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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    Today, 08:15 AM
    ClaytonB replied to a thread War is Gay in Grassroots Central
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  • Theocrat's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:50 PM
    Call it "poetic justice." Trump dodged all of the Republican Primary debates, because he was so proud that he had a commanding lead with Republican voters (in the polls and in the eyes of the mainstream media), and he felt that Republican voters didn't need to hear his positions challenged and scrutinized with the other candidates. Now he lost what is probably his last debate to a candidate who, like him, dodged the public, flying high on the polls and favor of the mainstream media and would-be voters. Trump is an arrogant person whose ego got the best of him against a woman who memorized her script and played him by leading him into all the traps that Trump's persona couldn't help.
    21 replies | 486 view(s)
  • Theocrat's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:31 PM
    I'm against Zionism, not Israel because, theologically speaking, the Church is Israel (those who are covenantally united to Christ by faith and through baptism). So I am pro-Israel, in the Biblical sense of the word, not in the nation-state sense of a country which is Atheistic in its entire ethics, civics, etc.
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  • Theocrat's Avatar
    09-11-2024, 08:39 PM
    If you're voting for Trump, then don't complain about the conflicts in the Middle East and Israel's campaign to wipe out an entire demographic due to their ethnicity. Trump is a staunch supporter of aiding Israel in all of her military campaigns.
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    09-11-2024, 01:34 PM
    Lehto asked for a meme... wish granted...
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    09-11-2024, 01:09 PM
    Mask-slip. They really do believe this. All he has to say is that he "felt" there "might have been" some kind of illegal activity going on, and that's enough. He will be cleared of everything and will be promoted. I assume the family will file a lawsuit and it's possible they might get some damages out of it. But it still won't have been worth turning their entire life upside down for 2-3 years. So, he still wins the argument, no matter how wrong he is "legally". I can't speak for other Americans, but I have an ocean of fury at the boundless cowardice of policing in post-911 America. "You were trying to intimidate me." As she immediately retorts, perfectly, "I'm intimidating??" She's probably a buck, soaking wet. He clearly has small-man syndrome but even if there was an actual fight, she wouldn't stand a chance. Police department policies specify conditions in which police are permitted to use force, and those extend beyond physical contact -- verbal threats, verbal assault, intimidating behavior, and so on, are all possible reasons that a police officer might reasonably escalate the use-of-force. But the problem is that these exceptional conditions are then turned by the police into a game of dictionary-definitions, so that "she stepped within my personal space and raised her voice" becomes a carte blanche to assault and cuff her in her own home despite his illegal entry, refusal to leave when trespassed, and outright cowardice. I call it "pig-mind". The pig-mind, even when it is caught in blatant violation of the law, does not back down. Instead, it immediately begins scheming on how to flip the script. In his case, he saw that she was already emotionally agitated, so refusing to leave and ratcheting up the emotional confrontation might lead her to pop off. And while she didn't actually pop off, he only needed her to step forward to then have a pretext to say it was his interpretation "in the moment" that she was popping off, or about to pop off. And so he's 100% justified under "PD policy" to then attack and cuff her. Once she is arrested, it doesn't matter how much he was breaking the law because, in the end, "he was right", that is, she really was a dangerous criminal who wanted to resist an act of arrest, for which crime she was then charged. That's how the pig-mind works. The pig-mind is all over the place in modern society, I encounter it everywhere. It's not just in police, although policing seems to attract pig-minded people by the droves. You can see it in their eyes and hear it in their voices; the moment they know they've screwed up, their entire existence has one and only objective, and that is to somehow trip you up, and make it out like you were the bad guy all along, ex post facto.
