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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    02-13-2025, 02:18 AM
    Related video: Linkificaysheown (read in the voice of Kevin from King of Queens) Watched. It was quite excellent.
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    02-13-2025, 02:14 AM
    Shhhhhhhh... *whisper* they can hear us...
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    02-12-2025, 12:08 PM
    I'm gonna tell my grandkids this is what happened... "See grandkids, pappy had to battle the digital imperialists using something we called the REFRESH BUTTON... but we just kept fighting until Tulsi Gabbard arrived and she put them all down in a single swoop and we were able to use the Internet again. You kids with your Quantum Augmented-Reality chip implants can't understand how it was back then. You had to be one tough cookie to survive the digital frontier back in them days..."
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    02-12-2025, 10:32 AM
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    02-10-2025, 05:51 PM
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    02-09-2025, 09:06 PM
    I still feel like you're missing the importance of pinning down a specific set of facts (whether true or false!) This is why Congress brings in, say, a general to testify on record about some DoD program. The hearing itself isn't going to "expose corruption" or "get to the bottom of what really happened", rather, you're forcing the opposition to make a move, any move. Once the move has been placed on the board, now there is something to play against. The Fed is playing "5-dimensional mind chess" where nobody's allowed to place any pieces on the board, ever. So, by definition, they can never lose. And that's the point. Pre-Clown World, I thought we would see a Bitcoin-fueled agorist revolution. That has kinda sorta happened a little bit overseas in places like Japan, El Salvador, etc. But the USG has proved that the 600 pound gorilla really can smash everybody's toys for as long as he's mad that he's not getting a cut of the action. So, Bitcoin has not taken off in the US to the extent I had hoped it would and is certainly not freeing up the economy as we need it to be freed up. So, this illustrates the importance of placating the 600-pound gorilla ... or putting him on a diet, or both. The gorilla is Congress, and its fat gut is the Fed. We need to get Congress to understand that it has a weight problem and when you start trying to "talk Congress", you have to start doing this weird MAGA stuff where you do stunts like renaming the Gulf of Mexico, etc. I don't make the rules, that's just how the game works. So, given that that's how things work in Clown World, we are stuck with trying to play with clown pieces on a clown chessboard. But the clowns and the chessboard are all invisible and the Fed's "moves" are completely non-auditable and exist only in their mind, and whatever moves they say they've made are subject to revision at any time. So, whenever we say, "Checkmate, that's corruption. This is money-printing that is causing inflation and we have receipts", they just back-peddle a little, say it was all a misunderstanding, and announce a different move. We need to force them to place a piece on the chessboard and actually move; then they can be pinned to that move. This is similar to why you have discovery in a court case... the pieces have to be placed down so both sides can prepare the actual arguments they will present. If the Fed is never audited, we'll never have anything to pin them down with, and so we're forever stuck in a Clown World air-chess championship in which they get to rewrite the rules at whim, never placing a piece on the board, and there will never be a feasible path to arguing in Congress that the Fed is actually destroying the American economy and is a spigot of criminal bribery and corruption, and Congress will not change its favorable stance towards the Fed, and Bitcoin or other alternative paths to economic freedom in America will remain blocked.
    21 replies | 126 view(s)
  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    02-09-2025, 07:23 PM
    Not in any simplistic sense, no. The Fed is like an enormous Wooly Mammoth... taking it down will require the cooperation of a huge group of people, and even after it has breathed its last, it will be a long time until it is fully parceled up and its anatomy understood. Right now, the Fed can permanently hide behind the shell-game of "Where's your data? Oh, that's right we haven't given it to you, dipshit." The Fed has been operating for over 110 years. That's a lot of data, and we have very good records of price inflation. The correlation in this data will obviously be 1.000000... to 1.000000... because the Fed is the overwhelming cause of all secular inflation in the US and the other nations under US hegemony.
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    02-09-2025, 02:39 PM
    Well, let's start with the most basic one: Fed prints money -> Prices rise Of course, the Fed is thoroughly corrupt because its reason-for-being is to commit the crime of financial fraud on a cosmic scale -- money-printing is just fraud. Thus, the Fed is the beating heart of corruption in this country, and well beyond... The Fed Is Not “a Good Idea that Became Corrupt”: It Always Was Corrupt You’ll Be Shocked the Learn There’s Corruption at the Fed
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    02-09-2025, 01:35 PM
    It's not about revealing new things, it's about pinning them down on amounts, dates, times, etc. As long as they can't be pinned down on any specific financial facts, they can always pretend that you're just "imagining things" when pointing out coincidences between moves by the Fed and other factors in the market. But once they are pinned down, they can't play that shell-game anymore... then Lucy will have some 'splainin' to do...
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    02-09-2025, 01:56 AM
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    02-09-2025, 01:28 AM
    This phenomenon alone has killed my interest in 90+% of all movies ... “Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Airman's Odyssey "Simplicity is the final achievement. After one has played a vast quantity of notes and more notes, it is simplicity that emerges as the crowning reward of art."
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    02-05-2025, 01:35 AM
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    02-04-2025, 02:51 PM
    I believe he means investing public assets in the market or something along those lines. Think of an SWF like the strategic petroleum reserve... sounds like a good idea on paper, but each party only thinks about how they can flip it for profit before their term ends. In the process, the asset itself gets destroyed. If Trump manages the SWF like it's his personal nest-egg (the Leftists will howl with anger), then it would be a good thing, because it will grow. But who comes next? And what happens to it then? From an Austrian perspective, a rational government (e.g. a monarchy) would have a rainy-day fund, just like any other organization should have. Under-capitalization is the #1 cause of business failures... they just didn't save up enough cash ahead of time to get them through the slumps. Governments are no different as far as that goes... there will be slumps and, in order for the organization to operate reliably, it needs to have some cash on hand to get them through those slumps. But again, the problem with democratic rule is that once you get your guy into power, every incentive is to plunder the pantries before you are forced to hand the key over to the other party at the end of four years. So, how can the pantry ever be kept stocked? $36 Trillion and growing says it can never be stocked. I'll be happy to be proved wrong, though. It's not impossible for Trump to do the right thing and to use an SWF as part of a strategy to bail the US out of debt faster than anyone thought possible. But the general concept is deeply flawed and, sadly, one good POTUS doing one good deed can't fix a perpetually broken system...
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    02-03-2025, 01:18 AM
    THREAD: TX - Houston-to-NYC United flight evacuated on ground due to engine fire
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    02-03-2025, 01:18 AM
    What in the world is going on in US airlines???
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  • ClaytonB's Avatar
    02-02-2025, 11:31 PM
    Asmon having a "We're not there yet" moment... Yeah, we're there... buckle up, buttercups...
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