Today, 01:17 PM
Technically, believers are not supposed to take any kind of oath, Jesus explicitly told us not to do that:
In the case of common "oaths", such as in a marriage ceremony, courtroom or public office, such oaths can be stated in good conscience by the believer so long as it is understood that this oath is simply a formal way of saying "Yes, I agree." The "or else" implied in oaths, however, is what Jesus is repudiating above. For the believer, there is no "or else", because every "Yes" and every "No" is itself as binding as any oath. The "or else" for the believer is being told by Jesus, "Get away from me, you evildoer, I have no idea who you are!" (Matt. 7:21-23)
So, I see no need for Trump to place his hand on the Bible or even to raise his hand, except as formalities. If he is a believer (which he claims to be), then his Yes must be Yes, and his No must be No.
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