09-01-2024, 08:38 AM
Great resource. Lots of good info from AC. As always, I like to complete his insights by placing them in the context of the spiritual war we are locked in, lest people fall into despair and get black-pilled (just another W for the DS, as they see it).
They are using new material technologies, but absolutely nothing about what they are doing has changed over these past 2,000 years. It's been just one war the whole time, and the demonic abilities of spiritual wickedness were always beyond human science and understanding. For them, modern technology is just a fig-leaf to allow them to more effectively conceal what they're really doing behind closed-doors. Makes it seem clinical and "scientific". It is the precise opposite.
The New Testament is God's battle-plan for the church Age. The Gospel is the only real resistance. All other forms of attempted resistance will just be ground to powder by the network-of-evil as they continue to march ahead, unflaggingly. Wokism is not going to stop, even if they suffer a rare tactical loss at the 2024 polls. The real powers behind Wokism are far greater than any national election or even geopolitics. If you're awake to the human conspiracy, welcome, you've made the first big leap. Now, comes the second big leap -- and it is even bigger and more eye-opening: to understand that the only historical event that actually matters since 2,000 years ago is the Resurrection of Jesus. Everything else is just details. And whether the apocalypse comes in our generation or a future one, it is the only future event that actually matters, everything else is just details.
In the early church, the church building was often laid out with an icon depicting Jesus at the front and the angels flanking him (called the iconostasis). This icon was not there merely to be venerated as a depiction of our Lord; he was invariably depicted sitting on the judgment throne. Thus, the gathering of the saints for worship was thought of as a dress-rehearsal for the Day of Judgment. Every Sunday is Judgment Day. And the real lesson of this is that every day is Judgment Day. Peter explicitly states that this is how we are to live:
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