10-07-2024, 08:46 AM
I wonder how much of the Nazi 25 point plan a lot of people on the left and the right would agree with?
The Nazi Party Platform was a 25-point program for the creation of a Nazi state and society. Hitler presented the program at the Hofbräuhaus Beerhall in Munich, Germany on February 24, 1920.
The 25 points combined extreme nationalism, racial antisemitism, and socialist concepts with German outrage over the Versailles peace settlement following their defeat in World War I. The program called for German rejection of the Versailles Treaty and for the inclusion of all Germans (especially those living in Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland) into a Greater German state. The Nazis also publicly declared their intention to segregate Jews from "Aryan" German society and to abrogate the political, legal, and civil rights of Jews in Germany.
The 25 points also included several measures designed to appeal to workers, the largest voting bloc in the Weimar Republic. These included calls for profit-sharing in large industries, the nationalization of trusts, free education, and an increase in pension payments.
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