. Barnier is an older, more trusted conservative with similarities to Le Pen on immigration.
    68 replies | 4319 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    09-07-2024, 08:43 AM
    Musk is just a gatekeeper, and his "X" is the right leg of a Masonic square and compass, not a real x.
    48 replies | 2534 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    09-07-2024, 08:40 AM
    Netanyahu - no deal - it's official.
    1087 replies | 90157 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    16 replies | 660 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    09-06-2024, 02:15 PM
    More than this. Possible 206,000 acre northern cal national monument in the same region. also new california marine sanctuary
    34 replies | 4787 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    09-06-2024, 11:37 AM
    yes, that's when the Dems plop their loads of "returns" from metropolitan centers. always after the Republican counts are in, so they know how many they need.
    6 replies | 424 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    09-06-2024, 11:10 AM
    nonetheless, he did make the change. you'd be surprised. there are marginally swing states, it's not all crystal clear.
    6 replies | 424 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    09-06-2024, 11:07 AM
    Candace should spend some time digging through the web archive of the old failed messiah blog. it was pretty much the only source for real news on what was really going on. Lots of info about all sorts of crimes and scams. Truly renown for its haredi abuse news. These are the ones who go to Israel. A topic that is never covered on major media. It was "bought out" unexpectedly and repackaged / purged in 2016.
    12 replies | 545 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    09-06-2024, 10:31 AM
    Should have done so from the beginning because guessing what is a swing state and what is not - is way too complicated for voters. K.I.S.S. But it won't matter anyway, because Dems count the votes in enough states to get past 270. They aren't going to let Trump in again. They can do it and get away with it. Not a problem. Harris will be the Potus. The fix is in. If you don't like it, you have the right to be arrested.
    6 replies | 424 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    09-06-2024, 10:24 AM
    "Experts from across the political spectrum joined this call for reform, describing the 1887 law as “woefully inadequate,” “outmoded” and “poorly drafted.” In December 2022, the Electoral Count Reform Act was passed within an omnibus bill. The new law makes important changes, including clarification of the Vice President’s role in overseeing the Joint Session where electoral votes are counted, raising the threshold for objections, and designating one state official who is responsible for submitting the state’s certified slate of electors. The law also creates a system for expedited judicial review." "Structural problems remain, including the Court’s willingness to pursue its preferred ends at seemingly any cost to our democracy, and it would be foolish to assume our work to avert another electoral crisis is done. But ECRA was unquestionably a necessary, positive reform and we are entering the 2024 presidential election safer because of it." "Generously Supported by UCLA Law."
    18 replies | 1836 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    09-06-2024, 06:46 AM
    Russia has no reason to negotiate with anyone about Ukraine. The only way Russia doesn't take west of the Dniper is if Putin deems it not worthwhile. Russia is too powerful and too attractive a partner on the world stage to give a crap what the US thinks about anything anymore.
    5 replies | 318 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    09-06-2024, 06:44 AM
    I don't think so. Nothing he's said all this time in any way challenges the Israeli actions or draws attention to the legitimate complaints and sufferings of Palestinians. When Trump was the first Potus to declare Jerusalem as Israel's capital, this includes the West Bank. He also declared Syrian land - the Golan - to be Israeli. And he bombed Syria and occupied the northeast quadrant of that country and Al-Tanf base. Trump will do whatever Israel wants, like assassinate Solemani who killed more ISIS than Trump. Btw Trump also let ISIS flee and gave them bus rides out of Raqqa.
    16 replies | 660 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 02:20 PM
    The two are not only not mutually exclusive, but rather causally linked. Greed is a vice which spurs on the call for money printing.
    3 replies | 475 view(s)
  • Snowball's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 10:49 AM
    Gallant Says Israel ‘Mowing the Lawn’ in the West Bank But Will Need to ‘Pull Out the Roots’ Fake Israel is slaughtering Palestinians every single day in both Gaza and the West Bank. All we hear about on the ZioTube is the 6 hostages. I wouldn't be surprised one iota if Trump gave West Bank to Fake Israel and made us pay for it. Neither would I be surprised if he went to war against Lebanon and Iran, and refused to meet Russian needs in Ukraine.
    16 replies | 660 view(s)
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