    9 replies | 367 view(s)
  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    09-11-2024, 11:02 AM
    A moment of honesty: I'm worried about where this is going. The very fact that Trump conceded to have this debate on ABC and get gang-stomped by the "moderator" and Kamala in absolute cahoots, shows that something isn't right. Trump literally dodged a bullet in Butler, PA but be honest: a network of actors who are desperate and capable enough to take a crack shot at a former US President and current Presidential candidate (and, by all rights, should have blown his head off) isn't going to stop after they miss, no matter how frustrated they may be at having missed the shot. Remember, just being able to set up a shot like that is practically impossible. No "lone 20-year-old gunman" could just "somehow" arrange to even get in position for a shot like that. So, whoever did that had not only the motive but also the means to create that opportunity. The debate was basically the verbal equivalent of an assassination in respect to how absolutely one-sided it was. Kamala came out looking rational. She did not come across as her usual airhead schtick. It doesn't matter how astroturfed it was behind the scenes, 90+% of Americans are utterly clued out to that kind of thing. All they see is the broadcast itself. Soviet propaganda works. That's how you get communism, duh, because the propaganda actually works. So, if you're pinning your hopes on Americans "seeing through the lies", I suspect you are in for a desperate disappointment. I don't know how this election will turn out, but I rate the chances of Trump winning fairly and the results being honestly acknowledged, to be less than 1%. The potshot in Butler, PA was a stretch-goal, meaning, it wasn't their main hope. Throwing the 2024 election is the main goal, their last line of defense. And if they throw this one again, 40+% of Americans will wake up to what's really going on. But this time, it really will be too late. All that is left to do is to pray...
    176 replies | 3810 view(s)
  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    09-11-2024, 10:36 AM
    ClaytonB replied to a thread 9/11 in U.S. Political News
    Weaving along a graveyard footpath -- dusty and unkempt, bristle-dry grass on either side, too long and snapped like slender, desiccated straws by some passing beast of the night -- I spied a curious headstone sunken into the ground as though a chute into the underworld had been plugged to stop the world from draining away into the abyss. Unable to resist its gravitational draw like a planet falling into a passing black hole, I drew closer. Kneeling and sweeping aside the collected dust and leaves of years which had composted onto its face, I read the following: The United States of America Born July 4, 1776 Died September 11, 2001 "The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave"
    20 replies | 924 view(s)
  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    09-11-2024, 08:26 AM
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    09-10-2024, 01:11 PM
    Well, that escalated quickly... :astonished:
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    09-10-2024, 09:06 AM
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    09-09-2024, 03:07 PM
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    09-09-2024, 03:02 PM
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    09-07-2024, 04:48 PM
    I feel bad for Nvidia, they seem to be a solid company overall, but this correction was inevitable. AI has been in an unprecedented hype -- an absolute mania bubble -- for years now. The bubble was already in the red-zone by the time ChatGPT was released but after ChatGPT, the whole AI market went positively stratospheric. And while I do think that current-generation AI is going to have a truly revolutionary impact on technology and the economy, it's not the return-of-the-gods that the Spock-eared transhumanists have been claiming it is. In my view, that is the single biggest factor contributing to the Nvidia stock-price collapse.
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    09-06-2024, 05:53 PM
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    09-06-2024, 01:19 PM
    Open-source model set to clean ChatGPT's clock....
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    09-04-2024, 01:43 PM
    If there is a glut of timber, the market price will fall as it clears the excess (relatively speaking) inventory. Same for beef or oil or anything else. When there is a glut of new money, the market clears it in exactly the same way: by lower its price, that is, by devaluing the money. This has nothing to do with anyone's "greed" or lack thereof. It's simply the market clearing an excess and it is as inevitable as the sunrise. Each new batch of hot cash dumped into the market by the central bank will be cleared in exactly the same way, *ad nauseum*. Even the communists couldn't figure out how to stop price-inflation, no matter how many party "traitors" they lined up and shot...
    3 replies | 470 view(s)
  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    09-04-2024, 07:37 AM
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    09-04-2024, 06:00 AM
    How Elites Will Collapse America Like Rome: BlackRock, Trump vs Kamala & Market Crash | Whitney Webb
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    09-03-2024, 04:02 PM
    Whitney is an absolute gold-mine of information but this is her best interview I've seen yet. Her explanation of the dangers of social-media-based mind-control and AI in this video is superb, see this timestamp. This topic, specifically, is so under-appreciated, overhyped, and misunderstood that it's almost impossible to have a factual conversation about it. Which is precisely what you would expect in a society that has been psychologically and spiritually hog-tied with a mile of baling twine. People are more twisted up in knots than they can imagine. Sadly, that includes you and me, too. It's time to start waking up for real... we've been asleep long enough.
    1 replies | 276 view(s)
  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    09-03-2024, 03:25 PM
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    09-03-2024, 07:45 AM
    Here we go... :rolleyes:
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    09-02-2024, 10:46 PM
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    09-02-2024, 03:02 PM
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    09-02-2024, 12:39 PM
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    09-02-2024, 06:59 AM
    It will be the most secure election in history. Again. Ever. But only if she wins. Otherwise <*checks notes*>, it's a Trump/MAGA coup and the country is entering civil war.
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